(Elk Grove Instrumental Music Association)


Meeting Date:August 23, 2011

In Attendance: Ron Fiorito, Bill Baar, Terri Moskal, Sandy Cwiok, Sherri Hynes, Pam Nelson, Charlie Kandefar, Annette, O’Brien, Sonjia Leszczynski, Debbie Miller, Jill Nowak, Karen Barnes, Kim Niebuhr, Swee Cheng, Rose Carney, Jennifer Christopher, Valerie Carroll, Maribel Taboado, Tina Cotsiopoulos, Julie Baird, Yvonne Doruff, Cathy Hofmann, Cathy Brand

Call to Order:Terri Moskal, President

Fall Showcase of Music Committee: Kim Niebuhr, Annette O’Brien, Karen Barnes, Jill Nowak, Jennifer Christopher – will make a list of jobs to divide among groups and will give to Sarah. Will tone it down and make it simple and not serve dinner – will serve pizza to students. Will see if we can move start time to 6:30-9pm.

Director / Administration Reports

Bill Baar, Orchestra Director – Concert Orchestra has about 43 students, Symphonic 30 and Chamber 16. First rehearsal went well. There are many concerts/contests coming this year. ISU/U of I contest/trip is February 4th. The Solo/Ensemble contest will be at Elk Grove this year.

Germany Trip - 39 students have signed up – airfare is higher than originally quoted so Milan was eliminated. Flying into and out of Germany is more reasonable. Another idea being considered is moving the trip to spring break – would make the trip cheaper but would need to present new ideas to existing group. Still accepting deposits.

Ron Fiorito, Band Director – Camp was very successful. Schedule worked well having it spread out over two weeks - students were not at school the whole day. Band in the future may be allowed to use building on Fridays. Performance/bbq had a great turnout and the band performed great. They are ahead of schedule in learning movements. There is a drill scheduled for Saturday September 3rd from 1-4 pm to learn 3rd movement. They will be performing all three movements at the first football game, which is not usually done this soon. There will be no UofI contest this year. Will look for something to replace with it.

Treasurer’s Report - Sandy presented the report. Fees are about 80% collected. Most expense activity is camp expenses. EGIMA available funds as of August 2011 - $22,038.23

Motion to approve by Charlie and second by Annette

Secretary’s Report -Approved, Terri & Sandy

Upcoming Events - Football Games: We have 4 home games – need volunteers to help with water, taking out music stands, getting equipment on field, help pit with instruments before and after half time.

Lancer Joust: Lake Park September 10th. Perform at 11:30 – awards at 5:45 need to hang around to see if band goes to finals, which will, be later that evening.

Junior High Night: September 16th – Pizza(Rocco Vinos), water, t-shirts will be given to Junior High Students.

Wheeling: September 24th. Perform at 5:45pm on new turf field – awards will be given for each class around 7:15pm

Car Wash: September 18th Sunday 11:30-3pm at High School in front. Will need hoses, towels (Yvonne suggested using the boy scout towels) – may want to buy hoses and hose Y for future events. Debbie Miller will advertise on Village sign, Ron will ask school to put on the front sign, Pam will put on website and make flier, Terri will e-mail to e-mail list.

Parade: September 28th – will need parent walkers to help with water.

Old Business – Still have some positions for 2011/2012 school year open:

Volunteer Chair – Karen Barnes/orchestra, Jennifer Christopher/band

2nd Vice President - OPEN

Corresponding Secretary –Yvonne Doruff

Barnes & Noble/Fuddruckers – OPEN

Christmas Trees – Charlie Kandefer and OPEN

Spirit wear: looking to change venders – need to be able to transfer polo design – will look into ordering the marching band t-shirts for about $11.00 – can put names on back if they are all spelled and formatted correctly – looking to see if new company has a website or paper order.

Christmas Trees: will be selling trees soon – will need to order soon – need a co-chair to help Charlie plan and setup – during the sale will need volunteers to sell from between 5-8pm. This is a big fundraiser – last year we sold 220 trees plus wreaths – the tree prices will be the same as last year.

New Business - Fundraisers: fundraisers are a way for the students to earn money for their student accounts – money could be used for fees, trips, lessons, etc. The split is usually 80/20 with 80% being earned for student accounts. We are exploring new fundraiser ideas, some being – popcorn, candy, cheesecakes, and magnets. Rick Mirro will need to be e-mailed to see if we could do a certain fundraiser and if the dates are available.

Website: Pam is asking for someone or a system to flag her on what upcoming events to be put on website. Also if someone is willing to help with the website. It would be nice to put video/pictures of games/contest on site. Terri will add the website address on all future e-mails so everyone gets used to seeing the address of new site.

Open Discussion - Jazz Showcase: too much talking with café style – need to change a few things/location of coffee lady and food could be moved outside.

Motion to Adjourn - Motioned by Charlie & Annette

Next meeting September 20, 2011 @ 7:00 pm in the Faculty Lounge.