I’m a Michigan Kid!

By Gary Bower

Summer School 2008 Thematic Unit

Michigan Festivals / Lesson Plan / Extended Grade Level
Content Expectations (EGLCE) / MOVE® and Equipment
(Remember in MOVE® we select equipment based on the activity)
Day One / Read about Festivals (from book or other resources)
Pages 30-35 / English Language Arts (ELA)
Strand: Reading
Domain: Fluency
Understand basic concepts of text messages(e.g., appropriate page turning or visual attendance to the need for page turning, one to one correspondence between word read and word printed on the page).
Domain: Narrative Text
Answer simple questions such as, who, what, or where, related simple story elements in narrative text (e.g., characters, settings). / Like most people do when reading, they are in an upright sitting position. Therefore, a variety of seating options should be used based on individual student needs and support.
All of our classrooms used a circle or semi-circle for their reading format.
(Hopefully, this means NOT being in their wheelchairs.)
If your story is more interactive, then some students may not be sitting, but using standers or gait trainers to move about as prompted by the story.
Day Two / Day Two:
Arts and Craft Activity for all classrooms
Michigan Flag ( identify and paste pre-fabbed materials) / ELA
Strand: Speaking, Listening and Viewing
Domain: Listening Conventions (CN)
Understand and follow one and two step directions
Follow one and two step directions / Using the same variety of seating options based on individual student needs and support, students sat as a group around tables. Materials were on individual trays to accommodate physical assistance and closer proximity to students.
Another approach would be to use an easel and students standing in gait trainers or standers.
Day Three / Michigan Festivals
(All school activity – each classroom signed up to do a part of the festival. Festivals and brief explanations listed below:
Bologna– had bologna tasting, both whole pieces and ground for students needing pureed.
Cherry - frosted premade cherry chip cupcakes and cherry Kool -aid, and fresh cherry fruit
Tulip – white t-shirts provided by each room and used template to paint state of Michigan on it
Blueberry – baked blueberry cobbler and had fresh blueberries for tasting
Potato – Potato printing and play with Mr. Potato Heads
Voting for King & Queen / ELA
Strand: Speaking, Listening and Viewing
Domain: Listening Conventions (CN)
Follow one and two step directions
Understand and follow one and two step directions
Listen receptively and interact appropriate in conversation and as part of an audience (e.g., focusing on the speaker, not interrupting).
Listen receptively and interact appropriate in conversation and as part of an audience (e.g., orienting to the speaker, not interrupting). / This festival setting took place in our school cafeteria (due to inclement weather). Each classroom designated an area of the cafeteria for their festivals and students visited each festival by making their own choice.
Students participate using a variety of mobility equipment, i.e., gait trainers, bikes, dynamic standers, manually assisted walking. A couple of students due to limited long distance mobility were in their wheelchairs.