Eggleston Parish Council – Minutes of Meeting Wednesday 15th February 2017

1)Attendees Cllr E.Henderson (Chair), Cllr J.Donald, Cllr S.Gillard, Cllr R. Hutchinson.

2) Apologies for absence:Cllr W.Greenfield. Cllr L.Oxby, Cllr M.Souter. C.Bell (Parish clerk).

3) Declarations of interest: None

4) Parishioner’s complaint The resident who had recently made a complaint against the council had been invited to the meeting but did not attend.

5) Minutes of 4th Januaryfor acceptance and signature The minutes wereproposed by Cllr Hutchinson, seconded by Cllr Donald, unanimously agreed and signed by the Chair.

6) Matters arising and updated action points are attached to these minutes. The situation regarding the purchase of floodsax shown at item 11 on 4th Jan should have been an agenda item but had not been detailed. The Council agreed to the purchase of floodsax on the condition that the 20 which were to be purchased by Eggleston were stored in a safe place vat the Moorcock for use within our village as there appeared to be some grey areas about who would pay to replace them if they were used. It was also agreed that sand bags should be requested from DCC and they could also be stored at the Moorcock. Proposed by Cllr Hutchinson and seconded by Cllr Gillard. All other matters arising are shown on the action points attached to these minutes.

7) Planning An application had been posted on the website on 13th Feb which was too late to circulate, this will be on the agenda for the next meeting. The applicant is Mr.G.Lowson of 7,Church Bank – request is for a single storey extension.

8)Feedback from meetings


9) Finance The Chairman signed the bank reconciliations..

10)Recreation park maintenance – Tenders Three requests for tenders had been sent out and two had been returned which were opened by the Chair in front of the meeting. The first tender was from MDM garden services for £3365. The second tender was from Alan Robinson Tree and Garden services for £ 2284.08. The Councillors present were not impressed by either tender and were not prepared to discuss until a full council meeting was held to discuss the costs. Agenda item at next meeting.

11)SOPS These were due to be reviewed in advance of the Annual meeting.The Council agreed that there were no changes required to the current procedures but that the recently circulated media policy needs to be inserted. proposed by Cllr Hutchinson, seconded by Cllr Donald.

15)Parish clerk issues Timesheet - The clerk had spent only9.5hours on Parish Council work during January due to her accident Correspondence - None

The meeting closed at 20:00 Next meeting 1stMarch 2017 19:00 (to be confirmed)