EGF Andersen Consultative Forum

Monday 17th November 2014


Liam Woulfe, Chair / Tom Hogan, Chair, Andersen Workers Assc
Jenna Corrigan, Andersen member / Eamon Ryan, LEO
Anne Morris, Skillsnet / Paul Patton, LCETB
Jim Lynch, DSP / Aobhan Haverty, LCETB
Breda Flynn, LCETB / Dawn Coleman, LIT
Mary Blinkinsop, Andersen member / John McDermot, DES
Tim Freeman, DES / Jim Wadden, SOLAS
David Smith, SOLAS EGF / Joanne Morrissey, SOLAS EGF
James McNamara, Andersen member

Attendees to the second meeting of the EGF Andersen Consultative Forum were welcomed by Liam Woufle, Chairman of the Consultative Forum.

  1. Matters arising from the previous meeting
  • Urgent requirement to establish the promised EGF office.
  1. Consultative Chairman’s Update
  • The Chairman thanked again all members for their efforts in supporting the EGF programme locally.
  • He shares the urgency and concerns regarding the establishment of the EGF office and requested the matter to addressed, finally.
  • The Chairman stressed the importance of ensuring that EGF is embedded into the local community in Rathkeale.
  • He requested that the Workers Association and State Agencies work together and hold an EGF event in Rathkeale in Q1 2015. This is to ensure that all clients have a clear understanding of their options.
  • In respond to concerns regarding the NEET’s cohort of clients, the Chair requested additional inputs be provided to this cohort.
  • The Chairman requested full visibility for EGF within the catchment areas.
  1. Chairman of Andersen Worker Group
  • Expressed his and his colleague’s frustration with lack of activity on opening the EGF office.
  • Sought inputs as to what actions are be taken to address the situation, some months on from the request.
  • He stressed that the timelines on the programme of two years was tight, and the office should have been open to support local EGF clients.
  • His ex-colleagues could not travel to Raheen for meetings.
  • Mr Hogan requested a working group be formed to support the implementation aspects of the programme, especially for the NEET’s.
  1. EGF Co – ordination update
  • Update regarding the EGF office and outlined efforts to identify and agree suitable premises.
  • Such a premises requires compliance with all regulatory regulations
  • Reviewing alternative options.
  • EGF unit meeting clients in NCW, Raheen, Rathkeale
  • No EGF client going without service.
  • Activity update – as per presentation.
  1. LCETB
  • Ms Haverty, spoke about the importance working with the NEET’s group.
  • She identified possible issues that they faced, and that we should be cognitive of their situation and difficulties.
  • Both Ms Haverty and Mr Patton, will assist from an LCETB perspective in any possible.
  • Mr Patton stated that the LCETB was positioned to assist EGF Andersen and NEETS clients with an opportunity to attend a culinary Skills programme.
  1. LEO
  • Mr Ryan provided an update on LEO activity to date.
  • He also updated the forum on specific LEO grants which are available to EGF clients.
  • He raised some concerns re internal regulations and stated that he was working to find a solution to such matters.
  • Mr Ryan was fully supportive n the requirement to reach as many clients as possible and stated that LEO would attend any workshops.
  • He also agreed to run additional start your own business workshops. locally in Rathkeale.
  1. EGF MA
  • Mr McDermott informed the Forum, that the EGF application for Andersen’s was formally approved by the Commission.
  • Both Mr McDermott and Mr Freeman presented the 1st Implementation report to the Consultative Forum.
  • They also presented a detailed analysis of the activity and employment trends contained in the report.
  • Mr McDermott also stressed the importance of having a local EGF office in place.
  • He emphasised and echoed the importance of the EGF programme locally and that the Dept of Education and Skills will work to support all elements of the plan locally.

Agreed Actions

  • The issue of a local EGF office is of paramount importance
  • DS to brief the Chairman and worker representatives on progress
  • EGF event to be planned for q1 2015 for the NEETS cohort
  • LEO and LCETB programme offerings to be circulated to all eligible EGF clients.

Next Meeting

Date to be agreed

David Smith

EGF Unit

December 2014