Individual Performance Rating / Incident Name and # / Start date
Name / Incident Agency and Location
Home Unit Address / Incident Agency and Address
Position held on Incident


/ Trainee Position
Yes No / Incident Complexity
Type I Type II Type III / Dates of Assignment
From To
Outstanding- met all requirements and exceeded some (ahead of schedule, high
quality beyond requirements, highly effective or efficient, innovative, etc)
Satisfactory- met all performance requirements
Need to Improve- met most requirements, improvement needed in some aspects
Poor- unacceptable performance / Performance Level
N/A / Poor / Need to
Improve / Satisfactory / Outstanding

Arrive with GISS kit. Evaluate and assemble additional equipment to meet the mapping and display needs of the incident

Organize GIS work area and maintain supplies
Obtain available initial attack maps and data, pre-attack plans,
mobilization plans, maps, photographs, etc
Organize data according to NWCG Geospatial SOPs

Efficiently use available data sources to prepare incident maps and


Produce maps and other images to meet incident needs based on priorities and deadlines as directed by the SITL

Produce maps of acceptable quality and quantity for their intended
Solicit input from FOBS and Ops Section personnel to insure that
the most up to date information is reflected on incident maps

Download data from GPS units and incorporate data into incident GIS

Perform daily backups and maintain archival process
Prepare for transition by documenting processes. Transition data
and products to incoming team

Display a “Team player” attitude in personal interactions and

job performance that fosters Team unity and promotes effective
team performance
Perform job in a manner that promotes and protects the safety
and health of yourself, other incident personnel, and the public
Remarks (explain Outstanding, Need to Improve, and Poor performance ratings)
This rating has been discussed with me (signature of person being rated) / Date
Rated by (signature) / Home Unit / Incident Assignment / Date

NCS 226 3/2004