Effective Educator System – Online Evaluation System (EES-OES)
Executive Sponsor – Hanna Skandera, Secretary of Education
Executive Sponsor – Leighann Lenti, Deputy Secretary, Policies & Programs
Business Owner –Matt Montano, Director, Educator Quality Division
CIO/IT Lead – Michael Archibeque, Chief Information Officer
Project Manager – Matt Montano, Director, Educator Quality Division
Original Plan Date: August 22, 2014
Revision Date: December 5, 2014
Revision: 2.0
Revision History
1.0 Project Overview
1.1Executive Summary- rationale for the Project
1.2 funding and sources
1.3 constraints
1.4 dependencies
1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified
2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
2.1 Stakeholders
2.2 Project Governance Structure
2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart
2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee
2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities
2.3 Executive Reporting
3.0 Scope
3.1 Project Objectives
3.1.1 Business Objectives
3.1.2 Technical Objectives
3.2 Project exclusions
3.3 Critical Success Factors
4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology
4.1 Project Management Life Cycle
4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables
4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
4.2.1 Technical Strategy
4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables
4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
5.0 Project Work
5.1 Schedule allocation -Project Timeline
5.3 Project Budget
5.4 Project Team
5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure
5.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
5.5.1 Project Staff
5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources
5.6.1 Project Team Training
6.0 Project Management and Controls
6.1 Risk and issue Management
6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy
6.1.2 Project Risk Identification
6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach
6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy
6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach
6.2 INDEPENDENT Verification And Validation - Iv&V
6.3 Scope Management Plan
6.3.1 Change Control
6.4 Project Budget Management
6.4.1 Budget Tracking
6.5 Communication Plan
6.5.1 Communication Matrix
6.5.2 Status Meetings
6.5.3 Project Status Reports
6.7.1 quality Standards
6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction
7. 0 Project Close
Revision History
Revision Number / Date / Comment1.0 / September 9, 2014 / CIO Review
2.0 / December 5, 2014 / CIO Review
1.0 Project Overview
1.1Executive Summary- rationale for the Project
The State of New Mexico Public Education Department contracted with Teachscape in August 2013 to plan, implement, and deliver an On-Line Evaluation System (OES) to address the goals of New Mexico’s Statewide Effective Educator System (EES). The statewide observation and evaluation solution is configurable, scalable, adaptable, and provides
- Actionable data that aligns to the NMTEACH rubric,
- Tools for efficient observation across platforms and devices, and
- Can produce reports at the state and district level.
Teachscape online solutions for professional development support the development of classroom skills and strategies across a wide berth of topics for both the observer and teacher. Real life classroom scenarios demonstrate strategies in action that educators can immediately put into their practice. NM administrators did over 84,000 unique observations in year 1.
In year 2, NM PED will continue to work with Teachscape to determine requirements for the 2014-2015 school year evaluation templates and summative reporting. Teachscape will continue to enhance software tools and education outreach efforts to improve usability, and promote district ownership of their programs. State level reporting will be enhanced for better access, and production. Professional learning for observers will shift from product training for administrators, to a blended model collaboratively developed and delivered jointly with Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). There will continue to be emphasis for schools use of online professional development (Teachscape Learn) thathas a vast array of content around common core.
1.2 funding and sources
Source / Amount / Associated restrictions / ApproversState, PED FY14-15 Operating Budget / $4,163,135.02
1.3 constraints
Number / DescriptionC01 / Decisions not made in timely manner.
C02 / Adhering to defined schedule.
C03 / Gathering of all documentation and logic for development and implementation of the online evaluation software.
C04 / Gaining cooperation from the Districts and schools when defining business rules, specifications, and requirements surrounding local deployment.
C05 / Ensuring high availability of software to users.
C06 / Ensure high quality of training made available to teachers, principals, and superintendents.
1.4 dependencies
Number / Description / Type M,D,EdEP-1 / PCC Reviews. / M
dEP-2 / IV&v Reviews / M
dEP-3 / Documentation of issues, actions taken to correct any issues and enhancements made. / m
dEP-4 / Funding Requests. / m
dEP-5 / EES-OES Implementationteamestablishedand functioning. Project timelines are being met and roles/responsibilities are well defined. / m
dEP-6 / PED working with vendor implementing the software. Implementationteamestablishedand functioning. / E
Number / Descriptionasp -1 / Vendor will deliver on a timely basis and develop software according to PED’s specifications, requirements, and standards.
ASP-2 / NM PED and the vendor must identify designated project managers, available throughout the duration of the implementation effort to coordinate all customer-side project issues, attend trainings, meetings, etc.
ASP-3 / Project leadership will have adequate time for project planning activities.
ASP-4 / Requested data and/or information must be provided on time to adequately address all milestone/task timelines, deliverables through frequent review, and analytic reports.
ASP-5 / Necessary funding will be approved and managed according to defined standards.
ASP-6 / Timely delivery of necessary documents, flowcharts and logic for developing the software.
ASP-7 / Vendor shall provide an appropriate infrastructure to sustain current business operations, address new business initiatives, and advance PED’s major initiatives
ASP-8 / NM school districts and charters must meet minimum system and bandwidth requirements for access to the OES software products.
ASP-10 / Efficient responsive customer service is based on NM districts/charters calling Vendor Support for all questions and support needs.
ASP-11 / Account Setup information must be provided in a format provided by Teachscape unless modifications are agreed upon for new districts and charters.
ASP-12 / Teachscape requires that the individual with the proper authority sign all approvals and work agreements. NM PED needs to name the person responsible for written signoffs of workflow and formula/calculation requirements. Individuals are identified in project plans.
ASP-13 / Product training is dependent upon completion of setup and configuration of Teachscape products and services. In order to provide the most optimal training experience (materials, district training accounts) all training dates should have a three-week prior notice to the requested date.
ASP-14 / Teachscape will roll out next generation platform and products in July 01, 2015.
ASP-15 / NM will not experience loss in historical data or product functionality upgrading to Teachscape next generation products.
1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified
State Government Re-organization
Description: Changes in state government (executive, legislative) requires re-education of enhancement, upgrade, and improvement activities. / Probability - Med / Impact - MedMitigation Strategy: PED will work with executive, legislative leadership addressing requirements and specifications of enhancements, upgrades, and improvements.
Contingency Plan: PED will schedule appointments or prepare presentations to re-acquaint the new administrators on the goals, scopes, and previous agreements involved with enhancement, upgrade, and improvement initiatives.
Changes in state and federal mandates
Description: Changes in state and federal mandates will change the timelines and scope of work of enhancement, upgrade, and improvement activities. / Probability - Med / Impact - HighMitigation Strategy: PED will work with executive, legislative leadership addressing any changes in state and federal mandates affecting enhancement, upgrade, and improvement activities in progress or to be developed.
Contingency Plan: PED will schedule appointments or prepare presentations to re-evaluate timelines and scopes involved with enhancement, upgrade, and improvement initiatives.
Loss of Stakeholders
Description: Support from internal stakeholders (schools, districts, PED) impacts future completion of the enhancements, upgrades, improvements. / Probability - Med / Impact - HighMitigation Strategy: Engage stakeholders with the progress of the project, as appropriate.
Contingency Plan: The enhancements, upgrades, or improvements may not occur without support from key stakeholders, or non-approval of special appropriation.
Change of Administration
Description: Changes of Administration require education of new administration on enhancement, upgrade, and improvement activities. / Probability - Low / Impact - MedMitigation Strategy: Each PED division administrator appoints point of contact(s) to work with IT addressing requirements and specifications of enhancements, upgrades, and improvements.
Contingency Plan: The CIO and IT staff will schedule appointments to re-acquaint the new administrators on the goal, scope, and previous agreements involved with the project.
Vendor’s inability to complete deliverables and non-compliance
Description: Inability or non- compliance in completing deliverables in a timely manner to cause reporting to be incomplete and inaccurate. / Probability - Med / Impact - HighMitigation Strategy: Publish and agree to all vendor requirements and specifications for enhancement, upgrade, and improvement activities. CIO and assigned IT staff will monitor vendor compliance.
Contingency Plan: Contingency Plan - CIO will monitor vendor compliance and work with vendors in the event of non-compliance.
Inadequate staff resources
Description: FTE positions or contractual avenues must be available in order to hire personnel. / Probability - High / Impact - HighMitigation Strategy: CIO will coordinate with HR, SPO, and DoIT to determine available FTE positions to hire, and assist with the recruitment and contracting of personnel as soon as possible.
Contingency Plan: The timeline and possibly the scope of the project will be adjusted based on the available resources.
2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
2.1 Stakeholders
Name / Stake in Project / Organization / TitleHanna Skandera / Executive Sponsor / PED / Secretary of Education
Leighann Lenti / Executive Sponsor / PED / Deputy Secretary of Education
Policy & Programs
Matt Montano / Business & Project Manager / PED / Director, Educator Quality Division
MichaelArchibeque / IT Project Manager / PED / Chief Information Officer
TBD / Report software use issues, concerns, functionality suggestions / LEAs, Charter
Schools / Teachers, Principals, & Superintendents
Gene May / Day to day operations / Teachscape / Implementation Manager
Carlene Greene / Contract Oversight / Teachscape / Sr. Director Client Services
Gene May / Project Manager / Teachscape / Project Manager
Annette Rodriguez / Contract Oversight / Teachscape / Account Executive
Jane Manning Hyatt / Contract Oversight / Teachscape / Regional VP, Sales
Andrew Morrison / Contract Oversight / Teachscape / Chief Executive Officer
2.2 Project Governance Structure
2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart
Teachscape Implementation Manager will provide day-to-day guidance for NM PED in supporting districts. Implementation manager reports to Sr. Director of Client Services for managing and securing Teachscape resources for the project as described in SOW. Professional Learning Director also reports to Sr. Director of Client Services, again for securing Teachscape resources for training and professional learning. Sr. Director of Client Services reports directly to the CEO.
2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee
Role / ResponsibilityExecutive Sponsor / Provide strategic direction and policy approvals where required. The Project Sponsor will champion the project within the organization and ensure the overall success of the project.
Business Owner / Provide high level project oversight, vision, and direction. Determine and commit appropriate resources. Resolve issues and problems. Provides strategic direction to Project Manager.
Project Manager / Providesoversightforthe implementation of the software;ensures all programtimelinesare adheredto. Works with the Bureau and Vendor staff, Information Technology staff, and external stakeholders (Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents) concerning the SOW, software functionality and project deliverables.
Bureau Staff Members / Providesoversightofall reporting;providesproject management, planning,scheduling, assessment,andreporting documentationin collaboration with theEducator Quality Division Director, Chief InformationOfficer (CIO), the IT support team, and the IV&V contractor and external support (Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents)
CIO/IT Lead / Providesoversightofall reporting;providesproject managementcertification, planning,scheduling, assessment,andreporting documentationin collaboration with theNMPEDChief InformationOfficer (CIO), the IT support team, the Educator Quality Division Director, IV&V contractor and external support (Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents)
Vendor Staff / The vendor staff will build (NM specific), test and deploy product.
Stakeholders / Will meet regularly with IT Project Manager, and Bureau staff to support, guide and inform the work of the project. Their involvement is essential to ensuring that user requirements will be satisfied by the end product.
IV & V / The IV & V contractor will evaluate the work or products of a particular phase to determine if the requirements of the phase have been fulfilled. This includes an evaluation of:
- Project Management
- Quality Management
- Training
- Quality Management
- Requirements Management
- Operating Environment
- Development Environment
- Software Development
- System and Acceptance Testing
- Data Management
- Operations Oversight
2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities
Use this section to describe any special considerations regarding contact between the project team, the project manager, and individuals from various organizations involved in the project: Boundary, interface and responsibilities at the interface.
Teachscape has given special consideration to collaboration with NM PED contractor, SREB for purposes of providing integrated training in Year 2 implementation, which includes collaborative efforts on delivery, and custom materials. Teachscape considers this to be within the bounds of contract agreements. Requests for additional work items beyond professional learning will be considered by teams, and scoped. Authorization for additional work will have to be approved.
2.3 Executive Reporting
Deliverable/ Communication / Recipient / Delivery Method / Frequency / Responsible PartyProject Status / NMPED / Written / Monthly / Vendor Project Manager & Staff
DoIT Monthly Project Report / DoIT / Email / Monthly / PED IT Project Manager & CIO
IV&V Reports / DoIT, Executive Sponsor, Steering Committee / Email / Monthly / IV&V Vendor
Weekly Project Status / Project Team Members/Project Director / Email/Face-to-Face/conference call / Weekly / Bureau Team Members
Advisory Forum Meeting / Advisory Forum Members, Executive Sponsor / Face-to-Face / Bi-Monthly / Project Team Members/IT Project Manager/ Program Manager
Special Communication / Project Manager / Written or Verbal / As needed / Project Managers
3.0 Scope
3.1 Project Objectives
3.1.1 Business Objectives
Number / DescriptionBUS-1 / Continue to provide online evaluation system to all NM school districts and charters consistent with and in full compliance with the evaluation requirements of PED.
BUS-2 / Continue to provide online evaluation system to provide analysis tools that promote not only data-driven decisions, but serve to promote reflective conversations between administrators and teachers.
BUS-3 / Continue to provide access to wide array of online (Learn) and face-to-face professional learning opportunities tailored to the individual needs of administrators and teachers.
BUS-4 / Provide a comprehensive and concise software packagethus reducing those challenges associated with conducting observations of teachers.
BUS-5 / Monitor and support professional development and the resources needed to achieve personal and organization performance goals related to improve teaching practices.
BUS-6 / Incorporate NM TEACH summative measures, including such things as student achievement, teacher attendance, and observation of teaching practices into a summative report of the educators’ strengths and weaknesses.
3.1.2 Technical Objectives
Number / DescriptionTECH-1 / Provide an appropriate infrastructure to sustain current business operations, address new business initiatives, and advance EES-OES issues.
TECH-2 / NM school districts and charters must meet minimum system and bandwidth requirements for access to the OES software products.
TECH-3 / Produce new product updates, revisions, etc., as released throughout the duration of this contract.
TECH-4 / Ensure that all NM districts and charters are up to speed on new tools for managing users and assigning evaluations.
TECH-5 / Provide exports of software user management for updating STARS.
3.2 Project exclusions
All deliverables are accounted for in the contract and implementation plan.
3.3 Critical Success Factors
Number / DescriptionQuality Metric 1 / Performance to Schedule
Quality Metric 2 / Performance to Budget
Quality Metric 3 / Quality of Deliverables
4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology
4.1 Project Management Life Cycle
Phase – Year 2 - 2014-2015 / Summary of Phase / Key DeliverablesI. Year 2 Planning / All activities, deliverables, and dependencies identified. / Updated Project Management Plan
II. Design/Configuration / Configure software to meet evaluation design requirements of NM Teach. / PED Acceptance and approvals
III. Reflect Admin/SetUp / NM Districts are trained to use Reflect admin tools and maintain system locally. Exports file for PED STARS update. / Training Report
Export files, data validation
IV. Product Launch / Districts have completed Reflect admin training, have updated their users and are underway with observations. / Export file, data file validation, Training Reports
V. Summative / Update summative requirements for 2014-2015 summative requirements. / PED Acceptance and approval of Summative for the NM Reflect system.
VI. Implementation / Districts are well underway with evaluation plans
Professional learning continues to drive connections to online professional development.
Administrators continue to calibrate observation skills. / Observation Status reports
Statewide Analytical reports
Calibration reports
Acceptance and Approvals
4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables
Teachscape will provide all deliverables described in the Statement of Work. These deliverables include, but are not limited to:
- Configured evaluation design to meet NM PED requirements
- Monthly progress reports per contract requirements,
- A comprehensive professional learning plan,
- Analytical reporting for Reflect
- Status observation reports, and
- Regular export files from Teachscape User admin.
Please see statement of work milestones schedules, tasks, and target dates for additional information.