EENA Board Meeting July 23, 2013 7PM
Attending: Andy Brunelle, Cam Johnson, Sandy Thiel, Leslie Halverson, Maureen Grisham, Christa Patton, Lee Honsinger, Tiffany Robb
Guests: Suzanne Squires, Derek Hurd, Ross Blanchard
June Minutes approved
President’s report
WSA Benches – any action is in hands of WSH/HOA Board
ACHD - request for Markings on Streets that warn of STOP sign – waiting for reply from ACHD. Suggestion made that people call John Wasson directly – 387-6100 to give feedback or comments about STOP signs
Table Rock Climb August 3 – Maureen will make handout about EENA website and picnic to give out at event.
Shooting Range – neighbors complaining of noise and long hours. City has proposed to put restrictions on it – limit hours and days – Planning and Zoning Meeting August 12
Armory – Suzanne Squires spoke about condition of trees that are not being watered, and hoped that we could help. Bob Bennett asked permission to write a letter to Mayor, Parks and Rec, Armory Committee (copy to developer) about run down condition of property and dying trees. Motion made and passed.
Financial report – account balance $898.09 as of July 17th.
Website – Tiffany is new Chair of committee
Discussion on renewal of contract 1yr =$185.88, 3 yr= $328.74. Board voted to go with 3 yr contract – Grant will pay for this.
Logo competition for EENA – information on website. Deadline to submit is end of August. Designs will be brought to EENA Picnic and neighbors will decide winner.
Old Business
Neighborhood Reinvestment grants – nothing new. Still waiting for Steve Lord to provide the suggested placement of the Historic Signs. Bob is working with the City to schedule another meeting with the Historic Society to discuss the Pit Toilet placement.
Old Business (cont)
Japanese Beetles – Cam reported that many beetles are being found. Concerned residents need to call the Department of Agriculture. EENA can only forward comments to the Dept. Of Agriculture since this is a State mandated program.
New Business
Historic Preservation Guidelines -Derek Hurd, from NENA, spoke about planter strips between road and sidewalks along their streets – concern that ACHD can override Historic Preservation Committee code. NENA believes that City and Neighborhood Associations should have some say since it is historic preservation district and changes being made are not within code. NENA wants EENA to support asking for communication/dialogue between groups. (Benches would have fallen under this also). Derek will draft letter and send to EENA for approval.
Ross Blanchard brought to us that the City denied the building application for 510 Coston. The original hearing was deferred for the develop to revise and be resubmitted. Ross’s concern is that lack of sidewalks on that street and the new building plan does not provide for sidewalks. Ross asked that once the new Notice is send that the Board votes to take a stance on this issue and send in comments.
Picnic – Christa will look into reserving park for September 29th
Next Meeting: August 27th 7PM
Meeting adjourned at 8:26pm