This template will allow you to work offline to compose (and spell check!) the critical text needed for your EE School Profile. When ready, just login to the website to cut and paste your data into the online form. It is not necessary to enter “not applicable” for fields that don’t apply. Simply leave these fields blank so they won’t show when your profile is published online. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Please enter your text in the fields below…School Type:
Select one from the menu: / ___ Home School
___ Private/Independent School
___ Public Charter School
___ Public Magnet School
___ Public School
*Name of School:
Please provide a brief overview of your school. You may wish to include # of students, location (urban, sub-urban, rural), school mission, or anything unique about your school as related to environmental education. If your school is a magnet or charter school, please also note the special focus of your school.
(1500 characters max)
Please provide a shorter version of your school description to be used in search results.
Hours School is in Session:
*Public Contact Information:
Example: 555-444-1234 ext: 11
Note: You may also add individual contact names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and roles using the "Add Individual" link after submitting an EE School Profile. / *Office Number 1:Office Number 2:
Fax Number:
123 Example Street
Suite 1
Townsville, GA, 36789
Age/Grade Level Served:
Please select all that apply. Choose the best match(es). / Pre-K3rd Grade6th Grade9th Grade
Kindergarten4th Grade7th Grade10th Grade
1st Grade5th Grade8th Grade11th Grade
2nd Grade12th Grade
EE Programs:
Which of the following environmental education programs and resources are offered to your school community (students, teachers, parents, etc.)? / ___ After School Programs
___ Celebration or Special Event
___ Club for Students
___ Committee to Support School-wide EE Efforts
___ Environmental monitoring/Citizen Science Projects
___ Environmental Service Learning Projects
___ Field Trips and/or Outreach Programs for Students
___ Overnight/Residential Programs for Students
___ Professional Learning Opportunities for Teachers
___ Teaching Materials or Kits for Teachers
Descriptions of EE Programs:
Please provide important details about the extent of your school’s environmental education programs. (2000 characters max)
What types of special events (Earth Day celebration, water festival, outdoor classroom events, EE week, etc.) are offered?
What types of field trips are offered, how often, and for what grade levels?
Describe any additional programs not included in the checkboxes above.
Green and Healthy School Features and Activities:
In which of the following areas does your school currently model environmentally sound practices? / ___ Air Quality (Indoor)___ Air Quality (Outdoor)
___ Building Design and/or Site Planning
___ Chemical Management
___ Composting
___ Energy Conservation
___ Environmentally Preferable Building Materials
___ Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
___ Food Systems
___ Hazardous Materials Management
___ Integrated Pest Management
___ LEED Certified Building
___ Litter Prevention
___ Native Plant Habitat Restoration
___ Natural Learning and Play Area
___ Recycling (1-2 material types)
___ Recycling (3-5 material types)
___ Recycling (6+ material types)
___ UV Radiation Protection
___ Waste Reduction
___ Water Conservation
___ Water Pollution Prevention
___ Wildlife Habitat Restoration
Descriptions of Green and Healthy School Features:
Please provide important details about the green and healthy features of your school.(2000 characters max)
What types of materials (aluminum cans, plastic bottles, Styrofoam trays, cell phones, printer cartridges, tennis shoes, etc.) are collected for recycling?
What methods (timers, motion sensors, student-led “electricity patrols,” solar panels, etc.) are used to conserve energy.
How does the school reduce air pollutants (anti-idling policies, retrofitted cleaner school buses, safe routes to school for walking or biking, carpooler rewards program, etc.)?
Describe any additional features and activities not included in the checkboxes above.
Outdoor Classroom Features:
Which of the following features are included in your school grounds AND used by teachers to support environmental education? / ___ Amphitheater
___ Bird Feeding Station
___ Compost Bin or Area
___ Farm Animals
___ Field, Prairie, or Meadow
___ Garden - Butterflies / Insect Pollinators
___ Garden - Hummingbird Pollinators
___ Garden - Special Needs / Accessible
___ Garden - Theme
___ Garden - Vegetables or Herbs
___ Greenhouse
___ Native Plant Landscape
___ Nature Trail
___ Pavilion, Gazebo or other Sun Shelter
___ Picnic Tables, Benches, or other Study Sites
___ Stream, Creek, or Pond
___ Sundial
___ Supplemental Water Source for Wildlife
___ Trees, Forest or Arboretum
___ Weather Station
___ Wetland or Bog Garden
___ Wildlife Shelter
Descriptions of School Outdoor Classroom Features:
Please provide important details about your school's outdoor classroom features AND how they are used to support environmental education. (2000 characters max)
What types of theme gardens are present and how do teachers use them to help students meet educational objectives such as creative writing, mapping, measuring, collecting data, etc.
What environmental monitoring or citizen science projects are conducted at the stream, in the butterfly garden, using the weather station, etc.
Describe any additional features not included in the checkboxes above.
Recognition for Excellence in EE:
Please list the EE awards, certifications, recognitions, grants, etc. earned by your school; teams of teachers and/or students; or individual teachers or students. Please include year(s) of award, certificate number, etc. as applicable.
(1000 characters max)
National Wildlife Federation Schoolyard Habitat Certificate #345,
2005 Scotts Classroom Gardener of the Year Award,
2006 National Gardening Association Youth Garden Grant Recipient,
2007 State Envirothon Champions.
EE Strengths and Needs:
Please describe your school's greatest strengths, areas of expertise, and/or EE programs that could be models for others. Please list any EE interest areas where your school would like to receive help from others. (1500 characters max)
Community Partners in EE:
Which EE organizations, partners in education, businesses, etc. support the school’s EE efforts and how?
(1000 characters max)
Green County Master Gardeners Association – a representative serves on our outdoor classroom committee and additional volunteers help with garden maintenance.
Keep Greentown Beautiful – staff provided assistance with setting up our recycling program and present education programs to students during our annual Earth Week.
Greentown Hardware – often donates supplies or gives discounts for special projects (ex. donated lumber for building our composting bin.)
EE Professional Organization Membership:
Check if you or your school pays organizational or individual membership. / ___ Environmental Education Alliance (EEA) of Georgia