Stepping Stones (K and U of W)
- Explore objects
- Show an interest in why things happen and why things work.
- Talk about what is seen and what is happening
- Describe simple features of objects and events
- Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses as appropriate.
- Ask questions about why things happen and how things work.
Colour My World /
Objectives: Year 1 / 2 (N C)
Scientific Enquiry- 1. to collect evidence by making observations and measurements when trying to answer a question
- 2a. Ask questions and decide how they might find the answers to them.
- 2b. Use first hand experience and simple information sources to answer questions.
- 2c. Think about what might happen before deciding what to do.
- 2g. communicate what happened in a variety of ways including ICT
- 2h. make simple comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations
- 2i. compare what happened with what they expected to happen and try to explain it drawing on their knowledge and understanding
- 2j. review their work and explain what they did to others.
Physical Processes
- 3a. Identify different light sources including the sun
- 3b. that darkness is the absence of light
- Small Schools Science Scheme
Geog – day/night/sun/earth
History– past present – lights, gun powder plot, 4th July Christmas
RE – begin to know – other cultures/beliefs Divali, Hanukkah, Christenings and birthdays
DT – lighthouse models, Kaleidoscope, periscope, lights in models
PE _ shadows dance
PSHE – visually impaired, safety- resist peer pressure/ feeling scare, streetwise
ART – shiny and reflective collage materials, mixing light dark shades, silhouettes
Maths – symmetry, time days and weeks, measurements of standards in standard and non standard units
Comm, lang, literacy, stories, poems shadow playsusing simple shadow theatre. Lights in stories, e.g. Alladin
Science – Nocturnal animals
Fiction / Non Fiction Books:
Light house keeper – Ronda and David Armitage
This is the Bear and Scary Night – Sara Hayes
Laura’s Star – Claus Baumgart
Kippers birthday, Kippers Monsters- Mick Inkpen
Dark, Dark Tale -Ruth Brown
Peace at Last - Jill Murphy
Milo and the Magical Stones, Rainbow Fish – Marcus Pfister
Can’t you Sleep Little Bear – Martin Waddell
Night Walk- Jill Newsome and Claudia Munoz
The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark – J Murphy
Range of Non Fiction books
Digital camera – black white pictures
Range of Torches ( Switch on and off) , disco balls
OHP and screen
Liaise with older children to see light sensors at work
Toys with flashing lights, investigate how work
- Explore a range of light sources, torches, etc
- Use light sources with a collection of materials e.g. coloured cellophane, tin foil, reflective papers, mirrors, decorations, 3D glasses.
- Investigate light sources and reflective materials in dark boxes.
- Investigate coloured lights, Tree lights, disco balls …
- Experiment with, make and use shadow puppets.
- Explore shadows on a sunny day, shadow tag.
- Look for rainbow patterns. E.g. on bubbles, crystals, mirrors, kaleidoscopes
- Look for lights in the environment, discuss safety uses. Brake light, traffic lights, street lights.
- Comparing sources, candles, torches and brightness
Feeling objects in the dark
- Make dens using white sheet and a dark sheet. How are they different?
YR1 /2
- Identify and discuss different sources power of light – candles, torches( natural/manufactured)
- Provide a darkened area and explore different sources of light, increase light
- Explore materials using torches, reflective materials, fluorescent materials, sequins, jewels, decorations etc.
- Find objects in darkened room, discuss what we can see at night.
- Investigate fluorescent strips on bags, coats, find other suitable materials for this.
- Investigate light sources at different time of year identify electrical appliances/ mains safety
- identify toys, appliances and different batteries, +1- symbol
- battery, bulb, buzzer circuits and breaks in circuit
- Take children for walk to look for lights e.g. light on PC, warning lights.
- Investigate shadows: games, clocks, puppet, silhouettes
- Visits from Safety Officers, Fire Services, Road Safety
- Make a dark box using a thick cardboard box with a rectangular hole 10cm, place things inside, look in using torch. What can be seen?
- Describe ways of making shadows
- Draw, annotate light sources, natural and artificial
- Explain simply day and night
Little book of Investigations
Little book of props for role play
Ginn New Star Science
Ways into Science
\\corpfp2\lpdscommon\Early Years\2004 Mixed Age Planning\Objective - Light and Dark (Science).doc