EE / CEG / ME 456 - Introduction to Robotics
1997-1999EE 456 - 4. Introduction to Robotics. (co-listed with CEG and ME 456) An intro-
Catalog Dataduction to mathematics, programming and control of robots. Topics include coordinate systems and transformations, manipulator kinematics and inverse kinematics, trajectory planning, Jacobians and control. Prerequisite: Senior standing and MTH 253; proficiency in Pascal, C or FORTRAN programming.
Textbooks1.CraigIntroduction to Robotics, Addison-Wesley, 1989.
2.KoffmanTurbo Pascal, Version 6.0, Addison-Wesley, 3rd Ed, 1991 (optional).
3.BronsonC for Engineers and Scientists: An Introduction to Programming with ANSI C, West Publishing, 1993 (optional)
CoordinatorKuldip S. Rattan, Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science & Engineering
TopicalEach student should:
Prerequisitesknow the basis of linear algebra
trigonometric identities
be able to program in C, Pascal or Fortran
some understanding of 3D space; i.e., a coordinate system
LearningFor each student to:
Objectivesunderstand the concept of fixed and moving coordinate systems
be able to find the homogeneous transformation matrix relating two coordinate systems in terms of position and rotation
be able to find the homogeneous transformation matrix after rotation about and translation along the principle axes and about an arbitrary axis
understand link frames
set up link frames
find the Denevit Hartenberg parameters
obtain the direct kinematic solution of a manipulator; i.e., find the position and orientation of the end effector given the joint position
obtain the closed-form solution of the joint variables given the position of the end effects (inverse kinematics)
obtain the velocities of the end effector given the joint velocities (direct Jacobian)
obtain the joint velocities given the linear and angular velocities of the end-effector (inverse Jacobian)
be able to plan trajectories in the joint space
Computer UsageEach student will write programs in the language of choice to control a robot and perform symbolic manipulation of matrices using Mathematica or Matlab.. The machines controlling the robots are personal computers.
LaboratoryStudy the workspace of a robot, programming the robot and implementation of direct and inverse kinematic equations and trajectory planning to perform robotic tasks. Students are paired into design teams to broaden the engineering and computer science expertise available. Team project is a requirement.
Estimated ABETEngineering Science:1 credit or 25%
Category ContentEngineering Design:3 credits or 75% 041499