Edwin Analytics Report Summary – October 2017
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Achievement Analysis / ACCESS for ELLs District and School Summary
(EL327) /
- Displays summary results of WIDA ACCESS test for each grade in a school.
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Achievement Analysis
AchievementLevel: School, Districtand State ComparisonDistrict(PE303)
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Graphically comparetotal school and/or districtperformanceto state for English, Math, and STE
- Identifyareasformoredetailedanalysissuchaslargepercentofstudentsbelowproficient or below meeting expectations in oneormore subjectareas
- Identify areas for more analysis at school level, e.g., which strands and standards are most challenging and which subgroups have lowest performance
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Achievement Analysis
MCAS Results by Subgroup
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- For each subject area and grade level, compare district # and % at each PL for different subgroups: Gender, Low Income Status, LEP Status, Race/Ethnicity, SPED
- Examine achievement gaps district-wide to target intervention for low-performing subgroups
- Examine achievement gaps within the school with district and state patterns
- Identify subgroups for targeted instruction to improve poor performance
- Generate reports for several years and examine whether achievement gaps are lessening or widening
- Identify areas for more detailed analysis based on performance distribution, CPI, and/or growth data for particular grade, subject, and/or subgroup
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Achievement Analysis
PARCC Results by Subgroup
District (PE334)
School (PE434) /
- Provides the percent of students by PARCC achievement level and subgroup at the district/school levels.
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Achievement Analysis
MCAS Achievement Distribution by Year
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Examine school/district performance trends over time
- Identify typical variations in performance over time
- Compare school trends with district trends
- Red flag large downward trends at school/district level for further study
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Achievement Analysis
MCAS Detailed School Achievement Distribution
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Displays detailed student achievement distributions within scaled score bands.
- Drill down to identify students in a particular range of scores, e.g., on the cusp of a particular achievement level.
- District & School-Unsuppressed
- Assessment
- Achievement Analysis
Achievement Analysis (Student Level Info) / Student Profile Report
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Individual student report. Tables contain the following historical information for all enrolled years: SIMS history, history of school attendance, EOY courses and marks, MCAS achievement history, CD status (HS only).
- Student
- Assessment
- Individual Student Assessment History
Student Assessment History Detail
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Displays ELA, math and science MCAS achievement (scaled score, SGP, achievement) at the student level and breaks down the results (% correct) by question type and standards to inform teachers about an individual’s strengths and weaknesses and compare individual student results to school, district and statewide results
- Target instruction at individual level and small group level by grouping students with similar misconceptions or gaps in knowledge
- Available in on student per page and roster output (suitable for export to other systems)
- Student
- Assessment
- Individual Student Assessment History
Student Assessment History Summary
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Examine MCAS performance history for an individual student. If student claiming process has been done within the district, this report will contain complete MCAS history, even for tests that were not administered within the district.
- Student
- Assessment
- Individual Student Assessment History
MCAS Student Roster (All Subjects)(PE617)
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- At-a-glance identifications of students’ performance levels on all MCAS tests taken in a particular year for a particular grade level.
- Identify students who have not yet met MCAS requirements for graduation.
- Student
- Assessment
- Student Roster
PARCC Student Roster (PE637) /
- Provides a roster of students and their PARCC achievement levels, CPIs, and transitional SGPs.
- Can Use this report to look at groups of student performance on subclaims of standards
- Student
- Assessment
- Student Roster
MCAS Cohort Achievement History(PE607) /
- Displays percent of students at each achievement level for each tested year, number of tested students in each year/grade. Use to monitor achievement of a group/cohort* of students over time by examining their MCAS achievement distribution at each grade level tested. Identify patterns in grade level achievement distribution.
- Student
- Assessment
- Cohort Analysis
ACCESS for ELLs Student Roster (EL627) /
- Displays a list of students, their scale scores and proficiency levels in the skills and language domains that comprise the ACCESS test.
- Student
- Assessment
- Student Roster
MEPA Student Roster(PE626) /
- At-a-glance identifications of students’ performance on MEPA test taken in a particular year for a particular grade level.
- Student
- Assessment
- Student Roster
Curriculum Analysis / MCAS Results by Standard
District (CU306)
School (CU406)
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Identify school strengths and weaknesses in relation to district and state, especially important for analysis of performance at the strand and standards levels
- Identify relative strengths and weaknesses within the school among strands and question types to inform instructional/curricular decisions
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Curriculum & Item Analysis
Item Analysis / MCAS Test Item Analysis Summary
District (IT301)
School (IT401)
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Examine items for strands and standards for student misconceptions and gaps in knowledge
- Identify areas of misalignment between curriculum and state standards
- Identify areas of instruction to be strengthened
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Curriculum & Item Analysis
MCAS Test Item Analysis Graph
District (IT302)
School (IT402)
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- At-a-glance comparison of school or district performance with state performance (as benchmark)at item level for total groups and subgroups district-wide
- Identify items that may need to be examined more closely for student misconceptions or gaps in knowledge
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Curriculum & Item Analysis
MCAS Student Item Analysis Roster
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- At-a glance roster format provides performance level, scaled score, raw score, student growth percentile, and test item performance for students in a selected group
- Examine patterns of student performance for a group/class (across strands and question types) and use those patterns to form student subgroups for targeted instruction
- Prioritize question types, strands and specific test questions for next steps in an analysis of student performance for a class or other selected subgroup of students
- Examine response patterns for a set of students in a reading resource, special education, or LEP class at the beginning of the year to identify instructional starting points
- Student
- Assessment
- Student Roster
Student Growth Analysis / MCAS Statewide Achievement and Growth by District
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Scatter plot of achievement (% Proficient or Higher or % Meeting or ExceedingExpectations) and growth (Median SGP) for all or selected districts by subgroup.
- Compare an individual district’s growth and performance with all districts statewide.
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Growth Analysis
MCAS Achievement and Growth
District (GR301)
School (GR401)
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Scatter plot of achievement (%Proficient or Higher or % Meeting or Exceeding Expectations) and growth (Median SGP) for district/school subgroups, schools and grade levels.
- Identify areas of high or low growth within a school or district, in the context of achievement.
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Growth Analysis
MCAS Growth Distribution
District (GR301)
School (GR401)
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Horizontal stacked bar chart showing student growth level distribution compared to the statewide growth level distribution
- Use to compare the growth levels (very high, high, moderate, low, very low) in a school/district subgroup or grade level.
- District & School-Public
- Assessment
- Growth Analysis
Student Growth Analysis (Student Level Info) / MCAS Student Growth Scatter Plot
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Scatter plots of individual student achievement (scaled score) versus growth (SGP) in ELA and mathematics. Plots are color-coded by student demographics. A user moves the cursor over a student bubble to access more detailed information (e.g., name, SGP, scaled score or demographics) or drill down to student details.
- Identify patterns in student growth and performance, particularly in the context of subgroups.
- Identify students whose growth or performance is significantly different from his/her peers.
- Student
- Assessment
- Student Roster
Student Growth Report
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Data table with one row per student displays scaled score for ELA and mathematics (3 years) and SGP.
- Also includes median SGP for school and median SGP for selected student group.
- Examine patterns of student growth for a group and use those patterns to form student subgroups for targeted instruction
- Student
- Assessment
- Student Roster
Growth & Item Analysis
(Classroom Level Info) / MCAS Growth Distribution
District (GR301)
School (GR401)
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Provides educators with a 1-year summary of student MCAS (and PARCC 2015 and 2016) achievement distribution, median SGP, and growth distribution
- Runs for a specific grade-level test
- Can be run for multiple teachers and classrooms, for example, all grade 10 ELA course sections at a school, and includes achievement and growth bar charts for each teacher
- Teacher
- Classroom
- Achievement & Growth Analysis
MCAS Student Growth Scatter Plot
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- Provides educators with start-of-school-year or end-of-school-year MCAS % correct by standards and question type for their classroom(s).
- Displays % correct results for classroom, school, district and state, including the classroom/state difference.
- Runs for a specific MCAS grade-level test, including February Biology and retests.
- Can be run for multiple teachers and classrooms, for example, all grade 10 ELA course sections at a school
- Teacher
- Classroom
- Curriculum & Item Analysis
MCAS Classroom Item Analysis Roster
*Legacy and Next-Gen* /
- At-a glance roster format provides educators with start-of-school-year or end-of-school-year MCAS item analysis roster for their classroom(s).
- Examine patterns of student performance for a class (across strands and question types) and use those patterns to form student subgroups for targeted instruction
- Examine response patterns for a set of students in a reading resource, special education, or LEP class at the beginning of the year to identify instructional starting points
- Can be run for multiple teachers and classrooms, for example, all grade 10 ELA course sections at a school
- Teacher
- Classroom
- Curriculum & Item Analysis
Edwin Analytics Report Summary – October 2017
Edwin Analytics Report / Instructional Uses / Where in Edwin?- Tab
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EWIS / Early Warning Indicator System District View
(EW301) /
- Provides State- or District-level Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) risk levels of students by grade and school.
- District & School-Public
Early Warning Indicator System Graphical View
(EW302) /
- Provides graphical representation of the Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) risk levels of students compared to the district and state for the current school year as well as 5-year risk level trends of current students and the demographics/special population profile of the current students.
- District & School-Public
Early Warning Indicator System Postsecondary District View
(EW303) /
- Provides State- and District-level Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) risk levels of 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students for not graduating high school and missing postsecondary outcomes (college enrollment, academic readiness, and college persistence).
- District & School-Public
Early Warning Indicator Risk Indicator Analysis
(EW317) /
- A tool to analyze specific attendance, behaviors, and course Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) indicators for students in each risk level for a selected grade.
- District & School-Public
Early Warning Indicator Postsecondary Risk Indicator Analysis
(EW319) /
- A tool to analyze specific attendance, behaviors, and course-taking or academic trends for students in each risk level for a selected grade (10th, 11th, or 12th) and postsecondary outcome (college enrollment, academic readiness, or college persistence).
- District & School-Public
EWIS Subgroup Analysis
(EW318) /
- Provide educators with personally identifiable aggregate student risk levels of not achieving their next educational outcome, as determined by the Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS), by student subgroups within a District
- District & School-Unsuppressed
Early Warning Indicator System Student List
(EW601) /
- Details the risk indicators used in the ESE Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) model and the resulting risk levels of not achieving their next educational outcome for current students.
- Student
Early Warning Indicator System Student List- Postsecondary
(EW602) /
- Details the risk indicators used in the ESE Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) model and the resulting risk levels of not achieving educational outcomes in postsecondary education.
- Student
Postsecondary Analysis / Postsecondary Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: All Institutions
(CR301) /
- Details postsecondary enrollment, achievement, and outcomes of students from a MA public graduating class who enrolled in a public or private postsecondary institution.
- Uses National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) data
- District & School-Public
- Postsecondary Readiness & Success
PS Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: MA Public Institutions Only
(CR302) /
- Details postsecondary enrollment, achievement, and outcomes of students from a MA public graduating class who enrolled in a MA public postsecondary institution (e.g., "School-to-College Cohort").
- Uses data from Department of Higher Education (DHE)
- District & School-Public
- Postsecondary Readiness & Success
PS Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: Academic Preparation
(CR303) /
- Compares postsecondary enrollment and outcomes of students from a MA public graduating class who enrolled in postsecondary with the students' achievements in MA standards academic preparations: MassCore, AP course completion, and 10th grade MCAS.
- Uses National Student Clearininghouse Data
- District & School-Public
- Postsecondary Readiness & Success
PS Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: View by MA Public Postsecondary Institution
(CR304 ) /
- Details postsecondary enrollment, achievement, and outcomes of MA public graduating students from a fall enrollment class in a specific MA public postsecondary institution.
- It also contains details by "feeder" MA public high schools.
- Uses data from Department of Higher Education (DHE)
- District & School-Public
- Postsecondary Readiness & Success
CVTE Graduate Pathway Summary
(CR321) /
- Details postsecondary enrollment, outcomes, and continuation of vocational field of study for MA public school graduates who were CVTE concentrators and who enrolled in a MA public postsecondary institution.
- Uses data from Department of Higher Education (DHE)
- District & School-Public
- Postsecondary Readiness & Success
Student High School Academic Preparation and Postsecondary Experience
(CR608) /
- Provides student-level high school academic experience, postsecondary enrollment and outcomes for students graduating from MA public schools and enrolling in public or private postsecondary institutions.
- Student
- Postsecondary Readiness & Success
Student Progress Towards Masscore
(CR601) /
- Displays a list of high school students and their progress towards completing the MassCore recommended program of study.
- Identifies students that are falling behind and enables drill-drown to investigate course completions for specific students.
- Student
- Postsecondary Readiness & Success
Enrollment and Indicators / Attendance Data
District (EI301)
School (EI401) /
- Provides three years of school/district attendance trends (average days absent, rate, % chronically absent) up to and including year selected.
- Provides additional disaggregation of attendance data by grade and subgroup for the selected year. Prompts for year and district.
- District & School- Unsuppressed
- Enrollment & Indicators
Demographic / Demographics
(EI302) /
- Displays enrollment data disaggregated by school and subgroup for the selected year. Prompts for year and district.
- District & School- Unsuppressed
- Enrollment & Indicators
Charter School Demographic Comparison
(CS301) /
- Compares demographic data of the charter school to public school districts, from which the school draws most of its students, and to the state. The comparison includes schools in the sending districts with grade levels that overlap the charter school. Charter school demographics are compared to the minimum, first quartile, median and maximum demographic values from comparison schools in sending districts.
- District & School-Public
- Enrollment & Indicators
Educational Environment by Gender
District (EI303)
School (EI403) /
- Displays school/district enrollment data by gender and disaggregates by general education and by students with disabilities placements. Prompts for year and district.
- District & School- Unsuppressed
- Enrollment & Indicators
Educational Environment by Primary Language
District (EI304)
School (EI404) /
- Displays school/district enrollment data by primary language and disaggregates by general education and by students with disabilities placements. Prompts for year and district.
- District & School- Unsuppressed
- Enrollment & Indicators
Educational Environment by Race District (EI305)
School (EI405) /
- Displays school/district enrollment data by race and disaggregates by general education and by students with disabilities placements. Prompts for year and district.
- District & School- Unsuppressed
- Enrollment & Indicators