Edwardsville High School Media Center
Art and MusicResources

This is a list of major reference sets and resources for Art and Music research. Most of these items are in the Reference Collection. The Reference Collection is located on the top level of the Media Center. At the end of this list are Dewey Classification numbers, which will point you to relevant areas of the collection. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask at the Circulation Desk.

General Art Resources

Encyclopediaof TextilesR 677.03 AME

Random House Library of Sculpture and PaintingR 700 RAN

Each volume covers a different area of the art forms and contains an individual index at the end.

TheOxford Companion to ArtR 703 OXF

The Book of ArtR 709 BOO

Broken down by style and county. Includes a section called HOW TO LOOK AT ART.

The Encyclopedia of Visual ArtR 709 ENC

Encyclopedia is divided into two separate parts;

History of Art-divided into periods

Biographical Dictionary of Artists

Praeger Encyclopedia of ArtR 709 PRA

Arranged alphabetically, listing artists, schools, and major cultures.

Great Artists of the Western WorldR 709.2 GRE

Great Artists of the Western World IIR 709.2 GRE

Encyclopedia of PaintingR 750.3 ENC

The Tamarind Book of Lithography: Art and TechniquesR 763 ANT

American Art

The Britannica Encyclopedia of American ArtR 703 BRI

Dictionary of American ArtR 709.73 BAI

A Dictionary of Contemporary American ArtistsR 709.73 CUM


ArchitecturalGraphic StandardsR 692 RAM

History of Modern ArchitectureR 720.9 BEN

Two volume set covering the traditions of Modern Architecture and the Modern movement.

On-Line Resources for Art

Music Reference Sources

Multi Volume Sources

The Guinness Encyclopedia of Popular MusicR 781.64 GUI

Covers popular music of the last 100 years with concentration on pre 1950’s.

Contemporary MusiciansR 784.5 CON

Biographies of current musicians and bands such as The Cramps and Radiohead to Public Enemy. There is a cumulative index in the back of each volume.

The Illustrated History of Popular MusicR 784.5 MAR

Gives a history of rock n’ roll from early country and blues influences to modern genres.

Single Volume MusicReference Sources

The Book of World Famous MusicR 016.78 FUL

The New Harvard Dictionary of MusicR 780 NEW

Bakers Biographical Dictionary of MusiciansR 780.92 BAK

TheDictionary of Composers and their MusicR 780.92 GIL

TheRock and Roll AlmanacR 781.66 BEG

Thesongs, the stars, the scandals, the stories.

Musical Instruments: An Illustrated HistoryR 781.909 BUC

Music Bibliographies

The Literature of Rock, 1945-1957R 016.7 HOF

A bibliography of sources relating to rock music.

The Norton/Grove Concise Encyclopedia of MusicR 780 NOR

The Literature of JazzR 781.5 KEN

On-Line Resources for Music


Provides access to 3500+ informational files about classical music as well as 2400+ links to other web sites.

The Aria Database Index.

A searchable reference guide to arias by name, opera, language, and voice type, including translations into English and MIDIfiles for many of the arias.

Saint Louis University Music Reference Guide

Dewey Class Ranges

These are areas in the collection that may contain sources relevant to your research.

700 The Arts

720 Architecture

730 Plastic Arts Sculpture

740 Drawing, Decrotive and Minor Arts

750 Paintings and Painting

760 Graphic Arts Prints

780 Music