February 19, 2016
Conference Call Agenda
2:00PM – 3:15PM (Eastern)
2pm Eastern; 1pm Central; 12pm Mountain; 11am Pacific; 8am Hawaii
NEWCall in Number: 1-719-867-1571 Participant pass code: 949077
The Practice Group is grateful to SCRA for supporting the costs of our conference calls. If you do not have access to free long distance: the new toll-free number is 1-877-860-3058. The Participant Passcode is the same.
Member OpportunitiesThere are so many opportunities to get involved!
Opportunity / Description / Member Contact
Blog Coordinator & Blog Writers
Community Psychology Practice Blog / Work with team to solicit and maintain scheduled posts and help generate ideas for creative content related to CP practice (no experience required! ) / Carlos ()
Olya ()
Learn more HERE!
Contributing Writers
THEeory into ACTion:
A Bulletin of New Developments in Community Psychology Practice / Work with a team to choose exciting topics and write 500-750 word briefs on innovative community practice work. / Tabitha Underwood ()
Learn more HERE!
Summer Institute Planning Committee / The Summer Institute was successfully launched at the 2015 Biennial and provided professional development workshops for SCRA members and local professionals. Join this team to plan workshop topics, resource development, and coordinate logistics for its launch at the 2017 Biennial. /
David Julian
Learn more HERE!
Practice Council Executive Committee Representative / Excellent opportunity to serve as a liaison for the Executive Committee and represent the voice of the Practice Council on the Executive Committee and facilitate bi-directional communication between both groups. / Olya ()
Practice Council Secretary/Historian / Responsible for taking meeting minutes, works with leadership team to prepare minutes/agenda, and has a great opportunity to work with various PC workgroup leads. / Jasmine Douglas ()
Welcome newcomers! Please hang around after the call so that we can get your information. If you need to hop off early, email us:
OlyaGlantsmanBill Berkowitz
Kyrah Brown
Nicole Freund
Carlos Luis
Emma Ogley-Oliver
Liz Stone
Greg Meissen
Jasmine Douglas
Melissa Strompolis
Tom Wolff
Esprene Liddell
- Key Recommendations emerged:
- Fostering a culture of member participation and engagement
- Identify strategies that effectively welcome, connect and engage new members
- Identify strategies that effectively engage and recognized current members
- Identify strategies to enhance visibility of practice and Practice Council in new, engaging ways
- Enhancing and maximizing collaborative relationships with councils and interest groups
- Work towards (re)strengthening existing collaborative relationships
- Identify new partnerships to accomplish common goals.
- Membership indicated a need to address the SCRA Nominations Process
- A Welcoming/Recruitment Brainstorming Team was formed and convened
- Bill, Al, Carlos, Liz, and Nicole have been brainstorming and working to continue this conversation that will help the PC move forward.
- Updates will be provided next month.
- The Practice Council Newsletter
- What should the name of the newsletter be?
- Participants liked the name Practitioner Connection
- What are your reactions?
- Love the introductions and the pictures of new members.
- I like the format it is seen as an executive summary and captures the highlights of the call.
- Having the dates available is helpful
- Having the calls scheduled further out would help more members participate.
- Include leadership team email addresses
- Including the newsletter in the listserv emails is beneficial and engaging
- The time of the call may be a barrier for people joining the call
- Include contact information for projects on the agenda. It will reduce the steps for people to engage.
- Brief Report from Executive Committee
- The EC had their annual Mid Winter meeting.
- An outreach coordinator will be hired this year
- There are four candidates.
- In April an administrative personnel will be hired
- This person duties are still being fleshed out.
- Their role will be similar to Taylor
- Additional responsibilities may be coordinating SCRA grant programs.
- Many reported that they enjoy reading the practice column. Received a lot of positive feedback.
- Practice Council Workgroup Updates (Action Items by Goal Area)
Note: Ideas/Suggestions for new ways to advance activity in our goal areas are strongly encouraged!
1. Improve graduate education for Community Psychology Practice
- New Programs Sub-Committee ( )
- The group plans to reconvene in March.
- Working on sharing evaluation methods to determine if students are competent in the community psychology competencies.
- They are interested in learning how other programs are assessing competency learning outcomes.
- If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Emma.
- If you are interested in being involved in the planning of the 2017 Summer Institute, please email Dave.
- This group will be working on corporate fundraising and program planning.
- The 2017 Summer Institute will occur during the 2017 Biennial in Ottawa.
- Revamping the ‘Masters Students Perspectives on CP Competencies’ Workgroup ()
- This group will be revamped and working on ways to disseminate the findings of this work.
- If you are interested in being involved in this work, please email Kyrah.
2. Enhance the visibility of CP Practice within the field by increasing number of publications and conference presentations focused on CP Practice and related issues.
- The Community Psychologist (TCP)-Update (Olya)
- Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice Update (Nicole)
- Working on a special issue on policy.
- Online Learning Workgroup ()
- Call will be happening next Friday
- If you are interested in joining the planning committee, please join the call.
- Contact Carlos if you are interested in learning more.
3. Engage in outreach efforts to those outside of SCRA, including members of allied fields, members of other divisions of APA, and the general public.
- THEory into ACTion Bulletin Update (Tabitha)
- Update on Outreach Coordinator Position (Carlos)
- Social Media Outreach (Alaa)
4. Support the career development of Practitioners and the market for Community Psychology Practitioners.
- Peer Consultation Calls (Tom)
- Next call March 11that 2:00 PM
- Early Career Interest Group (Ashlee/Ben)
- Possible collaboration for tracking ‘lost’ practitioners/early career CPs
5. Positively impact the communities in which we live and work through the use of Community Psychology principles
- SCRA Community Mini-Grants Program Update(Jasmine/Jessica)
- New Grantee Finance Coordinator: Jessica Drum (congrats!)
- The program was funded for $12,000 this year!
6. Advocate for organizational level actions within Division 27
- SCRA Strategic Planning (Victoria, Greg)
- EC Nominations Process-Memo
- Concerns on the current process of electing members to the EC.
- How can we make sure this process is systematic and equitable?
- Currently drafting a letter and will send to the membership for review.
What hot topic in practice that you want to discuss on the next call? Tell us:
- What’s the value of professional development opportunities in CP Practice?
- Opioid Coalitions.
- Housing First
- How to access professional resources?
For a full list of Practice Council Workgroups and Initiatives, visit: