National Pan-Hellenic Council
Instructions ...... Page 3 & 4
Required Documents ...... Page 4
Advisor Role and Requirements ...... Page 5
Required Activities and Events ...... Page 6
Intake Process (Brief Notes) ...... Page 6
Organization Contact Information ...... Pages 7 & 8
Organization Chapter Officers ...... Page 9
Organization Registration Agreement...... Page 10
Graduate Chapter Advisor Agreement...... Page 11
On-Campus Advisor Agreement...... Page 12
Chapter Roster...... Pages 13 & 14
NPHC Council of Presidents Hazing Statement ...... Pages 15-17
Substance Abuse and Florida Hazing Law ...... Pages 18-20
Greek Advisory Council Contacts ...... Page 21
Edward Waters College Pan-Hellenic Greek-Letter Organization Requirements
1.All Greek-Letter Organizations requesting active status must complete and submit a registration application (Fall Semester) and (Spring Semester) updates along with required documentation, to be considered active on the campus of Edward Waters College. Edward Waters College onlyrecognizes of nine (9) National Pan-Hellenic Council sororities and fraternities also known asthe
“Divine Nine”:
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
2.The Registration Packet must be completed and returned to the Office of Student Activities by the On Campus Advisor or the chapter president. Each registration packet will be reviewed for G.P.A. clearance. EWC Students must be registered and continue to be enrolled as full time students. Officers and members are required to have a G.P.A. of 2.5 or above AND have 75% of chapter members in attendance at the Greek Organization mandatory workshop to be active. The Coordinator of Student Activities will forward a preliminary approval to the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs for finalapproval.
3.Organizations will be reviewed at the end of each semester to determine whether or not they have exemplified the basic values of Edward Waters College. Each organization is requiredto sponsor four (4) programmatic events (educational, cultural, social, community service) per semester (fall and spring). Each organization is required to provide to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) an end of semester report to include the four programmaticevents.
4.Once active status is approved, organizations are able to request meeting and event space (see attached form) in the following locations (The George N. Collins Student Center, Adams-Jenkins Sports Complex, Doug Milne Chapel-Auditorium, The Assessment Center, and The Centennial Building).
5.Each organization is required to have (1) Grad Chapter-Off Campus Advisor and (1) Edward Waters College On-Campus Advisor. The On Campus Advisors must be members of the respective organization and will be required to attend allon campusevents/activities.
Please Note…the EWC on campus Advisor must be present at all events, and if the oncampus Advisor is not present the event will be shut down. *NO EXCEPTIONS*
Please submit the following required documents to the Office of Student Activities, located in the George N. Collins StudentCenter.
Completed Registration Packet withsignatures
Official original signed letter from the Graduate Chapter president providing the names of the Graduate Chapter Advisor and Edward Waters College Campus Advisor, please note (Graduate Chapter Advisor can not serve as an on campusAdvisor).
Name of members who will serve as the NPHCrepresentatives
List of Organization’s NationalPrograms
The National Insurance and Liability ClaimPolicy
National Anti-HazingPolicy
MIP/Intake Process (excludingrituals)
Organization Calendar of events for eachsemester
Greek Organization Advisor Role and Requirements
What is an Advisor?
Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines an advisor as one who gives advice, issues caution or warnings, or counsels’; recommends a decision or a course of action.
Campus Advisors
Members of the college faculty/staff must serve as on-campus advisors and MUSTbe a member of an NPHC organization. Members of an NPHC organization who are on-campus Advisors MUSTbe financial and active members of their organization at the local and national level. This will help to keep them abreast of membership trends, issue, and concerns.
Campus Advisors MUST…
Be a current, financial and active member of their respectiveorganization.
Be a member of the organization they advise, unless otherwise approved by the Directorof Student Activities.
Attend EWC NPHC workshops each semester.
Attend ALLbusiness meetings and sponsored public events and community serviceevents.
Understand that the role of the Advisor is vitally important to the success of theorganization.
Understand that Advisors are educators, individuals with an incredible capacity toinfluence students as they navigate the real-life lessons of leadership andinvolvement.
Have some basic knowledge of the history, structure, and purpose of the organization being advised including the organization’s mission statement and national programs. This can be done through a review of the organizationconstitution.
Be able to devote time and energy to the student organization and will be held accountable for the organization.
Encourage members of the organization to uphold high standards ofexcellence.
Be aware of all phases of sorority/fraternity activities and must know what is going on at alltimes.
Review and approve all requests for organization events, activities, and flyers before submitting request to the Office of StudentActivities.
Have the authority to refuse approval of anyactivity.
Must attend ALLon campus events that take place after college working hours and must remainat the event site at alltimes.
Each organization is required to have chapter representation in the following activities/events:
MeettheGreeks Black HistoryMonth
OrganizationFair MLK Parade
Miss EWC Coronation
Homecoming Activities Step Show
Membership Intake Process will be 6 weeks each semester and set by the Office of Student Activities
Intake packages will be available to the chapter president upon request and must be approved through the Vice President of Student Affairs ordesignee.
Attendance of 75% of chapter members and Graduate and On-Campus advisor at the mandatory Greek Organizationworkshop.
The Greek-Letter organizations at Edward Waters College shall assemble currently enrolled students of Edward Waters College who have attended the Pre-Intake Workshop for the Intake process only. Eligible studentsinclude:
- Students who have earned 24 credit hours and a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Transferstudentswhohavesuccessfullycompletedtwo(2)semestersand,earnedatleast 24 credit hours from EWC; and earned a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Non-traditional students (admitted to the CLIMB system) who have successfully
completed45 semester hours of college level credits (12 credits must be completed at EWC); and earned a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
Hazing in any form is prohibited on and off the campus of Edward Waters College. Any physical or psychological harassment or abusive treatment shall be considered hazing Violation of any kind should be reported immediately to the department of Student Activities, who will report all actions to the Vice President of Student Affairs for judicialaction.
Edwards Waters College does NOT recognize the legitimacy of little sisters/brothers, sweetheart groups (a group being defined as more than one individual) or auxiliary organizations associated with its fraternity/sorority chapters. The use of theGreek-letter organization’s name and insignia in the operation of such groups is strictlyforbidden.
Furthermore, the College disclaims any and all responsibility in connection with the formation, operation, and activities of such auxiliary groups. Chapters found in violation of this stated policy shall be suspended pending full investigation and severing of all formal ties between the chapter and the alleged group. The creation, support, and/or encouragement of an auxiliary organization will result in a chapter being suspended for five (5)years.
Are you a member of thisorganization:YesNoAre you an activeMemberYesNo
Contact Number’s:(Office)(Home)(Mobile)
City:StateZip Code
State RepresentativeName:
City:StateZip Code
Regional Officer/DirectorName:
City:StateZip Code
National Officer/ContactName:
City:StateZip Code
Chapter President:EmailAddress:
Residential StudentCampusAddress:MobileNumber:
Commuter StudentHomeAddress:MobileNumber:
Residential StudentCampusAddress:MobileNumber:
Commuter StudentHomeAddress:MobileNumber:
Residential StudentCampusAddress:MobileNumber:
Commuter StudentHomeAddress:MobileNumber:
Residential StudentCampusAddress:MobileNumber:
Commuter StudentHomeAddress:MobileNumber:
Residential StudentCampusAddress:MobileNumber:
Commuter StudentHomeAddress:MobileNumber:
Greek Organization Registration Agreement
Official OrganizationName
Organization Name
We the undersigned understand that we have a responsibility to assist the College in assuring that the above named organization complies with all Necessary rules and regulation outlined in the EWC College Student Handbook. We are expected to, and will be present at all organizations meetings, events and workshops including special advisors workshops sponsored by theoffice
of Student Activities when necessary.
Each semester themembersofwill:
Organization Name
Present an assembly, seminar, or workshop to thecollege
Participate in a campus and community beautificationproject
Participate in the Miss Edward Waters CollegeCoronation
Participate in all College SpecialEvents
ChapterPresident (EWC)Date
Graduate Chapter Advisor Agreement
I,will serve as the Graduate ChapterAdvisor
tofor the2017 -2018school year.
Additionally, I have reviewed the College Hand Book, Policies and Procedures. I have received a copy of the Student, Organization & Advisor Handbook, and I will ensure all are adhered to.
I, agree to promote high scholasticgoals,
Encourage academic excellence, and insure standards of conduct by member’s organizations, All advisors are asked to agree to meet the following standards:
1. I am a full-time employee of Edward Waters College.2. I am fully aware of the current requirements of my organization
3. I have a schedule that permits time to do a thorough job as an Advisor to this group.
4. I will be present at all times during the intake process, and formal activities that are planned by the organization
5. I am aware of Edward Waters College’s requirements for intake and agree to uphold them.
6. I will be available for the organization and the administration of EWC to discuss any problems or concerns as related to the
intake process.
7. I will work with the members and assist them in following local
And national guidelines and in meeting required deadlines.
8. I agree to take action if violations occur within the organization
during my term as advisor, and report infraction to the Office of Student Activities.
Graduate ChapterAdvisorSignatureE-mailaddress
EWC On-Campus Advisor Agreement
I,will serve as the Graduate ChapterAdvisor
tofor the2017-2018school year.
Additionally, I have reviewed the College Hand Book, Policies and Procedures. I have received a copy of the Student, Organization & Advisor Handbook, and I will ensure all are adhered to.
I, agree to promote high scholastic goals, Encourage academic excellence, and insure standards of conduct by member’s organizations, All advisors are asked to agree to meet the followingstandards:
1. I am a full-time employee of Edward Waters College.2. I am fully aware of the current requirements of my organization
3. I have a schedule that permits time to do a thorough job as an
Advisor to this group.
4. I will be present at all times during the intake process, and
formal activities that are planned by the organization
5. I am aware of Edward Waters College’s requirements for intake
and agree to uphold them.
6. I will be available for the organization and the administration of
EWC to discuss any problems or concerns as related to the intake process.
7. I will work with the members and assist them in following local And national guidelines and in meeting required deadlines.
8. I agree to take action if violations occur within the organization
during my term as advisor, and report infraction to the Office of Student Activities.
Graduate ChapterAdvisorSignatureE-mailaddress
Greek Organization Active Greek Member Roster
Please list names and student ID numbers of all current members in alphabetical order. An official signature from the members must be given to retrieve information
If you wish to submit more than ten (10) names, please use (page 2)
Administrative Use Only- Do not use this sectionPrint Name / Student ID # / Total Cumulative
GPA / Yes / No
OrganizationAdvisor(Graduate)Organization Advisor(on-campus)
Coordinator ofStudentActivitiesVice President of StudentAffairs
Greek Organization Active Greek Member Roster
Please list below the names and student ID numbers of all current members in alphabetical order. An official signature from the members must be given to retrieve information.
Eligible / Administrative Use Only – Do not use this sectionPrint Name / Student ID # / Total
Cumulative GPA / Yes / No
OrganizationAdvisor(on-campus)Organization Advisor(on-campus)
Director ofStudentActivitiesVice President for StudentAffairs
The Council of Presidents is comprised of the titular heads of the nine (9) traditionally Black Greek- Lettered Organizations that make up the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). They collectively represent 1.4 million college-trained individuals throughout the United States and abroad.
Council Of Presidents
Joint Position Statement against Hazing
The organizations of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. (NPHC) are committed to nurturing the ideals of sisterhood and fraternalism in an atmosphere of responsibility and respect. We are also committed to upholding the dignity and self-respect of all persons seeking membership therein. Hazing is antithetical to this commitment and is prohibited by the rules of each NPHC organization. In 1990, the member organizations of the NPHC jointly agreed to disband pledging as a form of admission. At the dawn of a new millennium, we the members of the National Pan- Hellenic Council do hereby reaffirm our unequivocal opposition to hazing and those who seek to perpetuate it.
WHEREAS the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. (NPHC) is comprised of local councils drawn from the ranks of 1.5 million college and professional members of the nine historically African-American fraternities and sororities, namely; Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., and Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc., and the Council of Presidents of these member organizations who come together on issues that promote the common purposes and general good for which these organizations exist; and
WHEREAS these NPHC organizations, operating through chapter located in the United States, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and Asia, are proud of their commitment since 1906 to scholarship, community service, leadership and the promotion of sisterhood and brotherhoodin an atmosphere of respect and responsibility;and
WHEREAS these NPHC organizations are likewise committed to promoting the self-respect and dignity of all persons seeking membership in the respective organizations; and
WHEREAS hazing is antithetical to this commitment and is strictly prohibited by the constitution, policies and procedures of each NPHC organization; and
WHEREAS “pledging” has been officially abolished as a process for membership and pledge “lines” have similarly been abolished; and all members and prospective members are prohibited from engaging in hazing, pledge or pre-pledge “lines”; and
WHEREAS in 1990, the NPHC organizations issued a joint statement announcing the elimination of pledging and each has instituted within its respective organization, a revised membership development and intake process; and
WHEREAS each NPHC organization has instituted strong policies against hazing and has taken steps to reinforce and strengthen its stand against prohibited conduct: and
WHEREAS as we begin this new century and a renewed commitment to the fundamental principles of brotherhood, sisterhood, human dignity and mutual respect, the NPHC organizations desire to make their commitment against hazing abundantly clear and fully intend for every member, prospective member, parent, university and the general public to be aware of the individual and collective position of the organizations against hazing; and
WHEREAS these NPHC organizations further desire to make known their respective commitment to hold any person who engages in hazing individually and personally liable to the victim and to answer to the law and the organization; and will hold such persons to respond in monetary damages, civil and criminal penalties and severe disciplinary actions by the organization, including expulsion; and
WHEREAS the definition of hazing has been held to include any action taken or situation created that involves or results in abusive, physical contact or mutual harassment of a prospective Fraternity or Sorority member; and that any such action is considered hazing, whether it occurs on or off the Fraternity or Sorority premises, campus or place where chapters or prospective members meet: and that hazing has also been described to include any action that results in excessive mutual or physical discomfort, embarrassment or harassment; that such activities include, but are not limited to paddling, creation of excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shock, morally degrading or humiliating activities, late work sessions that interfere with scholastic activities and any other activities inconsistent with fraternal law and regulations and policies of the affiliated educational institution and federal, state or local law; and
WHEREAS such illegal conduct is inimical to the principles for which each organization stands and fails to foster respect for fellow members or preserve human dignity;
BE IT RESOLVED AND RESTATED WITH EMPHASIS ANEW that hazing, pledging, pledge “lines”, pre-pledge “lines” or post-intake hazing are strictly prohibited by these NPHC organizations; and