Edward Poznek, Principal
June, 9 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians,
New student orientation for Maritime Academy Charter School will be held on Monday August 31, 2015. Students will receive valuable information on classroom expectations and course requirements. This will enable your child to have a successful transition toMaritime Academy Charter School.
Monday August 31, 2015
10:00am – 11:30pm (2nd, 3rd & 4th grade only)
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm (5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade only)
New students in grades 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 will attend this orientation. All new cadets will report to building 107, our main middle school building at their allotted time. Cadets will meet their teachers, get a tour of the campus, and attend an hour long orientation class. We ask that a cadet be accompanied by only one parent or guardian so that we can optimize the space in the meeting room.
During the orientation, parents will be able to meet our CEO, Mr. Poznek,as well as Mr. Saunders,the school’s principal and Mr. Walsh the dean of students. Included in this meeting will be our food services directorwho will discuss the breakfast and lunch programs. A representative from the Home & School Association will also be available to answer questions. Bus Transportation for cadets is NOTavailable for orientation.
The first full day of school for ALL students is Tuesday September 1, 2015. Students in grades 2-8 must report in full uniform at 8:45am to the Middle School Cafeteria to get their classroom assignment. Bus transportation will be available for Middle School students on the 1st.
Important information for the start of the 2015-2016 School Year
- Professional development days will be held on the first Friday of most months. Professional development days are for teachers only so students will not report to school on those days. Professional development days are notated on your one page school calendar.
- Our uniform policy remains the same. Students must wear a white MACHS uniform shirt and black chino or khaki style pants. No yoga, leggings, tights, or skinny pants. Sneakers or shoes must be all black including logos and soles. Our uniform shirt and pants are available online at Items found under Maritime Academy Charter Schools have all been approved to be worn by our cadets. Shirts can also be purchased at the middle school.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Peter B. Saunders
2275 Bridge Street, Building 42 & 107
Philadelphia, PA 19137
Phone (215) 535-4555 Fax (215) 535-4398