Educational Programme on Stopping Domestic Violence (EPSDV)


Spouse / cohabitant battering is a complex social problemwhich has to be tackled by various means ranging from public education to intensive individual and group counselling. Apart from providing victims with protection and support, helping batterers realise the devastation of spouse / cohabitant battering and learn non-violent ways to handle conflicts with their spouses / cohabitants is crucial to curb the problem.

In order to provide another option for batterers who are in need of intervention and ready to join a brief programme, but not yet ready to attend the Batterer Intervention Programme (BIP) which is longer in duration or not required by Court to join the Anti-violence Programme (AVP), the Social Welfare Department (SWD) thus commences theEducational Programme on Stopping Domestic Violence (EPSDV).

Programme Objectives

EPSDV is a short educational programme with the emphasis of timely,flexible and skill-based intervention to help batterers or potential batterers:

- stop using violence towards their spouses / cohabitants;

- cope with the crisis arising from their violent behaviour; and

- improve their relationship with their spouses / cohabitants.

Target Service Users

Adult batterers who are currently or have been involved in spouse / cohabitant battering where the risk still exists orcouples / cohabitants with high conflicts and high risk of perpetrating violence towards each other andare hoping to maintain harmoniousrelationship with their spouses / cohabitantsand motivated to deal with the spouse / cohabitant battering problem;

Cantonese-speaking people;

Non-Cantonese speakers or people with specific ethnic cultures (interpretation service will be providedifneeded); and

People with different sexual orientations.

Nature of the Programme

A 6-hour educational programme delivered with great flexibility.

Programme would be available within 4 weeks after the application or referral.

Brief and focused education on basic and practical knowledge and skills in handling anger and resolving conflict with their spouses / cohabitants.

Mainly delivered in group format while individual sessions with or without interpretation service will be provided for participants who cannot communicate with others in Cantonese, is of ethnic minorities or different sexual orientation.

Not to replace the existing BIP and AVP. Participants can be referred for BIP for further in-depth intervention.

Referrals will be made to suitable service units for follow-up during or after the implementation of EPSDV if the participants have welfare needs.

Service Clusters

The programme will be provided according to the following 5 service clusters:

Cluster / Service Delivery Areas / Operating Organisation / Programme Nameand Contacts
A / Central & Western, Southern, Islands, Eastern and Wan Chai / Tung Wah Group of Hospitals / H.O.R.I.zon
Tel: 2464 1518
Fax: 2454 3003
B / Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Sai Kung / Hong Kong Family Welfare Society / Peace Campus
Tel: 2775 2332
Fax: 27752221
C / KowloonCity, Yau Tsim Mong, Sham Shui Po, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing / Po Leung Kuk / Power up 360
Tel: 2899 0019
Fax: 2899 0034
D / Sha Tin, Tai Po and North / Tung Wah Group of Hospitals / H.O.R.I.zon
Tel: 2464 1518
Fax: 2454 3003
E / Yuen Long and Tuen Mun / Tung Wah Group of Hospitals / H.O.R.I.zon
Tel: 2464 1518
Fax: 2454 3003

Participants can choose to attendthe Programme in any service cluster according to their needs and preference.

Fee charging

Free of charge.

Application and Referral

Applications can be made by the participants directly or through referrals fromcasework units of SWD, non-governmental organisations and the Hospital Authority.

For enquiries of application and case referral, please contact the operators of the respective clusters directly.

Family and Child Welfare Branch

Social Welfare Department

June 2018