2 March 2003No. 2093
day of prayer for the unemployed
This year our parish Lenten Project will be to raise money for a very poor Church in Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world. On Sunday 9 March representatives from the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in need will give a short talk at the end of the Masses.
If you have a bit of spare time or ideas on how to support our project, please call Dymphna on 020 8390 – 3102.
lent is not an early diet for the summer
Lent is a period of renewal & purification for a Christian. On Ash Wednesday, we will be united with over 1 billion Catholics throughout the world as we begin our preparations to celebrate the glorious resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday.
‘Remember man that though art dust, and unto dust though shalt return! We begin this season with a stark reminder that without God we are just ashes. This should spur us into action for the next forty days. Firstly, we should examine our lives in respect to our vocation or state in life. How can I improve as a priest, husband, wife, mother, single person etc. Secondly, we should reflect on how we treat those around us: do we gossip, commit sins of calumny & detraction, swear, steal, blaspheme etc. Thirdly, what do the first two tell me about my love for God. By fasting & abstinence, penance: prayer, almsgiving and acts of charity we show our sorrow for our sins and our desire to have a change of heart and start living as a better follower of Christ.
Pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and healing. Try and do something extra, such as attend weekday Mass or say some extra prayers or read the Sacred Scriptures. If you give things up, do it for the right reason – Lent is not an early diet for the summer!
family action group
The purpose of our parish Family Action group is to coordinate a response to issues in our society that undermine family life. This will include new government legislation and relevant ethical concerns.
The group consists of all people in the parish who wish to assist in fulfilling the group’s mission. However, a committee will meet on a regular basis to consider the best approaches to take in relation to the various issues. The Parish council will be updated regularly at its meetings.
Currently two areas of support are required of parishioners:
1Writing a letter, sending an e-mail or communicating in some way to a person of influence to make the Christian message known.
2Scanning your daily newspaper, magazine, television programmes, shops and any other medium for material that undermines Christian family values. Then advising the Family Action Group of the issue that needs addressing.
The Family Action Group will be able to advise on Catholic Social and Moral teachings. It will also provide details of whom to contact, if required.
If you are willing to help, please contact the Family Action Group via e-mail or Mr. Tom Morrell on 020 8390 – 3403.