Education Rates

As of October 1, 2014

CH30-3 or more year obligation / Ch 30 Less than 3 year obligation / Chapter 1606 Selected Reserve / Chapter 35
Survivor & Dependents
Full Time
12 Credits or more / $1,717.00 / $1,395.00 / $367.00 / $1,018.00
9-11 Credits / $1,287.75 / $1,046.25 / $274.00 / $763.00
6-8-Credits / $858.50 / $697.50 / $182.00 / $506.00
Less than half-time
more than 1/4 time / Tuition & fees not to exceed
$858.50 / Tuition & fees not to exceed $697.50 / $91.75 / Tuition & fees not to exceed
1/4 time or less / Tuition & fees not to exceed $429.25 / Tuition & fees not to exceed $348.75 / $91.75 / Tuition & fees not to exceed
1st 6 Months / $1,287.75 / $1,046.25 / $275.25 / $743.00
2nd 6 Months / $944.35 / $767.25 / $201.85 / $557.00
Remainder / $600.95 / $488.25 / $128.45 / 3rd 6 mo - $367.00
Remainder - $186.00

Chapter 1607 (REAP)

90 days but less than one year / Service of 1 year + / Service of 2 years +
Full Time / $686.80 / $1,030.20 / $1,373.60
¾ Time / $515.10 / $772.65 / $1,030.20
½ Time / $343.40 / $515.10 / $686.80
< ½ time >¼ / Tuition & fees not to exceed
$343.40 / Tuition & fees not to exceed
$515.10 / Tuition & fees not to exceed
¼ Time or less / Tuition & fees not to exceed
$171.70 / Tuition & fees not to exceed
$257.55 / Tuition & fees not to exceed



-  3 YR -Correspondence and Vocational Flight: Entitlement charged at the rate of one month for each $1,717.00.

-  2 YR- Correspondence and Vocational Flight: Entitlement charged at the rate of one month for each $1,395.00

NOTE: Refer to GI Bill web site for Chapter 34/30 monthly benefit rates.


-  Correspondence and Vocational Flight: Entitlement charged at the rate of one month for each $367.00. Note: Reimbursement will be 55% of the approved charges for Correspondence training and 60% of the approved charges for Vocational Flight training.


-  Correspondence training is reimbursed at:

o  40% level – 22% of the approved cost of course

o  60% level – 33% of the approved cost of course

o  80% level – 44% of the approved cost of course

§  Entitlement is charged based on the rate of one month for a benefit amount equal to the full time institutional rate

-  Vocational Flight Training is reimbursed at:

o  40% level – 24% of the approved cost of course

o  60% level – 36% of the approved cost of course

o  80% level – 48% of the approved cost of course

§  Entitlement is charged based on the rate of one month for a benefit amount equal to the full time institutional rate

NOTE: Chapter 1607 monthly benefit rates for Apprenticeship and On-Job training.

Rates 90 days but less than 1 yr 1 year plus 2 or more consecutive yrs

1st 6 months $515.10 $772.65 $1,030.20

2nd 6 months $377.74 $566.61 $ 755.48

Remaining months

Of training $240.38 $360.57 $ 480.76

*Rates proportionately reduced if less than 120 hours worked in a calendar month

Refer to GI Bill web site at for additional information as needed concerning benefit rates for earlier years.

Continue to next page for Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill benefit rates and amounts

CHAPTER 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill

Effective August 1, 2014 thru period ending July 31, 2015

Member Serves / Percentage of Maximum Benefit Payable
At least 36 months / 100%
At least 30 continuous days on active duty and must be discharged due to service-connected disability / 100%
At least 30 months, but less than 36 months / 90%
At least 24 months, but less than 30 months / 80%
At least 18 months, but less than 24 months / 70%
At least 12 months, but less than 18 months / 60%
At least 06 months, but less than 12 months / 50%
At least 90 days, but less than 06 months / 40%

Maximum tuition and fee reimbursement (Net Charges) per Academic Year (8/1/14 – 7/31/15) at Institutions of Higher Learning

Type of School Maximum Reimbursement

Public School All tuition and fee payments for an in-State Student

Private or Foreign School Up to $20,235.02 per academic year (8/1/14 – 7/31/15)


Maximum tuition and fee reimbursement per academic year for students who are attending a private IHL in Selected States and have been enrolled in the same program since January 4, 2011:

State Maximum Charge per Credit Hour Maximum total Fees per Term

Arizona $725.00 $15,000.00

Michigan $1,001.00 $19,374.50

New Hampshire $1,003.75 $5,197.00

New York $1,010.00 $12,293.00

Pennsylvania $934.00 $6,110.00

South Carolina $829.00 $2,798.00

Texas $1,549.00 $12,130.00

How long will I remain eligible for the “grandfathered” rate for tuition and fees?

You will receive the “grandfathered” rate for tuition and fees for all terms that begin before August 1, 2014, as long as you are continuously enrolled at the same institution. If you transfer to a different institution, even if it’s located in the same state, you will no longer qualify for the “grandfathered” rate.

How much will the “grandfathered” rate for tuition and fees increase each year?

The amounts payable to individuals eligible for the “grandfathered” rate are set through July 31, 2014. The new law does not authorize VA to make annual adjustments to the “grandfathered” rates for tuition and fees.


Actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees not to exceed $20,235.02 during the academic year (8/1/14 – 7/31/15)

Monthly MHA based on zip code of approved institution address zip code for resident instruction and for IHL only based on distance learning (on line) is an MHA of $754.50 when full time rate of pursuit and 100% CH33 eligibility exists; prorated for less than full time. NOTE: Foreign School monthly MHA rate is $1509.00 effective October 1, 2014.

NOTE: MHA not awarded for less than 51% rate of pursuit per term and none for active duty military service persons and spouse transfer of benefits from active duty military service person spouse.

Apprenticeship/OJT Rates


1st 6 months of training 100% of applicable MHA

2nd 6 months of training 80% of applicable MHA

3rd 6 months of training 60% of applicable MHA

4th 6 months of training 40% of applicable MHA

Remaining pursuit of training 20% of applicable MHA

Entitlement may also exist for individuals to receive a books and supplies stipend – maximum book stipend of up to $1,000 per academic year (8/1/14 – 7/31/15)

VOCATIONAL FLIGHT SCHOOLS – The actual net costs not to exceed $11,562.86 per academic year (8/1/14 – 7/31/15)

CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS – The actual net costs not to exceed $9,828.43 per academic year (8/1/14 – 7/31/15)

NATIONAL TESTING PROGRAMS/LICENSING & CERTIFICATION TESTS: Reimbursement up to $2,000 per test for those eligible under Chapter 33. Entitlement will be charged one month for every $1,688.18 paid by VA to the eligible beneficiary rounded to the nearest non-zero whole number; this means even low-cost tests are charged one month of entitlement per test.