Education Lesson Plan
Expanding My (Training) Horizons
PowerPoint Slide Talking Points
Slide 1: Title page
There are a number of opportunities available to you after high school that will allow you to advance your career without having to attend a four year college. As you are probably aware, there are several pros and cons to attending a four year college. The various alternatives that we will discuss today also have their fair share of pros and cons, however, perhaps you will discover that some of these options might be a better fit for your long-term career goals and may in fact better prepare you for the career of your choice after high school.
We’re going to start by talking about a few of the different types of training available to you after high school.
Slide 2: Definitions
No additional talking points
Slide 3: Definitions, cont.
Internship continued: Essentially, an internship is a time-limited intensive learning experience outside of the traditional classroom. These can be paid positions or unpaid positions and can be used for college credit, depending on the internship site and school requirements
Volunteering: You get to build a resume, showing future employers that you can work. Sometimes it is easier to volunteer your time to get started as well. You also get to “try before you buy” meaning you get to see if you enjoy this type of work before you get a job doing it! Also, if you’re interested in working at a particular job but they don’t have any current job openings, volunteering can be a good way to “network” and get your foot in the door! Employers are much more likely to hire someone they know than a stranger off the street…
Slide 4: Training Opportunities Activity… Get Ready to Research!!
You will need a computer lab or computer access to complete this activity [*** Inform individuals that if they can’t access a computer with internet, they can ask friends and family members for ideas]
A. Introduction
Today we are going to learn more about alternatives to college as educational opportunities after high school. We will be using the computer lab to research alternatives to college that appear on your handout, and that match with your career interests or goals. After researching each of the college alternatives, write down answers to the questions for each one. Afterwards, we will discuss what you found including your thoughts on each of the programs you researched.
B. Break the larger group up and hand out the “Training Ideas and Opportunities worksheet”. Instruct individuals to think about 2-3 jobs or careers they are interested in pursuing. Direct youth to the “hints” provided on their handout for tips on how to find the answers.