The Pease Development Authority (“PDA”) invites sealed bids for the demolition and removal of a residential building with two car garage, full foundation, and detached shed located at 290 Rochester Hill Road, Rochester, New Hampshire. The work includes the removal and legal disposal of asbestos containing building materials, universal waste and household hazardous wastes.
Bids will be received at the office of the PDA, 55 International Drive, Pease International Tradeport, Portsmouth, New Hampshire until Thursday, October 3, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at which time they will be opened publicly and read aloud. The mailing address is:
Pease Development Authority
Attn: Engineering Department
55 International Drive
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Copies of the plans and specifications may be obtained as of September 10, 2013 from Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. at 2 Executive Park Drive, Bedford, NH 03110 for a non-refundable cost of $30.00 per set, with an additional non-refundable cost of $20.00 per set if requested by postal or overnight delivery.
All questions regarding the meaning or intent of the Bid documents are to be directed in writing or by email to: , Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
Bidders will be required to furnish a bid bond in the amount of 10% of the total bid, and the successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond each in the amount of 100% of the Contract Price.
Before preparing the bid, contractors should carefully examine all contract documents. A mandatory site visit will be held at 290 Rochester Hill Road, Rochester, NH on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. so contractors will become fully informed about all existing conditions and any limiting factors that could affect the price.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this advertisement. No contractor will be discriminated against on grounds of race, sex, religion, color or national origin.
No contractor may withdraw their bid within sixty (60) days following the opening. The PDA reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informality, and to accept any bid that it may deem in its sole discretion to be in its best interest.
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