EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 1 / Welcoming and Safe SchoolThe school/setting is responsive to existing and potentiallearners, treating them and their parents/carers with respect
- Leadership at all levels is dedicated to ensuring equality, inclusion and the well being of every individual
- Safeguarding is prioritised and understood in its full context. Robust systems are in place and their effectiveness reviewed
- Parents/carers are made welcome, believe themselves to be partners and are dealt with effectively and efficiently
- The school demonstrates a commitment to admit all and reflects this within the admissions policy. From 1st contact it is accessible, welcoming & friendly
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1How accessible, welcoming and friendly is the school from the first point of contact?
2Is Safeguarding prioritised, understood, robust & effective?
italics ref OfSTED Briefing for Section 5 inspectors:safeguarding Sep 2009 Ref: 090205
see this document for further details
3How good is Information for parents and visitors?
4Quality of responses to contact?
5How well does the Admissions or referral process reflect a commitment to all?
6Is documentation accessible?
7What methods does the school use to consult and encourage the involvement of parents/carers?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 2 / Policy for Inclusion and Community Cohesion (CC)The guiding principles on which the provision is planned, monitored and evaluated are clearly articulated, include vulnerable groups and are demonstrated in practice
- Theinclusion and cohesion policies are demonstrated in every day practice and reflected in other policies.
- The school/setting can demonstrate compliance with all relevant statutory requirements.
- Monitoring and evaluation processes inform school development planning with particular reference to inclusion and cohesion.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Can the school evidence policy driven inclusive practice in every day life?
2Is inclusion/cohesion embedded throughout the school?
(italics refer to: OfSTED Sep 2009 Ref 090165 Guidance CC)
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 3 / Active ParticipationThe school/setting provides opportunities for all stakeholders to contribute to the development of vision, policy and planning both individually and collectively
- The views of all are respected, valued and taken into account in reaching key decisions.
- There is a continuous process of appropriate consultation and involvement of children/young people in decision making.
- Learners are actively involved in all lessons and are provided with opportunities to engage in all school activities.
- Learners and their families are supported in reflecting on progress and achievement.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Do all members of staff have opportunities to give their views and to play an active role in school improvement?
2Are Governors genuinely encouraged to be involved in the life of the school and to express their views?
3Are all parents/carers given opportunities to give their views?
4Are there school councils?
Is training and assistance available to support these?
Are pupils involved in monitoring procedure?
5Other stakeholders
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 4 / Professional DevelopmentProfessional development supports inclusion and cohesion by enabling all staff and the governing body to respond with confidence and skill to the diverse needs of all learners
- Professional development is well-planned responding to needs and changes in the school population.
- Professional development prepares all staff to respond positively and effectively to learner diversity.
- The school/setting allocates training and development resources in response to the needs of all learners.
- All members of staff are aware of and adopt strategies in response to the particular characteristics of all learners.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Is the CPD plan/schedule linked to school priorities for all staff?
Note: Reviewers should contact Healthy Schools (EB) to check school status and request a judgement. From 2010 some will be moving to Enhanced Model (HSEM) Teacher PSHE statutory from 2010
2Has training had a positive impact on inclusive practice and on the quality of teaching and learning?
3Does the school use a range of development opportunities for all staff to enhance their professional knowledge, understanding and practice?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 5 / ResourcesThe school/setting is clear and open about how resources are allocated.
The school’s finances support an inclusive and cohesive ethos
- Resource allocation openly supports inclusion and cohesion & is well planned and linked to the School Development and Improvement Plan
- Resources are used effectively to raise standards demonstrating measurable impact on pupil progress.
- Governors and staff are aware of the means of allocating resources and are actively involved in making recommendations where appropriate.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Is there a rational and transparent distribution of resources in the school/setting?
2Are resources directed at encouraging independent learning and specific school priorities?
3Are resources used to increase the capacity of the school/setting to respond to diversity and cohesion?
Are resources preventing barriers to participation, learning and achievement?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 6 / AccessThe school/setting’s accommodation and facilities support inclusion and cohesion
- The environment and facilities are as fully accessible as possible.
- Teaching and social spaces are organised efficiently and flexibly to take account of the range of needs for the school/setting and the community.
- The schools/setting anticipates, plans and seeks creative and innovative solutions to inclusion and cohesion issues that relate to accommodation/facilities wherever possible.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Does the school have DES with Accessibility Plan which:
- complies with statutory requirements
- supports the school’s vision and values?
- takes account of all stakeholders?
2Are the needs of people with sensory difficulties considered as well as those with physical difficulties?
3Are all aspects of the site accessible?
5Are relevant agencies and organisations consulted about the accessibility of the school/setting?
6Is disabled access part of the Building Improvement Plan?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 7 / Partnership with the CommunityThe school/setting values and celebrates the diversity of culture, beliefs and backgrounds of all pupils
The school/setting actively engages with pupils, their families and their communities
- The school promotes active citizenship in relation to local, national and global communities.
- The school recognises and takes account of the changing nature of its local communities.
- The school has strategies for working in partnership with communities.
- The school provides positive role models and images that reflect the diversity in the local communities.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Is the school’s ethos sensitive to and supportive of the diverse nature of the community?
2To what extent do the curriculum and resources support the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of all pupils?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 8 / Multi-agency and Partnership WorkingThe school works in partnership with other schools/settings to promote achievement for all learners
The school works in partnership with statutory and voluntary organisationsto promote achievement for all learners
- The school has clear and comprehensive links and established procedures with relevant agencies to help meet the needs of its learners.
- Opportunities for working in partnershipwith other agencies are identified, developed and monitored.
- The school works proactively to develop and maintain communication and to share relevant information promptly and efficiently with its partners.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Does the school/setting have systems in place to identify all statutory and voluntary organisations working with individual pupils?
2Is the school/setting successful in managing and co-ordinating links between agencies and pupils?
Does school ensure links are appropriate to pupil need?
3Does the school/setting nurture positive relationships with other agencies and make representatives of statutory and voluntary organisations feel welcome and valued?
4Does the school/setting work collaboratively with partner schools and other agencies to develop a curriculum for the full range of learners?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 9 / Use of DataThe school/setting actively monitors and responds to data about achievement of all learners using a wide range of indicators
- Detailed analysis is made of the school intake, identifying the diversity within the local community and potential barriers to learning and social inclusion.
- The school/setting uses benchmarking data to identify learners’ levels of achievement and trends.
- The school/setting uses data to identify and implement strategies to improve learners’ levels of achievement.
- The school/setting constantly seeks to encourage and acknowledge achievements beyond statutory requirements.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Does the school/setting have contextual information describing the school intake?
2Is data used effectively to identify levels of achievement, need and to track pupil progress?
3Does the school use assessment data effectively to identify, develop and implement appropriate strategies to improve learners’ levels of achievement?
Are parents/carers, other stakeholders and the learners themselves engaged in supporting achievement?
Is there good liaison and sharing of data to ensure successful transition?
4Does the school celebrate achievement in a range of ways?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 10 / TransitionsThe school/setting strategically plans for all transitions between and within all phases
- The school works proactively with other schools/settings to manage transition.
- The school works effectively with other agencies to support transition.
- Induction arrangements are clearly set out but also flexible in order to meet individual need.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Are key members of staff identified and have they defined responsibilities for transition between all phases and settings?
2Are all transitions well planned, smoothly implemented, monitored and reviewed – and include active involvement of pupils and parents?
3Is there evidence of good relationships between phases and settings?
4Are there relevant and effective links in place between all agencies involved in transitions?
5Does the school have effective induction programmes?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 11 / Behaviour and AttendanceThe school/setting is proactive in addressing all issues related to good behaviour and regular attendance
- The school’s policy and practice actively promote a culture where regular attendance and punctuality are seen as a foundation for learning.
- The analysis of data on behaviour, attendance and achievement is used to inform the school/setting’s actions to overcome any barriers to learning.
- Good attendance and behaviour are supported by effective multi-agency approaches and community liaison.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Does the Attendance Policy show clear procedures for encouraging higher levels of attendance and punctuality?
2Are there systems for recording and analysing data on behaviour and attendance?
Does the school have strategies/ procedures to address all identified barriers to attendance?
3Does the school/setting have effective links with local communities, support services and other outside agencies to improve attendance and behaviour?
4How are pupils involved in raising levels of behaviour and attendance?
5How is behaviour managed?
How is good behaviour developed?
(Note that while reporting of racist incidents is statutory EB encourage reporting of homophobic incidents)
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010
EDUCATION BRADFORD Inclusion Chartermark Review: Reviewer’s PROMPTS for 12 Quality Standards
Quality Standard 12 / CurriculumThe school/setting’s curriculum and teaching reflect the needs of all learners
and enables pupil progress and achievement. (nb see also Quality Standard 7)
- The curriculum is broad, balanced, enriched by a range of experiences and appropriately reflects the diversity of both local and wider communities.
- Teaching is responsive to individual needs and promotes personalised learning.
- The curriculum is planned to develop independence and to prepare learners for making a positive contribution to society.
Key Self-evaluation Questions / Evidence? / In place? / Action required?
1Is the curriculum appropriate for and responsive to the needs of all learners?
2How does the school allocate resources and support for groups which are under-achieving or at risk of under-achieving?
3Do pupils know how to improve?
Do they take increasing responsibility for their own learning?
4Do pupils have opportunities to contribute to the school and wider community?
5Do teachers use a variety of styles and strategies to meet the needs of all learners?
2010 EB IC QS Schools 3rd Ed Sept 2010