EDU-225Comprehensive Classroom Technology PlanBenchmark Assignment and Rubric

Targeted Essential Learning

The teacher understands how content and skill development can be supported by media and technology and knows how to evaluate these resources for quality, accuracy, and effectiveness. (InTASC 8o)

Assessment Tool Selected

Essay: Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan with Reflection

Specific Performance/Task(s)

  • Select and implement appropriate technology and resources.
  • Select and use research-based strategies to engage learners.

Relevancy of Task to Teacher Candidate

Demonstrate the effective use of technology to foster active inquiry, promote collaboration, and support interaction in the classroom.

Assessment: Student Prompts/Teacher Directions

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan (Benchmark Assignment)

During this course, you have created a classroom website that included a multimedia presentation,technology task cards, assessment technology, and blended learning. Using the feedback that you received from your instructor, compile yourComprehensive Classroom Technology Plan that will include the sections listed belowas well as a reflection essay.

The plan is composed of the following components:

  • Section One: Mission and Vision Statements
  • Section Two: Communications Plan
  • Section Three: Integrating Instructional Technology
  • Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology
  • Section Five: Technology to Support Assessment
  • Reflection Conclusion

Section 1: Mission and Vision Statement

Write a 500-750-word description with rationaleforyour Communications Plan for your first year of teaching. Include the following:

  1. How you will communicate with all engaged groups in the educational community.
  2. How technology can be used to communicate in a classroom setting.
  3. How you will address Internet security and safety.

Learning is useful representations of knowledge and is needed when Create Mission and Vision Statements.Mission and Vision
Being motivated and creative that can teach Pre-K students the curriculum needed for kindergarten. My vision is to build a relationship for students, parents and teachers so the mission can be fulfilled. Also a mission to grow with my students in the first year and want them to grow to be productive with and without the use of technology. In this class my mission is to encourage Pre-k studentsto use technology as a tool to enchant their learning and not as a means to an end. Keeping them motivated and having fun as they learn new ways throughout the day. We will also discuss the current technologies and those that may be invented in thefuture... While exploring these technologies, on how they can proved useful and how they enhanced the experience in the classroom in an everyday setting. The use of the IPad, tablet as a hand on hand learning helping them to be independent with the use of technology. Also the use of the computer by linking it to the smart board and have storytelling, math, learning new word, number and much more. The vision of making a different in all students’ life who enter the classroom to have the ability to a higher knowledge of learning.

Section 2: Communications Plan

The first year teacher’s communication plan would be as follow. To generate communication skills with Pre-K students on all levels, one with thing use of technology in and out of the classroom. Theusing computer skills thatare linked to the smart with let the teacher and *students work together. They are able to do storytelling, learn words such as sounds or pronunciation, math, such as counting numbers and properly writing or tracing them. This will be a great way for students be physically involved and emotionally active toengage with learning. When great work of learning and sharing is in reach, interaction with others gives students reason to want to learn. A website would be created for parent to email teachers while staying in contact with what is going on with their children and how they are progressing. Teachers are always trying to learn new and better ways to help students learn, partnership with others at school is a great way and community involvement. As a teacher keeping the community posted with upcoming events that are going on and how they can take part in it by visiting the school website or the teacher website. *Internet security and safety will be addressed daily by ensuring students are logged on to proper pg-13 websites, securing pop-ups that hackers or pedophiles on the internet. It is the teacher’s duty to ensure the passwords are periodically changed on teacher/students websites and monitor the websites they log on to. In this paper we will explore several models of teaching. It is important that teachers know the difference between formative and summative

solving problems. Presenting pictures, diagrams or models makes the process of understanding knowledge easier through visual expression of the lessons.Technology has different concepts or cores to help the students learn as well as the teachers. This is a process of reviewing the assessments as beginners or co-learners. Here are three software teachers can use as resources to interact with students and learn how to teach also. Microsoft, Evernote and Inspiration all are beneficial to the developmental process of students achieving.

Students have more time to grasp learning because they are able to use technology anywhere or any time. Technology maps out different ways to gain knowledge about different origins, how to use technology in a smart but safe way to learn with the teachers guidance and be in comfort to take the resources into the future.

A con is that with using technology can be costly because of maintenance and the schools revenue to keep up with having it updated. Students can find a way to cheat. Technology can also be limited because the schools do not have enough equipment for everyone. Another con may be limited time to commit to working on line and completely understanding.

Parents using email will allow parents to be involved with their children’s progress in school and also build a relationship with the teacher. Sharing learning strategies with parents will show parents and students a sense of caring or warm welcome. Students will be able to connect with student using email giving the students a chance to assignments and contact teachers if any id any questions. Also instruct students with upcoming events, chance to correct assignments or be a mentor on how to achieve goals and motivate them to never feel discouraged because life is a challenge. The Global Community will interact with students within the community or globally giving teachers and students a chance to get involved with news around the world. Parents will also be contacted for their involvement to learn about different ways of living in other countries. It also allows students to mentor, internship, other social activities, and relationships that can help students build global preparedness skills by participating in world sceneries.

Consider communication and collaboration with students, parents, the community, and the global community. Items you may consider:

  1. A class website
  2. Emergency contact list
  3. Alternative methods of communications
  4. Critical communications links
  5. e-mail
  6. VOIP
  7. Student websites
  8. Partnerships with other schools
  9. e-pals
  10. Others

Section 3: Integrating Instructional Technology

Write a 500-750-word-description with rationale of how technology would be used to facilitate and enhance instruction in your classroom. Include the following:

  1. Explain what the possible pros and cons might be in using technology to facilitate learning.

Discuss the differences between wired and wireless classrooms.

Teacher’s duty is to provide instruction with the use of technology so that all students will have a helpful insight as they improved their learning. The students benefit from technology in the classroom by having better writing skills, increased vocabulary, a different means by which to express themselves, and better focus on the lessons content (Fisher, 1999). With the use of the smart board, podcasting and voice thread the student engaged by hand on hand experience. Allowing students the opportunity to participate in instruction as their can interactive in group. Teachers are always researching new way and skills to meet the needed of the students. “Many teachers report that the instruction they receive in technology integration, whether online or face-to-face, is still too focused on learning how to use the software versus integrating it into the teaching and learning process (NEA, 2008). It will summarize three specific technologies that are used in the classroom to facilitate and enhance instruction, the pros and the cons and wired and wireless classroom. Pros and cons use of technology facilitate learning in several ways. Integration of technology in schools has changed today’s education, ways teachers and students apply it in the classroom. Some of these changes have a positive and negative impact on learning but overall, technology in schools has made the process of learning and teaching enjoyable. The positive/pros of technology such as communication, entertainment, and abilities to make life manageable. Utilizing computers gives student’s vision to interact if discouraged from certain types of learning material. Integrating technology enables teacher’s lessons being taught in large classrooms as pro, decrease human contact with teacher student relationships. “Unlike teacher instruction, which may become tedious over time, computers provide motivation to the students to continue learning” (Leu, 2000) Technology has made it easier for teachers to part take in advancing student’s knowledge, attend class in comfort of their own home and computer also being a tutor. Computers are important in technology because it empowers the nature of learning and information that may be useful. The negative impact/effect of technology are; students surfing, texting to communicate, and playing games can distract student’s concentration level. Technology has made cheating easier with less probability of getting caught. Although cheating is easy to do, it is the teacher’s duty make sure learned on their own. Pros and cons use of technology facilitate learning in several ways. Integration of technology in schools has changed today’s education, ways teachers and students apply it in the classroom. Some of these changes have a positive and negative impact on learning but overall, technology in schools has made the process of learning and teaching enjoyable. The positive/pros of technology such as communication, entertainment, and abilities to make life manageable. Utilizing computers gives student’s vision to interact if discouraged from certain types of learning material. Integrating technology enables teacher’s lessons being taught in large classrooms as pro, decrease human contact with teacher student relationships. “Unlike teacher instruction, which may become tedious over time, computers provide motivation to the students to continue learning” (Leu, 2000) Technology has made it easier for teachers to part take in advancing student’s knowledge, attend class in comfort of their own home and computer also being a tutor. Computers are important in technology because it empowers the nature of learning and information that may be useful. The negative impact/effect of technology are; students surfing, texting to communicate, and playing games can distract student’s concentration level. Technology has made cheating easier with less probability of getting caught. Although cheating is easy to do, it is the teacher’s duty to try and prevent it.


Section 4: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Write a 500-750-word description with rationale of how technology would be used to differentiate instruction in your classroom. Consider the following:

  1. Explain what the possible pros and cons might be in using technology to differentiate instruction.
  2. Should a teacher only use technology to differentiate instruction? Why or why not?
  3. What is the impact on student achievement when technology is used to differentiate instruction?
  4. What is the importance of student-centered technology in the classroom?

Teachers will always be looking for a way to better education for all students and gain knowledge to put forth for the future. “Teachers have found that using computers, mobile devices, digital media, and other computer-related technologies can capture student’s attention and improve students’ outcomes” (Shelly, 2011).When teachers are doing their lesson plans, the first thing they need to do is to get to know their students so the lesson they prepare will help all students to achieve. Differentiate instruction through technology there are three ways they can be use. Talking Text, to gain understanding to move forward and Portables help students to keep up in writing and reading. Digital Text a way all students can learned with the use of technology. “Using technology students publish their work, meet students with similar interests across the globe and participate in learning experiences with classrooms worldwide.”(Shelly, 2011) The pros and cons of differentiated instruction are based on the available resources and when they are available at school. One of the pros are that students are more eager to learn because they have more options on what and how to use them in various ways. “Such opportunities include skill-building practice, interacting learning and linking learning to instructional technology resources. (Shelly, 2010)All students learn at different ways and pace but using differentiated instruction can help students with and without disability to a higher learning. Another pro is individuals can read word processing by listening for the correct sounds for the One of the cons are that using these tools can increase work for the teachers in their lesson planning. Another is that schools are not equipped with the resources for these tools and that can be for both teachers and students. Some children are not able to grasp the resources immediately and that may be a con affecting their learning capability.

Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?”

Teachers should not totally depend on the use of technology to student’s general basis of learning. The main reason is, devices can stop working at any time. Just imagine if all your lesson plans and class activities are centered on the use of technology, students may miss out different ways to gain knowledge. Therefore, students should be taught different ways to learn and not be dependent on the internet or strictly technology. Some students do not grasp the techniques of technology and lose a chance to learn at some point. Effective teachers with differentiating instruction is important way for teachers to get the points across to students. It has to do with being sensitive to the needs of your students and finding ways to help students make the necessary connections for learning to occur in the best possible way. In the twenty-first century with the use of technology, we have a way of extensive research that available to us to assist us in creating instructional environments. However this can increased the learning opportunities that can assist students in developing the knowledge and skills necessary for achieving positive learning outcomes.

Section 5:Technology to Support Assessment

Write a 500-750-word description with rationaleon how you will utilize software to support assessment in the classroom.Consider the following:

  1. In what ways can technology facilitate the ongoing effort to assess student learning?
  2. What is the difference between formative assessment and summative assessment, and how can technology be used to facilitate both?
  3. What are the pros and cons of using technology to assess student learning?
  4. Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?
  5. What is the importance of assessment technology in connectionwith the ISTE standards?

It is important that teachers know the difference between formative and summative. Learning is useful representations of knowledge and is needed when solving problems. Preventing pictures, diagrams or models makes the process of understanding knowledge easier through visual expression of the lessons. Technology has different concepts or cores to help the students learn as well as the teachers reviewing the assessments as beginners or co-learners. This paper also presents three software how teachers can use the resource to interact with students. Microsoft, Evernote and Inspiration all are beneficial to the developmental process of students learning. Teachers can utilize technology to facilitate the ongoing efforts to assess student learning in the classroom with instruction materials, instructional knowledge and ongoing assessment of what the student are learning or what the core curriculum requires. “Technology should be used to increase skills and expand or enhance learning across all skills and subject areas.”(ISTE, 2011).Teachers can utilize technology to facilitate the ongoing efforts to assess student learning in the classroom with instruction materials, instructional knowledge and ongoing assessment of what the student are learning or what the core curriculum requires. Also work close with parents as things may and will change with students as they are learning. Students work at different speed. Some students work at high level and a faster pace while others at a slower pace and lower level. Therefore it is left up to teachers to have a tactful lesson plans that will work in all cases. Using the computer and other technology can help teachers and students to achieve their goal of learning by using different strategies. . "Assessment is the process of gathering data more specifically, assessment is the ways instructors gather data about their teaching and their students' learning. (HannaDettmer, 2004)When using Microsoft, Evernote, and Inspiration in the way of learning, it tends to be beneficial to the students and parents because it simple to comprehend and a tool that facilitate interaction with the teachers. A pro is that teachers can be able to give information in more than one way and improve student’s learning abilities through technology. Immediate feedback for both students and teachers or any question that may come about can be answered promptly through the web. The student have more time to grasp learning because they are able to use technology anywhere or any time. Technology maps out different ways to gain knowledge about different origins, how to use technology in a smart but safe way to learn with the teachers guidance and be Also work close with parents as things may and will change with students as they are learning. Students work at different speed. Some students work at high level and a faster pace while others at a slower pace and lower level. Therefore it is left up to teachers to have a tactful lesson plans that will work in all cases. Using the computer and other technology can help teachers and students to achieve their goal of learning by using different strategies. When using Microsoft, Evernote, and Inspiration in the way of learning, it tends to be beneficial to the students and parents because it simple to comprehend and a tool that facilitate interaction with the teachers.The importance of technology assessment can be used for all ages. It also strengthens the teachers teaching ability relaying the lessons to the students while being a co-learner. “Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.” ISTE, 2007).