1-15-04 CGEC Board Meeting Minutes-

Board Members in Attendance

Theresa North, Michael Becker, Chris Tsongas, Nathan Salter, David Skakel, Scot & Rebecca, Lynn Bergeron, Jules Burton.

Approved prior minutes



Ella Hamilton

Treasurer’s Report

1-Dec / beginning balance / Gorge Rebuild-it Center / 4297.32
expenses / Director- November / <2500>
sales / 1287
t-shirts / 70
donations / 7000
31-Dec / ending balance / Gorge Rebuild-it Center / 10154.32


  • Pat Bozanich is researching the feasibility of designing a “Chinook Book” for the Gorge. Chinook Book is a coupon book, which promotes “green businesses and services. Sales of these local coupon books could generate revenue for Gorge Rebuild-it Center.
  • Daryl Hoyt (Twin Oaks Metal Works) wants to volunteer when we move our business at the end of April.
  • Letter- James Sipes of Sand County Studios offered assistance to GRC pertaining to fundraising and promotion.


  • We agreed that CGEC will not officiate over Earth Day activities in Hood River this year because we need to focus on the Gorge Rebuild-it center project. With that said, we encourage others to consider handling the individual aspects of Earth Day (i.e., Procession of the Species, Enviro Home Tour, Salmon Pageant, etc..).
  • We spoke about approaching Kate Mills as an additional board member. Some thought that we might want her to consider a non-board position (i.e., fundraising committee chair or some honorary title, which would officially recognize her continued support of the Gorge Rebuild-it Center project.
  • Gorge Rebuild-it Center was slow during December (as anticipated). But we are meeting our expenses. However, it is time to rejuvenate a low-cost promotion campaign. We spoke of various methods, including: Radio La Tierra, Skylight theatre ads, TV. ads, illuminate sign behind Windance, continue Gorge net classifieds, and the monthly $23 ad in the eagle newspaper classifieds.
  • We agreed that an Americorps placement might be our best option at this phase of the business. We cannot presently afford additional staff.
  • David explained that our work truck needed various repairs to make it road worthy (and legal). He expressed that he was dies-satisfied about the work, which was done by DelCarpine Automotive. David felt that the work was over-charged and that the work was not completed. The board asked that David write a letter to DelCarpine about this. If the matter is not settled properly, then the entire board will sign another (stronger) letter.


  • Michael Becker will talk with NWSA about our interest in pursuing our pending Americorps application.
  • Board members (especially Lynn B.) offered to commend volunteers in various ways (i.e., baby sitting for volunteers with children, etc…).
  • David will set up a GRC checking account.
  • David will present a letter to DelCarpine Automotive Repair, outlining our dis-satisfaction for repairs done on the GRC truck and asking for resolve.
  • Chris Tsongas will look into the affordability of local TV ads.
  • Nathan will contact architects about GRC.
  • Nathan will post to Gorge Net Classifieds that CGEC is not sponsoring Earth Day this year.
  • Jules will continue to call contractors.
  • Rebecca agreed to send thank you letters to all contributors.


  • Ella Hamilton as board member of Columbia Gorge Earth Center (Approved unanimously).
  • Nominate Michael Becker as President. (Approved unanimously).
  • Set up GRC checking account, with GRC director as signer. (Approved unanimously).
  • Pay Director $2,500 for December (David abstained. Approved).

Next Board Meeting

Date:Thursday February 12th

Time: 5-8 pm

Where:Acre Coffee House, Heights in Hood River