EDT 627 – Technology Integration for Secondary Teachers
Common Course Assessment: Curricular Integration Project
Common Course Standards
- Unit Standards: National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
- Initial Program Standards: Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Standards (INTASC)
- Advanced Program Standards
▫National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
▫Council for Social Foundations of Education Standards (CSFE)
▫College of Education Research Standards
- Educational Technology Program Standards: National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T), 2000
NBPTS – Proposition #2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students
- Teachers appreciate how knowledge in their subjects is created, organized and linked to other disciplines
- Teachers command specialized knowledge of how to convey a subject to students
- Teachers generate multiple paths to knowledge
INTASC – Principle #7: Teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. [GTC Students]
NETS-T – Standard #2: Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences
Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers:
- design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
- apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.
- identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.
- plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.
- plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.
NETS-T – Standard #6: Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues
Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK–12 schools and apply that understanding in practice. Teachers:
- facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students.
Directions to the Student
Curricular integration projects (CIP) allow each student an opportunity to explore in depth an educational technology integration topic of interest to them in the context of their professional practice. Possible projects include unit & lesson plans that integrate technology and curricular standards, encourage higher order thinking skills, use available technology (lab or classroom-based) to extend and expand instruction, and also demonstrate adaptation of instruction for students with diverse needs or abilities. WebQuests include all the typical components plus map activities onto technology and curriculum standards, support higher order thinking skills, use available technology to extend and expand instruction, and demonstrate adaptation for students with diverse needs and abilities. A plan for online instruction should be based on a well-defined area of curriculum in a given content area, serving as a substitute or extension for more traditional methods for presenting this content.
Curricular Integration Project Evaluation Rubric
Element being assessed / Distinguished [3] / Proficient [2] / Progressing [1] / Unsatisfactory [0]Overall quality / Document has few (less than 2) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors / Document has some (between 3 and 6) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors / Document has many (between 6 & 9) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors / Document has many (more than 9) spelling, grammar or punctuation errors
Unit and lesson pans
Required elements included / Unit and lesson plans include all basic elements (seetemplate) / Unit and lesson plans include most (between ½ and ¾) basic elements (see template) / Unit and lesson plans include some (between ¼ & ½) basic elements (see template) / Unit and lesson plans include few (less than ¼) basic elements (see template)
Alignment with subject area and technology standards / Unit and lesson activities and assessments are aligned with curricular standards, including local, state or national subject area and technology benchmarks / Unit and lesson activities and assessments are aligned with local, state or national curricular standards, including subject area or technology benchmarks / Unit and lesson activities or assessments are aligned with local, state or national curricular standards / Unit and lesson activities and assessments are not aligned with local, state or national subject area standards or technology benchmarks
Describes how technology extends or expands instructional activities & supports higher-order thinking skills development / Materials describe how available technology is used to extend or expand existing classroom instruction and include support for development of higher order thinking skills / Materials describe how available technology is used to extend or expand existing classroom instruction or include support for development of higher order thinking skills / Materials describe how available technology is used to extend or expand existing classroom instruction or include support for development of higher order thinking skills / Materials do not describe how available technology is used to extend or expand existing classroom instruction or include support for development of higher order thinking skills
Consideration of available technology and alternative options / Unit and lesson plans consider location of available technology, scheduling, and provide alternatives in the event technology is not available / Unit and lesson plans consider location of available technology or scheduling, and provide alternatives in the event technology is not available / Unit and lesson plans consider location of available technology, scheduling, or provide alternatives in the event technology is not available / Unit and lesson plans do not consider location of available technology, scheduling, or provide alternatives in the event technology is not available
Consideration for students’ beginning technology knowledge & skill & support for students with special needs and abilities / Unit and lesson plans assess students’ beginning technology knowledge and skill, clearly demonstrate how students with diverse needs and abilities are supported, and accommodate student differences / Unit and lesson plans include at least two of the following: assess students’ beginning technology knowledge and skill, clearly demonstrate how students with diverse needs and abilities are supported or accommodate student differences / Unit and lesson plans include at least one of the following: assess students’ beginning technology knowledge and skill, clearly demonstrate how students with diverse needs and abilities are supported or accommodate student differences / Unit and lesson plans do not assess students’ beginning technology knowledge and skill, clearly demonstrate how students with diverse needs and abilities are supported, or accommodate student differences
Required elements included / WebQuest includes all basic elements (see template) / WebQuest includes most (between ½ and ¾) basic elements (see template) / WebQuest includes some (between ¼ & ½) basic elements (see template) / WebQuest includes few (less than ¼) basic elements (see template)
Alignment with subject area and technology standards / WebQuest activities and goals are aligned with curricular standards, including local, state or national subject area and technology benchmarks / WebQuest activities and goals are aligned with local, state or national curricular standards, including subject area or technology benchmarks / WebQuest activities and goals are not aligned with local, state or national curricular standards / WebQuest activities and goals are not aligned with curricular standards, including local, state or national subject area and technology benchmarks
Describes how technology extends or expands instructional activities & supports higher-order thinking skills development / WebQuest describes how available technology is used to extend or expand existing classroom instruction and include support for development of higher order thinking skills / WebQuest describes how available technology is used to extend or expand existing classroom instruction or include support for development of higher order thinking skills / WebQuest describes how available technology is used to extend or expand existing classroom instruction or include support for development of higher order thinking skills / WebQuest does not describe how available technology is used to extend or expand existing classroom instruction or include support for development of higher order thinking skills
Consideration for students’ beginning technology knowledge & skill & support for students with special needs and abilities / WebQuest assesses students’ beginning technology knowledge and skill, clearly demonstrate how students with diverse needs and abilities are supported, and accommodates student differences / WebQuest includes at least two of the following: assess students’ beginning technology knowledge and skill, clearly demonstrate how students with diverse needs and abilities are supported or accommodate student differences / WebQuest includes at least one of the following: assess students’ beginning technology knowledge and skill, clearly demonstrate how students with diverse needs and abilities are supported or accommodate student differences / WebQuest does not assesses students’ beginning technology knowledge and skill, clearly demonstrate how students with diverse needs and abilities are supported, or accommodates student differences
Online Instructional Materials
Required elements included / Plan includes all basic elements (see template) / Plan includes most (between ½ and ¾) basic elements (see template) / Plan includes some (between ¼ & ½) basic elements (see template) / Plan includes few (less than ¼) basic elements (see template)
Alignment with subject area and technology standards / Plan identifies grade, subject area and content covered and describes instructional goals and objectives along with strategies used to accomplish these goals / Plan identifies grade, subject area or content covered and describes instructional goals and objectives aligned with strategies used to accomplish these goals / Plan identifies grade, subject area or content covered or describes instructional goals or objectives aligned with strategies used to accomplish these goals / Plan fails to identify grade, subject area and content covered
Describes how technology extends or expands instructional activities & supports higher-order thinking skills development / Plan identifies any special requirements for success with the materials and activities, including plug-ins, video, etc. / Plan identifies any special requirements for success with the materials and activities, including plug-ins, video, etc. / Plan identifies any special requirements for success with the materials and activities, including plug-ins, video, etc. / Plan does not identify any special requirements for success with the materials and activities, including plug-ins, video, etc.
Consideration for students’ beginning technology knowledge & skill & support for students with special needs and abilities / Instructional plan identifies web-based materials, resources, tutorials, activities, etc. to be used within learning activities along with an evaluation of their suitability for stated purpose / Instructional plan identifies web-based materials, resources, tutorials, activities, etc. to be used within learning activities, but lacks an evaluation of their suitability for stated purpose / Instructional plan identifies web-based materials, resources, tutorials, activities, etc. to be used within learning activities, but lacks an evaluation of their suitability for stated purpose / Instructional plan does not identify web-based materials, resources, tutorials, activities, etc. to be used within learning activities along with an evaluation of their suitability for stated purpose
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