EDSC 182 Summative Assessment Tools – Performance Assessment Rubric

Criteria / High quality
20 points / Satisfactory
16 points / Revision Suggested
10 points or less / Comments
Assignment Components / Includes all parts:
Student Description @ 2 pts
Table of Specs @ 1 pt
Task @ 2 pts
5 pts total / Includes all parts:
Student Description @ 2 pts
Table of Specs @ 1 pt
Task @ 2 pts
5 pts total / May be missing some aspect of the assignment. Points deducted according to the values given in other levels of rubric.
Points will vary
Explanations and Rationale / - Justifies (with details and supporting quotes from readings) how and why the task components and scoring represent the full range of content taught, why this type of task is best suited for your unit summative assessment, and how the instruction leading up to the task scaffolds student learning.
- Explains how the task design avoids 3 or 4 potential RSVP issues.
7 points / - Justifies (in brief) how and why the task components and scoring represent content taught, why this type of task is best suited for your unit summative assessment, and how the instruction leading up to the task scaffolds student learning
- Explains how the taskdesign avoids at least one potential RSVP issue.
5 points / -Task components, instruction and/or scoring not justified.
-No explanations for how the task avoids potential RSVP issues.
3 or fewer points
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Links / - Table of specs explicitly links task components with objectives and/or standards for student learning described in your rationale. Task components are well matched to the level of student learning described by objectives (think Bloom!)
- Predicts how the results will direct specific next steps for teaching.
5 points / - Table of specs explicitly links task components with objectives and/or standards for student learning described in your rationale. Task components are reasonably matched to the level of student learning described by objectives (think Bloom!)
- Predicts how the results will direct general next steps for teaching.
4 points / Links between standards or objectives and items are unclear. Tasks are inappropriately matched with levels of student learning. Next steps for teaching are missing.
2 points
Mechanics / Task and rubric have clear directions and point values and are typo free with aligned margins. Language of task and rubric are clear and appropriate to student reading level.
3 points / Task and rubric have clear directions and point values. May have a few typos or margin errors. Language of task and rubric are clear and appropriate to student reading level.
2 points / Task and rubric have unclear directions or point values. Language of task or rubric is unclear or inappropriate for student reading level. Has many typos and/or margin problems
1 point