Abuse and Neglect
Reporting any suspicion of child abuse and neglect is required in South Carolina. No EDS Director or Designee may prevent a teacher, staff member, or other adult from reporting a suspicion to the state authorities. EDS, does, however, request that the Director and/or her Designee be made aware of your suspicions.
Minor first aid (clean up with water/application of ice) will be administered as needed. A note describing the incident and action taken will be given to the parent. Parent signature is required on the note and one copy will be sent home with the parent and the other copy will be filed in the child’s folder. Parents will be called in the event that there is a visible mark, bump to the head, or other injury that is not “minor” in nature.
In the event of an accident while the child is at school, the following procedures will be followed:
If minor, first aid will be given at school. Small cuts, scrapes, and scratches are deemed minor. Larger cuts, burns, bruising with swelling, etc. are considered serious and the child's parents will be called immediately. If parents cannot be reached, and the injury needs attention, emergency medical personnel will be called.
Please note that it is very important that we have valid and up to date information for all parents for emergency contact purposes. Please notify us immediately of changes.
Please notify us immediately of any allergies and or special conditions that may affect your child. If your child has a life threatening allergy, you will need to provide a Food Action Allergy Plan along with any needed medications. This plan will identify your child, his/her allergy, the action plan, emergency contact information, etc. Allergy medicine must be clearly labeled and will be stored in the classroom out of reach of children or in the office. Allergy medicine should be checked for expiration dates and replaced as needed. Epi Pens will be kept in a secure bag out of children’s reach.
Change in pick-up
The office must be notified by phone or in writing if someone other than the parent or regular car pool is to pick up the child. Remind any person picking up your child to have proper identification available if needed. Remember - children not picked up by 12:05 p.m. will be placed in Extended Care and charged accordingly.
Change of clothing
All children must have an extra change of clothing at school. Please be sure to include extra underwear, socks, and shoes* (*for children who are toilet training). If your child needs a change of clothes while at school and none are available, you will be called and asked to bring clean clothes for your child. Please label all items clearly.
Children in the threeand four - year old classes will participate in a weekly chapel program. Chapel will be led by a Pastor from EPC. There are special collection days throughout the year where the children are encouraged to bring an offering of peanut butter or canned food. Teachers will communicate these days to you in advance via newsletter and/or monthly calendar.
Children’s Clothing
Comfortable, washable play clothes are the most suitable clothing for your child. Children will play outside, paint, etc. and are apt to get dirty. Children may not be excluded from an activity because of clothing unless there is a safety hazard. Children will go outside year round unless it is too wet or extremely cold. In extreme hot/cold weather they will go out briefly. All coats, hats, sweaters, etc., should be clearly marked with your child's name. We cannot be responsible for lost and/or damaged items.
Children’s Emphasis Sunday
EPC celebrates and holds a special worship service once a year usually in April. Day School children on the older hall help lead worship and all children, parents, and teachers are invited to attend.
Communication with Teachers
Teachers communicate with parents via newsletters, parent advisory notes, and phone calls when needed. If you need to talk with your child’s teacher, please call the school and leave a message for the teacher. It is extremely difficult for the teacher to “conference” during dropoff or pick-up time.
All child and employee files are confidential. Records are kept in a locked file cabinet in the office. Records are accessible by the Director, Assistant Director, and/or their Designee. A representative from DSS may also have access as needed or requested in an official capacity only.
CPR/First Aid
Key staff will be trained in CPR/First Aid.
Your child’s teacher will provide you with information regarding the curriculum during the Parent’s Night presentation. If you have any questions regarding the curriculum, please ask your child’s teacher first and then the Director.
Daily Schedules
Daily schedules outlining the activities for the day will be posted inside and outside the classroom.
Diapers and Wipes
Disposable diapers and wipes are to be furnished by the parents. You may supply diapers on a daily basis or bring a packet when needed (these will be labeled and kept in your child's room). You may be called to bring in extra diapers if needed.
Discipline Policy
In the life of a child, at one point or another, discipline and correction are needed. Many times, a simple redirection is all that is necessary to correct an undesirable behavior. In the event that further correction is necessary, the following procedures will generally be observed:
-A verbal warning or reprimand is given first-this may or may not be followed by a period of time out. This quiet time will allow the child an opportunity to calm him/herself and rejoin normal class activities.
-If the above step is not successful or the behavior continues, further appropriate isolation may be necessary. This may result in the loss of an opportunity to participate in a class activity.
-If further isolation or loss of privilege is not successful in correcting and redirecting a child’s behavior the child may be brought to the office. Sometimes a period of isolation away from his/her peers affords a child an opportunity to regroup.
In the event that a child is disruptive or hurtful in a manner that cannot be quickly corrected or if a child is simply unable to gain self-control a parent will be called by the Director or Assistant Director to come and pick up the child.
In all cases, a Parent Advisory Notice is completed advising the parent of the incident and action taken. Many times a parent will receive several notes and then a conference may be requested between the teacher, parent, and Director to address specific concerns/problems.
Please note that Eastminster Day School strictly prohibits the use of corporal punishment for any reason. No child will be deprived of food, drink, and/or bathroom access for any reason. Please report any concerns to the Director immediately.
Dropping off children
A parent or guardian must accompany the child into the building and into their classroom each morning and notify the teacher of your arrival. This will ensure that the teachers know of the child's presence in the building. Children may not be dropped off in the parking lot. Please pull into a parking space to unload/load children and do not use the designated handicapped spaces even for quick trips into the building. You may be ticketed if you are illegally parked in a handicapped space. Remember to drive slowly in the parking lot and adjacent areas.
Please do not let your children run in the hallways or run ahead of you, etc. Your children should remain with you at all times. The security system will not allow access to certain areas without a card/key fob. We do not want your children to get lost, trapped, or frightened by being locked out/in the building. Older siblings should not enter a younger sibling’s classroom and, in turn, a younger sibling should not enter an older sibling’s classroom. This will help reduce accidents and injuries to both children and toys.
Children must arrive by 11:00 a.m. Any special exceptions need to be prearranged with the EDS office with at least a one day notice.
Early Drop-Off
Full-Time Children
Please note that if your child arrives at school prior to 8:00 a.m. and you do not want your child signed in to extended care, please wait in the hall with your child until 8:00 a.m. If a child enters the extended care room, they will be signed in to extended care regardless of whether a parent is with them. This makes it very clear to the staff which children they are responsible for in the morning. If you need to drop your child off between 7:30a.m. - 8:00 a.m., please take them to the designated Early Drop-Off Room on the younger hall.
Part-Time Children
Three and four-year classes: Children arriving at 8:00 should be taken to their classrooms.If a child enters the extended care room, they will be signed in to extended care regardless of whether a parent is with them. Any children that need to be dropped off between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. need to go to designated Early Drop-Off Room on the younger hall.
The Eastminster Day School Parent’s Organization is a group of parents who volunteer and work together to support the staff and the school. The EDSPO plans events and raises funds to enrich the educational experience of the Day School children.
Emergency Closings
There are times when the school may have to close unexpectedly. EDS will use our SMS texting service to notify all parents and staff of any closing. In the event of an emergency causing an evacuation, reciprocal arrangements have been made with Trenholm Road United Methodist Church located at 3401 Trenholm Road to serve as our primary location to relocate. If other arrangements are needed, we will notify you as quickly as possible. When called to pick up your child, please do so in a timely manner (within 30 minutes).
Emergency Medical Plan
In the case of accident or serious illness, it is the school’s policy to call the parents immediately. If the parents cannot be reached, the responsible adults listed on the Emergency Treatment Form will be called. Their directions will be followed. If none of the responsible adults can be reached, the child’s physician will be called and his/her directions will be followed. There are some medical conditions under which emergency care and treatment is warranted. Below is a list of some medical emergencies that would require immediate medical care by a health care professional.
• Loss of consciousness
• Semi consciousness
• Breathing difficulties
• Severe bleeding
• Unequal pupils
• Seizure
• Neck or back injury
• Continuous clear drainage from nose/ears after a blow to the head
• Severe headache
• Stiff neck or neck pain when head is moved
• Hives that appear quickly
• Very sick child who seems to getting worse quickly
• Repeated forceful vomiting
• Vomiting blood
• Severe abdominal pain that causes a child to double over
• Abdominal pain after a blow to the abdomen
• Possible broken bones
• Shock
The following steps will be taken in a medical emergency:
Staff members will be trained to recognize signs and symptoms of conditions that require immediate medical attention. When such symptoms appear, staff will:
• Notify the Director or Designee and call 911 immediately upon recognizing signs and symptoms that require immediate medical attention.
• Call the child’s parent/guardian immediately after calling 911 to inform them of the child’s symptoms and where/how they will be transported for medical care. The Director or his/her designee will accompany the child to the hospital. EDS staff, substitute teachers, and/or emergency personnel will also be called to insure that proper ratios are maintained at all times.
• Provide first aid as trained in an approved First Aid training course until emergency personnel arrive.
• Take the child’s emergency medical information form(s) with them to the hospital.
• Staff members who witnessed the injury will document the details as soon as possible keeping the safety of the children as a priority.
Extended Care
A child must have been present during the morning program (arrival by 11:00 a.m.) to use afternoon extended care and/or any extracurricular program. A child who is not present during the morning program may not participate in the afternoon extended care program or in any extracurricular activity. In order to participate in an extracurricular activity, a child must be continuously present and signed out to that activity by Day School staff. Children must arrive by 11:00 a.m. Any special exceptions need to be prearranged with the EDS office with at least a one day notice.
Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities are available through private contractors. If you are interested in enrolling your child in any of these activities, sign up is available through the Day School website. All of these activities are offered on the school premises for enrolled children of the Day School only. Information on available activities will be provided on Parent’s Night and on the EDS website. Part-time children: please note that you will be charged extended care fees from 12:00p.m. until the start of the activity. If you pick your child up from the activity, no further fees are charged. If your child is signed back into extended care (even for 1 minute), additional extended care fees will apply.
Field Trips
Field Trips are a complement to the program, particularly as young children reach the later nursery years. Three-year-old classes rarely leave the school and four-year-old classes leave for occasional field trips. Field trips, walks, and rides to nearby points of interest will be approved by the Day School Director. You will be informed in writing of any planned field trips. All children participating in a field trip are required to have a signed Field Trip Permission Form on file for each trip. Permission slips must be returned by the date indicated in order for your child to participate. Children who arrive late to school on the day of a field trip (once bus loading has begun) may not participate. Parents may be called upon to assist with these trips. No other children except those in the program will go on field trips. Please note that adults may not smoke while chaperoning on a field trip. If you have agreed to chaperone, please do not bring other siblings along on a field trip. If you do not want your child to participate in a particular trip, please let the teacher know as soon as possible. If your child is unable to go, you may be asked to come and pick up your child from school until the class returns from the field trip.
Fire, Earthquake, and Tornado Drills
When the alarm is activated, teachers will have the children proceed to the designated area in response to the alarm. Teachers are not able to accept or dismiss children during an alarm. If the alarm is sounding, please do not enter the building.
Fire Drill Procedures
- All alarms shall be treated as an actual fire until otherwise determined by Maintenance Staff.
- Teachers will begin evacuation immediately to the predetermined exit routes posted by the door.
- Teacher/Leader should pick-up class roster upon exiting the classroom.
- Each class must stay as a group, move away from the building, and assemble in designated areas. Teachers must account for all children at destination by doing a roll call.
- When it is safe, EDS Director and/or person in charge will make a final sweep of all classrooms and restrooms making sure all doors are closed upon exiting.
Children not enrolled in the Day School will not be allowed to attend school nor be allowed on the EDS premises at any time without a parent/guardian. Parents and/or relatives are invited to visit at any time. If a relative is coming without a parent, please notify the Director in writing. Relatives, if coming without a parent, will be considered guests and must sign in at the Receptionist’s Desk in order to have temporary access to the Day School area. At no time will any guest who is deemed to be a threat and/or under the influence of drugs/alcohol be allowed to come into contact with the children.
Visitors need to check in with the EDS Office upon arrival. Therapists may not see/observe children without written consent from a parent and the appropriate DSS form on file. Therapists will need to sign in and get a visitor tag prior to seeing a child.
Health and Safety/Smoking/Alcohol and Drug Consumption
During hours of operation there shall be no smoking or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the areas used by children. Smoking is only allowed in the areas outside the building. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of other non–prescription narcotic or illegal substances is prohibited on the school premises. People who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs shall not be allowed in the school.