Attachment 1: Authorization and Eligibility

Authorizing Resolution

West Basin will bring a Resolution for consideration by the Board of Directors on November 28, 2016. Documentation will be submitted immediately thereafter.

Eligible Applicant Documentation

  • Is the applicant a local agency, joint powers authorities, or nonprofit organization, as defined in Appendix B? Please explain.

West Basin Municipal Water District (“West Basin”), the applicant, is a local, public agency.

  • What is the statutory or other legal authority under which the applicant was formed and is authorized to operate?

Under the provisions of Section 3 of the Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled: “An act to provide for the incorporation and organization and management of municipal water districts, and to provide for the acquisition and construction by said districts of waterworks, and for the acquisition of all property necessary therefor, and also to provide for the distribution and sale of water by said districts,” approved May 1911, as amended (Act 5243 of Deering’s General Laws).

  • Does the applicant have legal authority to enter into a grant agreement with the State of California?

West Basin has the legal authority to enter into a grant agreement with the State of California pursuant to California Water Code §§ 71950, 71952, 71720, 71722, and 71723.

  • Describe any legal agreements among partner agencies and/or organizations that ensure performance of the project and tracking of funds.

For the partnerships included in the Project, West Basin has legal agreements with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) through their Member Agency Allocation (MAA) funds and the South Bay Environmental Services Center (SBESC). These agreements will ensure performance success and West Basin will track the funds spent on this Project.

Shown below is West Basin’s agreement with MWD (Appendix 1). Through this agreement, West Basin is able to access the incentive funding for the indoor devices. The incentives for the high efficiency clothes washers will be provided to West Basin by MWD through the Member Agency Allocation (MAA).

Since 2006, West Basin has partnered and collaborated with the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG) and the SBESC. The SBESC is an information clearing-house and project administrator for the 16 cities located in the South Bay area of western Los Angeles County. The SBESC covers 90% of West Basin’s service territory and all of the DAC area within West Basin’s service area. The SBCCOG is currently under contract with Southern California Edison (SCE), Southern California Gas (SCG), West Basin, Los Angeles County Transportation Authority and Los Angeles County Sanitation District to promote programs and achieve energy and water efficiency project participation. Staff from West Basin attends a monthly Partners’ Meeting where the various agencies mentioned above work together and share information about their respective programs. Through this important partnership, West Basin staff has developed relationships with the SBESC and the energy utilities that will also benefit from this Project.

If awarded funding from DWR, West Basin will amend its current agreement (Appendix 2) to include the customer service component of this Project. The SBESC has verbally agreed to provide these additional services. Through West Basin’s Project, the SBESC will track the energy rebates that it assists with and provide West Basin with monthly reports while West Basin tracks the water savings associated with the Project to provide a more comprehensive picture of the energy savings associated with the water savings devices installed through this Project as well as the rebates ascertained.

Eligibility Documentation

Urban and Agricultural Water Management Compliance

West Basin has an approved 2015 Urban Water Management Plan. The approval letter from the Department of Water Resources is included in Appendix 3.

Groundwater Management Compliance

This project does not directly affect groundwater levels and therefore, no exhibits are included for this item.

Surface Water Diverters Compliance

This item is not applicable to West Basin.

Water Metering Requirement Compliance

West Basin is in compliance with Water Meter requirements. The Water Meter Compliance Self Certification form is included in this application.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3