Edmond All-Sports, Inc.



Edmond All-Sports, Inc does not discriminate in the recruitment and placement of contract labor employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, age or veteran status. No question on this application is intended to secure information to be used in a discriminatory manner. Your completed application will be reviewed carefully; but its receipt does not imply that you will be utilized. Employment consideration necessitates that you meet all conditions required for the position for which you are applying.


Date______Area interested in working______


Home Phone ______Work Phone ______Cell Phone/Pager______

Residence Address ______

City______State ______Zip ______

Social Security Number ______

Parks/Organizations umpired for and supervisor’s name ______




What days are you available to work? (Circle all that apply) MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN

Are you available for: ____ League only; ____Tournaments only; ______League and Tournaments

Current Occupation______

Last place of employment______Phone______How Long? ______

Have you ever applied at this company before? Yes No (circle one)

Name of Supervisor at this company______

Describe any formal/informal training you may have had in the area you are interested in working (umpiring clinics, referee courses, degrees, etc) ______

Education: High School ______Years completed ______

College: ______Years completed ______

Are you over 18 years old? Yes No (circle one) If yes, you must complete the consent for criminal background check form.

Have you ever been arrested or convicted of any criminal offense? Yes ______No ______

If YES, please explain: (Please include the following situations: A) traffic violation for which the fine was $200 or less, B) any offense which was finally settled in a juvenile court or under a welfare youth offender law). ______


(A conviction does not automatically mean you will not be offered a position. What you were convicted of, the circumstances surrounding the conviction and how long ago the conviction occurred are important considerations in determining your eligibility. Give all the facts, so that a fair decision can be made.)

What do you hope to gain from working at EASI? ______

I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that falsified statements are grounds for dismissal. I also understand that this position is contract labor and any taxes are my responsibility.
