Español 2 2017-2018

Señora Palm

Sala 504

310.732.0900 ext. 627


edlio page:

General Expectations:

I am looking forward to an amazing year of Spanish language learning!

I will be communicating with you throughout the year, so please make sure your email has been updated on Aeries.

Edlio will be our main location for everything class-related (homework, quiz and test dates, handouts and worksheets, projects, and daily power point presentations).

A typical day will include a warm up activity (Tapas), some note-taking of grammatical structures, individual/paired/group activities. Daily activities will be included in your power point presentations.

Students are expected to come to class on time and with all required materials.

Remember that we will be building upon all concepts (grammar & vocabulary) that we learned in Spanish 1a and 1b!

Instruction will include Etapa (Chapter) Preliminar to U4E2 (Unit 4, Chapter 2).

Most importantly, always feel free to ask questions and have fun!


● 1 three-ring binder for Spanish class materials only

●4 dividers labeled: Tapas (daily bell-ringer assignments that are collected for points every Friday), Práctica (for class notes and activities), Tarea (homework), Papeles Viejos (any completed work that is graded and returned to you). Everything should be neatly organized and hole-punched.

● 1 composition book for chapter vocabulary. These will be completed and turned in at the end of each chapter on exam day for 30 points.

●A one-subject notebook or equivalent amount of paper for your Práctica (notes and activities) sections of your binder.

●Pens (red & blue/black), pencils, highlighter

** Strongly recommended: a Spanish/English pocket-sized dictionary, glue stick, markers/colored pencils/or crayons.

Homework & Grades

Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday of each week, and checked the day it is due with a stamp. Your work will be checked on Friday for points. You can make-up any un-stamped assignments for ½ points.Most nightly homework is worth 5 points, unless I tell you otherwise. The majority of your homework will come from your “Más Práctica” workbook. You should use a red pen to correct your answers when we go over homework on Fridays.

Students will receive grades in the following categories: tests/quizzes, participation, classwork, homework, and projects.

Tests will be in a variety of different styles and are always worth 100 points. They will include grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing, and will be given at the end of each chapter (etapa).

Quizzes will vary in format and will range between 20-30 points. They are typically given after a new grammar or vocabulary topic.

Participation is a unique element to a language course, and will count for 25 points per week. Students can earn participation points by being on task, having the correct materials, being respectful/polite, treating classroom materials respectfully and raising their hand to answer questions. Students will lose participation points if they are lacking in any of these areas.

Classwork activities will vary and will be worth 2-20 points. Some will be graded on completion and others, on accuracy. Your daily warm-ups called TAPAS, will be collected at the end of each week for 2 points a day (10 points per week).

Project points will vary from 25-100 points, depending on the topic.

Your grades will be updated on Aeries (linked through the Gradebook on Edlio) every Friday.

Make-up and Late Work:

If you miss school, and miss homework assignments, you will have one week to make-up any missing assignments. After that date, any late or missing work will only receive ½ points for completion.

If it is tapas or classwork that you miss, you will need to refer to the power points that will be posted daily on Edlio.

How to Succeed:

● Pay attention in class and take good notes!

● Correct all work with a RED pen and identify questions so you can ask for help on anything that isn’t “clicking”.

● Ask questions!!! Your questions not only help you, but the rest of your class!

●Participate! Raise your hand and get involved!

●The day before your test, I will have lunchtime review/tutoring! Take advantage of this time and get your questions answered!

● Make sure you use your class notes, vocabulary, textbook to help you when doing homework! Double-check that you are spelling words correctly, including accents!

● Read your class notes every day before doing homework!

● After you finish your daily homework, spend 5-10 minutes studying the chapter vocabulary!

●Stay organized! Keep your binder neat and tidy!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. By signing this, I understand the course requirements and what is expected of me to contribute to a great school year!

Student Name & Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Period: ______

Date: ______