AP Computer Science Principles Syllabus

Course Overview

Principles Project (MobileCSP), an effort funded in part by the National Science Foundation to increase awareness of and enrollment in the field of computer science. The curriculum is based on the College Board's emerging Advanced Placement (AP) course in computer science. Students learn computer science by building socially useful mobile apps for the Android operating system. In addition to programming and computer science principles, the course is project-based and emphasizes writing, communication, collaboration, and creativity.

The class units interweave the six Computer Science Principles Computational Thinking Practices, the seven Computer Science Principles Big Ideas, and the eight Mathematical Practices listed below:

P1: Connecting Computing

P2: Creating Computational Artifacts

P3: Abstracting

P4: Analyzing Problems and Artifacts

P5: Communicating

P6: Collaborating

Big Idea 1: Creativity

Big Idea 2: Abstraction

Big Idea 3: Data and Information

Big Idea 4: Algorithms

Big Idea 5: Programming

Big Idea 6: The Internet

Big Idea 7: Global Impact

MP 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them

MP 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively

MP 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others

MP 4: Model with mathematics

MP 5: Use appropriate tools strategically

MP 6: Attend to precision

MP 7: Look for and make use of structure

MP 8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

AP Computer Science Principles Performance Tasks

Explore - Impact of Computing Innovations

Create - Applications from Ideas

The Explore task will take 12 full class days and counts for 16% of the assessment scores. The Create task will take 18 full class days to complete and counts for 24% of the assessment score. If you are absent any of these days, you must find the time to make up the work. Both tasks will be completed during the school year. The multiple choice test will be given on Friday May 5th. This test makes up the remaining 60% of the assessment scores. You will be given 120 minutes to complete 74 questions.

Grading: Grades are calculated by the total points earned out of the total points possible. See your student handbook for letter grade conversions.

Tests:No tests will be given due to the amount of projects and the time your projects will take to complete.

Quizzes: A quiz will be givenbased on your homework assignments, videos viewed, reading, and class discussions. A quiz can be given on any day. If you are absent, you will be given one day for each day absent plus one more day to make up the assessment.

Homework: Homework will be reviewedeach day. Any collected assignments will not be accepted late. This is an AP course, all assignments need to be completed and completed on time!

Classwork/Projects: Classwork and projects are completed individually and with other class members. When working with another student, you are responsible for your work as well as your partners’ work. If you are absent the day the assignment is due, you must hand it in the day you return or no credit will be given.

Extra Help: I am available for extra help throughout the day and after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Your fellow classmates are also a fantastic resource for getting extra help or notes/assignments that you missed.

What do I do if I am absent? It is your responsibility to copy any notes from class. You are responsible for completing any missed homework/classwork assignments and for getting the answers to any assignments that we went over while you were absent. See specifics for how much time you are given to make up any missing homework, classwork/projects, and quizzes above. Days I am available for extra help can be used to complete any missing work.

Headphones: You should have headphones with you each day you come to class. I will not have any to lend to you.