EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics and Web Design Maridale Still
Logo Design
In this assignment, you will be creating a personal logo and you will also be working with your group to create a group logo that you will use in your Week 4 Web Site Project. You should begin to determine how you will decide assignments for your Web Site Project. You will need to begin to look for resources for each page. Also, your group needs to begin to think about the group logo that will represent you as a team to be used on the home page of the Web Site. The following pages are required for the web site:
1. Home Page (Should include your logo and a site overview)
2. Parent Page
3. Regular Ed. Teacher Page
4. Special Ed. Teacher Page
5. How-to Page (Creating an animation and how to use 2 other Web 2.0 tools)
6. Cyber Ethics Page (Should include Creative Commons Information)
Before you begin planning and designing your logo, check out some creative digital logos at these websites.
Your goal this week is to create a logo that reflects who you are.
1.1 Pre-planning
As you begin to plan your logo, brainstorm a set of words and goals that best describes you as a person, teacher, or learner. Next, determine the design principles you can use to evoke the descriptive words as you begin to design your logo. Remember to use your readings from this week that focus on color, layouts, and other elements. The questions below will help you think about planning and reviewing your logo. Enter your answers in the expandable boxes provided.
List of words that best describe you
Meeting initial goals
What were your initial goals for the logo?
Does the logo you have match the initial goals? Why or why not?
Reflecting good design principles
What design elements and principles did you incorporate into the logo?
1.2 Constructing your logo
To construct your logo, you have the option to use Photoshop or an open source software from Week 1. The instructions for creating a new document are included in the Resource Section in a folder titled How To’s . These instructions can be used with Adobe Photoshop or any of the open source software.
Your first step is to determine the canvas size. Typical sizes are 79 x 51 pixels (very small), 150 x 25 pixels, 125 x 144 pixels, and 243 x 103 pixels. Use the instructions on How to Create a New Document to establish the canvas size.
Be aware of the file extension that you use to save your logo. Refer back to the review document in Week 1 that discusses file extensions. You will be inserting your logo in your digital newsletter in Week 4. You will need to determine how to save your logo in order for it to display correctly in your digital newsletter.
Here are some websites that can assist you with developing your logo and working with text and photos.
o http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/software/bb/logotools.htm
o http://www.logosmartz.com/
o http://www.logomaker.com/
o http://www.sharewareconnection.com/titles/logo-design-software.htm
After you have completed the design of your logo, please paste it in the box labeled “Logo” and submit this document through your courseware.
Describe how this logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
Grading Criteria
Replace with your grading criteria—such as a rubric—for this activity (students will see this material).
Exemplary / Proficient / Needs Improvement / Unacceptable1.1 Preplanning
10 points / All four planning questions are answered
9-10 points / Three of the four planning questions are answered
8 points / Two of the four planning questions are answered
7 points / No planning questions are answered
0 points
Creating a logo
20 points / Logo incorporates all four design principles
18-20 points / Logo incorporates three of the four design principles
16-17 points / Logo incorporates two of the four design principles
14-15 points / Logo incorporates less than two of the four design principles
0-6 points
1.3 Description of how logo reflects designer
10 points
TF-1.B.1 / Description provides strong evidence of how logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
9-10 points / Description provides limited evidence of how logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
8 points / Description provides little evidence of how logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
7 points / Description provides no evidence of how logo reflects you as a person, teacher, or learner.
0-6 points
Total Points / 36-40 points / 32-35 points / 28-31 points / Less than 27 points
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