Editorial — Keeping the Door Open for Foyers
Jenny Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Council to Homeless Persons
Update from Homelessness Australia
Glenda Stevens, CEO Homelessness Australia
Perspectives on Policy Developments
What’s Happening with the National Partnership on Homelessness?
Lannie Harris, Council to Homeless Persons Communication Officer
Waiting for Early Intervention…
Associate Professor David MacKenzie, Swinburne University and Professor Adam Steen, Charles Sturt University
Young People Transitioning from Out-of-Home Care in Victoria and Homelessness: The Perspectives of Homeless Services Workers
Louise Rice and Philip Mendes
The Foyers Framework
Sonia Chudiak, Senior Manager, Homelessness and Accommodation Services, Melbourne City Mission
A Worthwhile Investment in Proven Results
Wendy Lovell, Victorian Minister for Housing
A Journey from Homelessness to Transformation
Jane Slowey, Chief Executive, The Foyer Federation
The Sustainability of the Foyer Model?
Professor Adam Steen, Charles Sturt University and Associate Professor David MacKenzie, Swinburne University
Australian Foyers in Action
Foyer Plus
Lisa O’Brien, Manager, Youth Accommodation Services, Melbourne City Mission
Education First Youth Foyers: A Major Evaluation
Dr Deborah Keys, Senior Researcher, Research, Policy and Service Development, Hanover Welfare Services and Dr Joseph Borlagdan, Research and Policy Manager, Through School to Work Transition, Brotherhood of St Laurence
Foyer Warrnambool: ‘Live, Learn, Earn’, the First 12 Months
Jenny Hand, Foyer Warrnambool Manager, Brophy Family and Youth Services
Let Us Not Forget the Building: Built Environment Design and Supported Accommodation Facilities
Blair Gardiner, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne
Women on the Outside: A Foyer-Like Approach
Mandy Baxter, Justice Manager, Melbourne City Mission
From Europe to Logan: The Development of Foyer Models
Jasmine Lind, Logan Youth Foyer Support Service, Program Co-ordinator, Wesley Mission Brisbane, Logan City Services
Foyer Oxford
Jethro Sercombe, Manager, Foyer Oxford
‘Creating our own community’: The Workers View
Andrew Kazim, Case Manager, Foyer Oxford
Independent Living in a Youth Refuge: Foyer Like?
Joal Presincula, Peer Eductation Support Program (PESP) Member 2014)
‘Creating our own Community’: The Young Person’s View
Caitlyn Latham
Passport to a Positive Future: The Melbourne Academy
Steve Maillet, Director Early Years, Education and Employment, Melbourne City Mission
Ladder Un (Ltd): Aspirational Development Programs for Young People
Mark Bolton and Nich Rogers, Ladder
Collaborative Partnerships at Work: The Holmesglen Foyer
Sue Sealey, Regional Director, Eastern Region, Anglicare Victoria
The Foyer Deal: Conditionality as Part of the Foyer Model
Jethro Sercombe, Manager, Foyer Oxford
Ric Holland
Chief Executive Officer, Melbourne City Mission