Writing 8Name:


Editing Homework: Word Form II; Agreement

Part 1. Choose the right form of the given verb.

  1. The festival called "Juneteenth," which people once recognized in only a few southern areas of the United States, ____ now much more widespread.
  1. The events Juneteenth ____ occurred after the end of the Civil War.
  1. The surrender of the Confederate States ____ made official at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.
  1. From that day on, the Confederacy and the Union ____ again a single country.
  1. Neither the northern states nor the southern states ____ now legally able to permit slave-owning, which had been officially outlawed in the United States several years earlier.
  1. However, not all of the former slaves ____ aware they had been legally freed.
  1. The story from those long-ago days ____ that in Texas, slave owners murdered the messengers bringing word of emancipation.
  1. On June 19, 1865, though, the news ____ able to reach the last group of Texas slaves.
  1. Therefore, festivities marking the end of slavery ____ held not on April 9 each year, the anniversary of the South's surrender, but on June 19.
  1. Today, people celebrating Juneteenth ____ concerts, films, and other cultural events.
  1. Starving children and world peace is two of my concerns.
    Starving children and world peace are two of my concerns.
  1. Dershowitz, together with his aide, present a cogent argument.
    Dershowitz, together with his aide, presents a cogent argument.
  1. Walls of glass characterize much modern architecture.
    Walls of glass characterizes much modern architecture.
  1. The system of sororities and fraternities supply much of the social life on some college campuses.
    The system of sororities and fraternities supplies much of the social life on some college campuses.
  1. The buck stops here.
    The buck stop here.
  1. The soldiers, along with their commanding officer, was cited for bravery beyond the call of duty.
    The soldiers, along with their commanding officer, were cited for bravery beyond the call of duty.
  1. In many species, the male, as well as the female, cares for the offspring.
    In many species, the male, as well as the female, care for the offspring.
  1. He holds a controlling interest in the company.
    He hold a controlling interest in the company.
  1. The author of those stories write beautifully.
    The author of those stories writes beautifully.
  1. Current research on AIDS, in spite of the best efforts of hundreds of scientists, leave serious questions unanswered.
    Current research on AIDS, in spite of the best efforts of hundreds of scientists, leaves serious questions unanswered.
  1. Each of the entrants rehearse for a minimum of three hours daily.
    Each of the entrants rehearses for a minimum of three hours daily.
  1. Neither her manner nor her tantrums intimidates the staff.
    Neither her manner nor her tantrums intimidate the staff.
  1. The audience always respond to Pavarotti.
    The audience always responds to Pavarotti.
  1. My grandmother is the only one of my relatives who still goes to church.
    My grandmother is the only one of my relatives who still go to church.
  1. Our Tapes were one of Fitzgerald's earlier titles for Tender Is the Night.
    Our Tapes was one of Fitzgerald's earlier titles for Tender Is the Night.
  1. Sweden was one of the few European countries that was neutral in 1943.
    Sweden was one of the few European countries that were neutral in 1943.
  1. Politics have been defined as “the art of the possible.”
    Politics has been defined as “the art of the possible.”
  1. The news was discouraging, but we tried not to worry.
    The news were discouraging, but we tried not to worry.
  1. Across the river lie the beautiful ShawangunkMountains.
    Across the river lies the beautiful ShawangunkMountains.
  1. Everyone was trying to get information, but there was nobody available to discuss the facts.
    Everyone was trying to get information, but there were nobody available to discuss the facts.
  1. ____ several kittens left after the Kims adopted three.
    There was
    There were
  1. Whenever my father's Mexican cousins come to town, ____ a big fiesta in their honor.
    there is
    there are
  1. ____ two people I need to visit in Tampa next month.
    There is
    There are
  1. ____ still some Christmas presents I need to buy before I go home.
    There is
    There are
  1. ____ only one day left to study for the nursing exam.
    There is
    There are
  1. When the children all left home, ____ only Brenda and Oliver left in the big house.
    there was
    there were

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in parentheses. Each sentence will use a different word form – except #5.

2. (noise, safe)When I'm downtown, it's , but I can walk around.
The machine makes a lot of , so you should wear earplugs for .
The car is running very ; do you think it’s to drive?

3. (excite) Please be quiet and don’t the dog too much.
When he is , he barks too much.
Look at him now; his tail is wagging.
All this noise is too much for him.

4. (health).I often go jogging, even at night, because I want to stay .
I eat organic vegetables, low-fat dairy products, andsnacks.
A lifestyle may help me live longer.

5. (Korea, Poland)What kind of food is more spicy: or ?
Which language is harder to learn, or ?
When I visitedI met some people.
There is a nice restaurant in Gdansk, a city in .

6. (tire) Studying late at night is too for me.
It is to hear you complain about your job.
Of course you are . You stayed up too late last night.

Exercise 3.Correct these sentences.

  1. I very like this book.
  2. Your brother look likes you!
  3. He’s not easy to quit smoking.
  4. I told, “We must solve this problem” to her.
  5. You really have to say your opinions in class if you want succeed.
  6. I’m interested to hear all about your trip.
  7. We’re working hardly to finish this job.
  8. I live in a freedom country, where I can married anyone I want.
  9. What a sad, loneliness old man he was.
  10. I mentioned the problem to my boss but I really don’t think he listened me.
  11. You must make your house a safety place when your child is borned.
  12. I always say my daughter, “Don’t be late to school,” but it seems she never hears.
  13. My classmate is a very neatness person, and is always dressed fashionable.
  14. I got marriage last year. Actually, I was a little scary to take that step, but I’m glad I did.