080611 newSpin
News with Spin
Edited by Bill Lewellis
The newSpin newsletteris published four to six times monthly for clergy, members of diocesan ministry committees, wardens, vestry members and all who have specific ministry responsibilities in congregations of the Diocese of Bethlehem. Any interested parishioner may be added to the list. Send your email address toBill Lewellis.The newsletter may be found also on the newSpin blog. Bookmark the newSpin blog on your browser.
Former RC priests received
On June 10 at the Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, the Rev. Bruce Baker and the Rev. Michael Metro, former Roman Catholic priests, were received as priests of the Episcopal Church. They bring to 13 the number of former RCpriests serving in or associated with the Diocese of Bethlehem. At least seven others served in the 14-county northeastern Pennsylvania diocese at some point over the past three decades. See story and photohere.
Father Ronald Molrine
Father Ron Molrine, 77, died on June 5. Please keep Ron's wife, Char, and their children in your prayers. Father Molrine was a faithful and effective priest in this diocese, serving with distinction at St. Anne's Trexlertown for 21 years until his retirement in 1996. He was the vicar who diligently and faithfully worked with many dedicated parishioners to make the transition from the Grange Hall to the current edifice a reality. He began as vicar in 1975 when the church worshipped at the Grange Hall in Trexlertown. and became the church's first rector in 1984. A memorial Eucharist will be celebrated at St. Anne's on Wednesday, June 18, at 10:30 a.m. Find the obituary, a photo and a poem by Mother Gwendolyn-Jane Romerilhere.
Father Donald Walk
Bishop Paul was informed that Father Donald Walk, a priest of the DIocese of New Jersey who served for many years after his retirement at St. Andrew's Alden, has died. Father Jeffrey Funk celebrated a requiem at St. Peter's, Hazleton. There seems to be no information available online.
Anne Kitch to serve on diocesan staff
The Rev. Canon Anne E. Kitch, Canon for Christian Formation at the Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, since 1999, has accepted Bishop Paul Marshall's invitation to become Canon for Formation in the Christian Faith in the Diocese of Bethlehem. She will begin her ministry on diocesan staff on August 11. More infohere.
Deacon Sally Bosler to undergo surgery on Thursday
[From Deacon Sally Bosler]On the morning of Thursday, June 12, I will be having abdominal surgery at Reading Hospital to remove a newly discovered pelvic mass. Frozen sections will be done during surgery todetermine if this iscancer. If so, the GYN/Oncology surgeon will take over anddo whatever additional surgery is necessary.I thank you in advance for your prayers. I will lean into them.
Father Eric Snyder's50th Anniversary of Ordination
June 21 at 11:00 a.m. ––Holy Apostles Church, St. Clair
More infohere.
Contributions and pledges to the New Hope Campaign for a New Sudan and the Needy in Pennsylvania have surpassed our $3.6 million goal by more than $100,000. The campaign has begun to look toward a $4.1 million stretch goal.The intent, at the beginning of the campaign, was that $2.7 million would be designated for projects in the Diocese of Kajo Kei in Southern Sudan and $900,000 for the needy northeastern Pennsylvania. See Charlie Barebo's column on page A5 of theJune Diocesan Lifefor a report on projects that have begun in Kajo Keji.The Social Ministries Committee invites letters of intent for local proposals to be funded by the New Hope Campaign. More infohere.
Are you a missing person?
Read Bishop Paul June column for secular newspapershere.
Trinity Carbondale gears up for 175 years
Trinity Episcopal Church is gearing up for its 175th birthday celebration, starting this week with the restoration of three 19th century stained-glass windows. In September, when the windows are rededicated, it will be the highlight for a congregation that has been through fire and flood to reach a momentous anniversary. Read the Scranton Times-Tribune and WNEP-TV storieshere.
Diocesan Life/June ...It's all here. By this time, the print version should have arrived. Diocesan Life will not be published during July or August. The September issue will be available online during mid-August and in the snail mail by the end of August or early September.
Cycles of Prayer for June/July/Augustare availablehere.
Bears for New Bethany
St. George’s Church, Hellertown has collected over one hundred bears and other stuffed critters for the children at New Bethany Ministries in Bethlehem. Story and photoshere.
Church School at Trinity Easton raises $1850 for New Hope
More infohere.
Presiding Bishop calls for day of prayer for Lambeth Conference
Bishop Paul asks parishes to give the gift of prayer on June 22 and beyond that our Presiding Bishop requests inher letter."I am particularly struck by her observation that the Anglican Communion is 'one of the largest networks of human connection in the world.' For that reason alone it is valuable and worth our prayers. That it seeks to be a connection in Jesus Christ makes it invaluable and worth our constant supplication.
"I write this [June 4] from teaching at the Preaching Excellence Program, a week-long seminar for persons their seminaries consider to be outstanding preachers. I am enjoying the experience and am proud that one of our postulants was sent by his seminary to this event. What is most important about it for me, however, is to sit with the next generation of preachers, all of whom are competent and faith-filled. It is a moment of hope that I will not soon forget."
Prayer for Lambeth Conference using Anglican Rosary
Read about it onthe blog of Trinity Easton.
Look for new Put Your Faith to Work Episcopal Church ad on Friday
ThePut Your Faith to Work advertisingcontinues with a new ad slated for publication on Friday, June 13 in USA Today. The print ad design was created pro bono through the Episcopal Communication Alliance. An advance preview is availablehere.Congregations and dioceses may request copies of the ad for local placements; contact InfoLine .
New bishop for NEPA
Pastor Samuel R. Zeiser of Christ Lutheran Church, Allentown, has been elected bishop of the Northeastern PA Synod of ELCA. More infohere.
Same-sex marriage debatesThiscomprehensiveguideto covering same-sex marriage debateswas published for professional journalists on the website of the Religion Newswriters Association.
New Consecration Sunday Assistance
An Invitation from the Diocesan Stewardship Commission
An Opportunity To Explore Herb Miller’s Program For Financial Stewardship
Wednesday, June 25 (7:00 – 8:30 p.m.) at St. Margaret’s, Emmaus and Church of the Good Shepherd, Scranton
If you have not already used Herb Miller’s New Consecration Sunday program, we strongly urge you to explore the possibility of utilizing this opportunity with an eye toward increasing your congregation’s generosity by 15 – 25 %.Consecration Sunday has also helped parishes grow spiritually, because the emphasis is placed on the need of the giver to give rather than the need of the institution to receive, and works to celebrate our giving as part of our worship experience. We need to grow new ways to express our gratitude for all of God’s blessings, and to come to believe even more faithfully that“All things come of thee O Lord, and of thy own have we given thee.”We also extend an invitation to those who have used this program to come and share their insights about how it has brought new gains for their parishes. Together we can explain the program, and why it can be one of the best possible formats for the renewal of our commitment to build God’s Kingdom.
Please register with the following by phone or e-mail at the site you will be attending: AtSt. Margaret’s, Emmaus, The Rev. Canon Lexa Shallcross byemailor (610) 967-1450. At the Church of the Good Shepherd Scranton, Dan Charney, byemailor 610-837-4613. When registering, please include: parish, your name, phone number or email address and the number attending from your congregation. Registration deadline is June 20.
Creating a Culture of Peace
The Peace Commission of the Diocese of Bethlehem will host spiritually-grounded peacemaker training at Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA, November 7-9 (Friday 9:00 a.m. to Sunday 2:00 p.m.) More infohere.
Lecture on perennials at St. Andrews Allentown
St. Andrew's (1900 Pennsylvania Ave. Allentown) is hosting a lecture on "Perennials Through the Seasons" by local landscape designer Kay Johns from Point Phillips Perennials on Monday June 16 at 7:00 p.m.at the church. Admission is free. There will be light refreshments and a plant raffle as well.
In Episcopal Teacher
Columns by Jenifer Gamber and Anne Kitch
In the summer issue of Episcopal Teacher,Jenifer Gamber writes about letting the souls of youth speak (page 12) and Canon Anne Kitch invites us to explore the in-between time of Pentecost (page 16). Clickherefor a pdf file of the magazine from the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary.
Workshop on Aging Services and Technology
The Phoebe Institute on Aging and Lehigh University present the 2008 Workshop on Aging Services and Technology (WAST 2008), Thursday, June 12. More infohere. This workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary group of caregivers, administrators, policy makers, researchers, and industry representatives with a common goal of leveraging technology to improve the lives of older adults. [Thanks to Diana Marshall for this pointer.]
A word aboutnewSpin
In addition to ourDiocesan LIfenewspaper, we have gradually developed a variety of electronic venues through which to offerparishionersin the Diocese of Bethlehem news, information and commentary related to local congregations, our diocesan community, the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. Among these are thenewSpin newsletter, thenewSpin blog,ourdiocesan website(including special websites foryouthandchildren'sministries) and the interactive "Bethlehem of Pa" list.
Feedback I have received over the past two years indicates thatnewSpin, distributed online three to six times monthly, has been especially well received and read. During the next few months, a design-enhanced version ofnewSpinwill become a primary medium of communication throughout our diocesan community. At this point, some 700 addresses are subscribed to thenewSpinlist. Many others receive it by way of the "Bethlehem of Pa" list or read it on thenewSpinblog. As we receive the annually updated parish officials lists, we add all whose email addresses are indicated there to a list to receivenewSpin.One need not be a parish official, however, to receive it. I'd be delighted to include anyone. Simply send names and email addresses to our info tech coordinatorKat Lehman. If anyone who receivesnewSpinchooses not to continue receiving it, there is a link at the bottom of each newsletter whereby they may unsubscribe.
If you have parish news that would be of interest to others around our diocesan community, please post the news on "Bethlehem of Pa," if you are joined to that list, or send the newsto meso I can include it innewSpin.
Diocesan Convention
Nominations and Resolutions
The deadline for nominations and resolutions for our Diocesan Convention at Christ Church Reading, October 10-11, is August 1. The following three items may be downloadedhere: (1) A cover letter with information about both nominations and resolutions. (2) "Duties and Qualifications" of the elected offices and a list of positions to be filled by election. (3) A nominating petition.
[From Mother Jane Bender] I want to give public thanks to Ginny Day+ for sharing the blessing below many years ago.Also - wishing Ginny public best wishes + prayers for joy in her coming retirement.This blessing is particularly wonderful on Mother's Day and Father's Day - but I use it all the time. This comes with thanksgiving to all you Fathers this weekend - and for all our own Fathers.Gohereto see the "Falcon Cam" of the brooding falcon on the top of the PPL building in Allentown. The peregrine falcons have now hatched and have been banded and put back in the nest and all is well - they are almost fledglings.
"May the blessing of the God of Abraham and Sarah,and of Jesus Christ born of our sister Mary,and of the Holy Spirit, who broods over the worldas a mother or father over their children,be upon you and remain with you always. Amen."
[On behalf of Canon Jane Teter] "It is not too early to start knitting for mariners on the high seas atChristmas time. Take some knitting or crocheting along on yourvacation this summer. You can find the guidelines and patternshere.I have a large basket at Diocesan House and amhappy to collect your items any time. We will again collect items atour Diocesan Convention in October."
Public television features Grace Allentown
Tempo,the Lehigh Valley’s NewsMagazine program produced by WLVTTV/PBS39, included a segment about
Grace Allentown and two of its severalministries. It aired on May 1, andmaybe seen on YouTube. More info may be found on the nationalEpiscopal Café.
Music Camp at Historic St. Paul's Montrose, June 24-27
Findstory and photohere.
Congregational Development Grant Applications for 2009
This year's deadline for 2009 grants is July 1 – so the committee can include the specific grants in the budget presented to Diocesan Convention in October. The advantage of the earlier deadline is that congregations will know the amount of their grant in October instead of January or February after Diocesan Council meets. Applications received after the July 1 deadline will not be considered. Questions:Emailor phone (800-358-5655 x228) Canon Jane Teter. Download the application formhere. It may be completed online.
Bishop's School
The fall semester of Bishop's School will be held at St. Peter's Hazleton from 10 to 3:30 on September 20 & 27; October 4, 18 & 25; November 1, 8, 15, 22; and December 6 (December 13 is reserved for a snow day).The morning class will be "The Message of the Old Testament" led by The Rev. Daniel Gunn; the afternoon class will be "Church History" led by Mr. Brian Pavlac. More infohere.
Godly Play Teacher Accreditation Training
September 11-13, Cathedral Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem.Kathleen Capcara and Dawn Stewart will be the trainers.The coordinator is Tracy Eisenreich,emailor610.217.9662. Find the brochurehere.
Bulletin inserts offer brief history of Lambeth Conference
The Episcopal Life Weekly bulletin inserts offer a nine-part series on the Lambeth Conference and the Anglican Communion. They areavailablehere.in color and black/white formats on either a full 8.5" by 11" sheet or half of an 8.5" by 11" sheet double-sided. They are also available in Spanish.