EDIS 5435: Writing Across the Curriculum

Fall 2014

Instructor: Isabel McLean, Ph.D.


Office Hours: Online

Class Schedule: 12 Class Sessions

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Writing Across the Curriculum Course Description: This course is designed to be a collaborative effort to explore writing as a process, not just a product, and to discover how writing across the curriculum can enhance both disciplinary literacy and student performance within our schools. Equally important, we will explore our own ideas as writers and discover new ways to revise our writing.

“If we ourselves are immersed in an ongoing way in our own writing, we have a fabulous resource to draw from when we teach.” Lucy Calkins, The Art of Teaching Writing

PREREQUISITES: Undergraduate degree

Course Objectives:

Participants will:

  • create a community of writers;
  • practice the art of writing;
  • experiment with various types of writing;
  • focus on ways to teach writing using a wide variety of strategies and across various content areas;
  • create an awareness of mentor texts that support writing across the curriculum;
  • develop an understanding of the assessment of writing;
  • incorporate technology in writing across the curriculum assignments.

All of the assignments will have multiple due dates throughout the summer but the disparate pieces are designed to fit into the two larger projects, as described below.

Personal Writing Portfolio(30 points)

In order to build our writing community, practice the art of writing and experiment with a wide variety of genre,you will design a “personal writing portfolio” which will hold the following pieces:

  • Where I’m From poem
  • Six Word memoir
  • Personal Narrative
  • This I Believe essay
  • Letter to a Friend
  • Revised Letter to a Friend

Multigenre Research Project (40 points)

Multigenre projects are the very embodiment of the-going-deeper-and-thinking-higher mindset. This assignment invites you to delve more deeply into your own writing and choose a topic (either a skill or content exploration) that you feel passionate about to research. Before embarking on this project, please read the section in Daniels Chapter 9 More Ambitious Public Writing Projects called “Multigenre Project.” This research project will include:

  • An interview with an education “expert” of your choice
  • A letter to parents stating your personal beliefs about the topic and why it is important for students to learn more about
  • In the spirit of a RAFT (role, audience, format, topic), choose another piece to write that addresses your topic.
  • A thematic unit outline that either directly addresses the topic or that incorporates the skill to be instructed (including a unit map and essential questions)
  • Two mini-lessons related to the topic that rely on mentor texts (one of which is nonfiction)
  • A classroom visual

Forum Discussion Participation (30 points) Each week the instructor will provide directions and requirements for posting responses to the exercises in the forum.

Points / 3 points / .5-2.5 points / 0 points
Number of postings/assignments
*Requirements for postings may vary / Meets or exceeds instructor’s requirement. / Partially meets requirement. / Does not meet requirement. (No postings.)
Meets or Exceeds Expectations / Partially Meets Expectations / Does NOT meet Expectations
Quality of Information / Information clearly relates to the main topic and adds new relevant information. Supporting details and examples are provided. / Information relates to the main topic somewhat. Did not completely address question/exercise. / Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic or question.
Critical Thinking / Enhances the critical thinking process consistently through reflection in response. / Critical thinking and reflection are occasionally demonstrated in responses (as appropriate). / Does not respond to posted question or provides a partial response.
Participation / Responds frequently, encourages and/or facilitates interaction among class members. / Rarely responds to other classmates and instructor in a meaningful manner. / Responds to instructor only and not peers.
Professional Language / Professional vocabulary, writing and attitude exemplified consistently. / Professional vocabulary, writing and attitude are sometimes evident. / Lacks professional writing style and vocabulary.


Calkins, Lucy M. (1994). The Art of Teaching Writing. New Hampshire: Heinemann

Daniels, H., Zemelman, S., Steineke, N. (2007). Content-Area Writing: Every Teacher’s Guide. New Hampshire: Heinemann.

Hicks, Troy. (2009). Digital Writing Workshop. New Hampshire: Heinemann.

Spandel, Vicki. (2013) Creating Writers: Through 6 Traits, Process, Workshop, and Literature. New York:Pearson.

Other suggested texts:

Atwell, Nancie. (1998). In The Middle: New Understandings About Writing Reading and Learning. New Hampshire: Heinemann.

Gallagher, Kelly. (2011). Write Like This: Teaching Real-World Writing Through Modeling and Mentor Texts. Maine: Stenhouse.

The final grade will be based on performance in the following areas:

Activity / Due / Points
Completion of assigned readings, exercises, discussion participation, and assignments / End of every class period / 10 points per class
TOTAL / 100

Points/percentages equate to grades as follows:

100 A+ / 87-89 B+ / 77-79 C+ / 63-69 D
95-99 A / 83-86 B / 73-76 C / < 62 F
90-94 A- / 80-82 B- / 70-72 C-

Grade Reports: To obtain a grade report at the end of the semester, visit the UVA registrar’s website to request your grade(s).