Edinburgh Network of Voluntary Organisations for
Children, Young People and Families
NETWORK Meeting Minutes
Thursday 5th December 2013
Joan Fraser (Chair) / The YardDina Subasciaki / The Ripple Project
Margot Mackenzie / Home Start
Danny Holligan / Barnardos
Marilyn Nicholl / GIRFEC/EVOC
Sharon Guest / Barnardos
Emma Vinnie / Sleep Scotland
John Stevens / Bethany Christian Trust
Sandy Corlett / Children 1st
Maura Daly / Circle
Glenn Liddall / Crossreach
Sam Anderson / The Junction
Kate Kasprowicz / EVOC
Josie Isles / EVOC
1pm-2pm CSMG meeting
Marilyn, Margot, Danny, Kate, Joan, Dina present. Apologies: Marilyn Keilloh
Marilyn introduced an informal discussion for CSMG reps, looking at issues, problems and support. The following points were made:
· Issues around confidence/working in partnership/ expectations of the role; revising the agenda of CSMG meetings. Marilyn gave feedback on behalf of reps not present. Most felt comfortable raising issues. Sharing information in a secure way was an issue.
· There was to be a Performance Monitoring meeting at Waverley Court the next day, evaluating the work of the coordinators of CSMG.
· Issue of rationalisation in the North area: to be discussed in the Network meeting
· Steve Gowenlock happy to stand down as a Rep for Edinburgh North, finding it difficult to represent the wider sector/ make meetings. Otherwise the reps not present were happy with their roles but happy to look at any rationalisation.
· It was important for Total Craigroyston to tie in effectively with the CSMGs. Theresa Allison had stood down as the Total Craigroyston Rep. Marilyn Keilloch is on the Total Craigroyston Group Representing Stepping Stones and would be willing to be the Network Rep. Joan and Marilyn Nicholl to discuss. Joan had asked at the Children’s Partnership for Evaluation information to support verbal “success” reports on Total Craigroyston.
· Joan reported back on the previous day’s discussion at the Children’s Partnership where the effectiveness of the CSMGs was discussed.
· Representation in different geographical areas discussed. Dina mentioned Total Lochend and wondered if it might be possible to engage with this Forum.
· CSMG Coordinators are thought to be making a difference and it was hoped that their roles would be ongoing beyond March.
· Difficulties in working out what other voluntary orgs were doing but the Red Book would help. Hard to find capacity to do the engagement work with other voluntary organisations. Marilyn highlighted the North Edinburgh Early Intervention Service Directory which she would pass to Tom Bathgate to help this process. This was a great resource which could be developed.
· Issues around CEC starting to use more volunteers, but without expertise in place. Many concerns re Family Solutions, including unsupported volunteers, training, vague role remits and responsibilities and issues like paying for PVGs. Creative solutions may be needed and the group were keen to connect with other voluntary organisations to work together on such issues. Ongoing issues in other areas with statutory sector starting to mirror the existing services in the voluntary sector, eg, befriending, but without discussion re process or best practice, leading to duplication. Should the voluntary dimension of this work really be outsourced? Joan had raised this with Alastair Gaw. Sandy and Danny to have a further meeting with Donny Scott and Becky Cropper about this.
· More regular meetings for peer support like this one thought to be a good idea, set as issues arise. Group to consider setting up another 1pm meeting every second or third month. / JF/MN
2pm Network meeting
1 / Apologies , farewells, introductions
Apologies: Bev Read, Margo Irvine, Anna Chrystal, Paula Swanston, Kate Polson
Farewells: Nina bade farewell to the Network and Joan wished her all the best in her new role.
Introductions: Kate had now taken over leading on the CYPF stream of work for EVOC, with 3 days a week on Network business and new full time Development Worker Louise Rogers starting soon. Josie was also now part of the team doing part time work on the Early Years Change Fund Development Fund.
2 / Thematic discussion: GIRFEC, 2-3pm
Every second Network meeting includes a GIRFEC discussion.
· Marilyn presented a summary report on GIRFEC implementation and her role as Voluntary Sector Lead Oct. She discussed her role in the CSMGs Coordinators Group and advised that Christine Mackay from Total Craigroyston was now attending. Sandy, Margot and Danny thought that the CSMG Co-ordinators were having a positive impact.
· The EVOC Red Book is now live and older peoples info is completed. Children and Families info is being added. Any changes or additions to go to Karen at
· Steve Gowenlock to step down. Marilyn Keilloh would also like to stand down. CSMG Representation to be discussed further.
· Marilyn identified lack of links to the Red Book on the website and from general searches, to be investigated.
· Marilyn highlighted and circulated the CMSG diagram.
· Joan highlighted the LAC diagram and noted the huge increase in LAC and the push around fostering and adoption.
Sandy’s Report from CSMG South
· Focus at present is putting a work plan together and fitting with other workstreams.
· Membership and attendance had improved.
· Work was ongoing re developing the team around the cluster concept.
· Focus was on transition work and parent/carer development.
Margot’s Report from CSMG West
· 2 meetings attended with good attendance.
· Coordinator arranged cluster mtgs.
· Display afternoon at Forrester High School.
· GIRFEC training well subscribed.
· Evaluation work information presented.
· Parents/carers work may become a sub group.
· May need a Vol sector rep for older children. Marilyn to look at this
· Reconfiguration of Early Years Centres are being looked at.
· No trained facilitators for parenting programmes in the West – need an audit of who’s trained and where. Issues here because the programmes are all also businesses.
· Review of Early Years: questions around the impact on wider community and inclusion in consultations.
Sandy asked about the shared assessment process and also raised concerns that a lead professional was not being appointed for all the child planning meetings (where more than 2/3 agencies were involved). / JF/MN
KK/Tom Bathgate
4 / Minutes and Matters arising November 2013 Network Meeting
Margot Mackenzie asked that the minutes note her apologies. With that amendment, the Minutes were accepted as an accurate record.
Matters Arising:
· Item 2 Publicising Health Start Vouchers and vitamins – check this has been done.
· Item 3 Meeting with Ian and Ros Boyd – Third Sector email addresses for sharing secure info and working across agencies. Ros agreed that TSOs could have NHS email address. EVOC to investigate whilst this is a current issue. Issues over CEC addresses which were also being looked at. Need to take account of Education email addresses too.
· Item 6 Outcome Frameworks in use to be collated by Nina for Lynne Porteous. Margot keen to see these too. Kate to check on progress
· Item 6 South – Sandy to get more information about her comment on P1/2 attendance
· Item 8 Scottish Welfare Fund to be used locally, still large pot unspent, and underpublicised. Need to look at getting information out. Kate to chase this up. / KK
5 / Any Other Business
Lothian Draft Children’s Strategy, Tuesday 10th December 9.30-11am.
Event to be held at EVOC with a presentation on the strategy and group work. There was also a link to survey monkey to complete for those not able to make it. Members were asked to let Kate know re attendance.
6 / Network Development
There are several Network rep vacancies which would be advertised in a special edition of Network News. / KK
7 / Partnership Working: Meetings over the last two months
7.1 Children’s Partnership – Maura/ Sam/ Joan
Written feedback from Maura: her report will be put on the website. A copy of Margaret Douglas’ presentation to be obtained
7.2 Health Lifestyle Advisory Group - Sam
Sam had the dates for next year and hoped to attend then.
7.3 EADP November mtg – Glenn
· Glenn would send a copy of the minutes rculated from the Children and Families Forum meeting at Edinburgh prison visitor’s centre for Kaye to put on the website
· Glenn would circulate minutes from the upcoming EADP C&YP sub group meeting too.
· Glenn suggested a thematic joint meeting between the Network and the EADP C&YP subgroup. This was welcomed. Glenn to suggest this at the forthcoming sub group meeting
· The EADP commissioning group has no voluntary sector representation, which Glenn thought was needed. Glenn and Sam would push for this
7.4 Early Years Change Fund – Joan
· Last meeting was on 14th November 2013.
· Total of the fund is £8 million, and it would be good to know how it was spent. Evaluation is being developed.
· The Development Fund was £0.5 million, and 32 applications had been received: to be reported on at the next EYCF meeting. An announcement would be made soon.
7.5 Play Strategy Steering Group
· It was hard to get anyone to represent the sector on this and Joan Fraser has attended the last 2 meetings.
· A Play Forum Steering Group was being developed and EVOC had offered to host, keen to have voluntary sector representation, input and design. The Group would develop the Edinburgh Play Strategy
· Cllr Keith Robson had been appointed as Play Champion, looking at developing public play areas across Edinburgh. A short film on Article 31 by the International Play Association was recommended. Glenn suggested a contact for SPPA representation.
7.6 Other groups
Early Years Collaborative –Joan was currently on the Leadership Group, workstream 4, but Kate would be taking over this role. A New rep was required for Workstream 5 and this would be advertised / JF
8 / Child protection – an update
· Sharon reported that the Child Protection Committee Development Day had been a useful event: Niki attended and a write up will follow.
· The Network has three places on this group and work is in hand to recruit new Reps. In the meantime, Sharon Guest attends sometimes in place of Peter Nield and would be happy to provide feedback. She will be attending the December meeting and can feed back / NP
9 / Voluntary Sector News
· Scottish Community Childminding - provides brief childminding intervention 2/3 times a week from someone with extra experience, whilst the family gets plugged into mainstream services. Enid Lowe – Kate to contact her to get info for Network news.
· Edinburgh Befriending Consortium – info to go up on the website re this group: Sandy would send a leaflet to Kate. / KK
10 / Future Network Meetings
Topics for future thematic discussions, 2-3pm slot.
· EADP joint meeting as suggested by Glenn.
· Sleep Scotland – Emma Vinnie to confirm a date with Kate.
· Launch of Social Enterprise strategy: opportunities for TSOs working with CYPF outside Education. Perhaps Sandra from SE Academy could make a presentation. Kate to follow up. / KK
11 / Date of Future Meetings at EVOC
Planned meeting for 9th January cancelled. Survey of Network members to take place in January instead.
Next meetings:
6th February 2014
6th March 2014
3rd April 2014