March 2014
The name of this organization shall be the Edina Highlands Elementary School Site Council. For convenience, the organization is referred to in these bylaws as the HSC.
The HSC is a nonprofit organization governed by these bylaws, which may be amended as provided in Article IX.
The mission of the HSC is to provide guidance and direction to the Highlands school community in support of the overall vision of Highlands Elementary.
Section 1: Membership
The HSC shall consist of up to sixteen (16) members including:
(a)Seven (7) parents, at least two of whom have a child or children in the Continuous Progress Program, at least two of whom have a child or children in the Discovery Program, and at least one of whom resides outside the Edina Highlands School geographic boundaries;
(b)The school principal;
(c)One (1) member of the Edina Highlands School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO);
(d)One (1) non-certified staff member;
(e)Four (4) certified staff members, with at least one each from the Continuous Progress and Discovery Programs; and
(f)Optionally, two (2) non-parent representatives.
Section 1.1: Definitions
Parent: Any person having a child or children at Edina Highlands School for the entire duration of their term who is not also an Edina Highlands School staff member.
PTO Representative: A member elected by the membership of the PTO who is not also an Edina Highlands School staff member.
Non-certified Staff: Any person employed at Edina Highlands School who is not covered by the Master Teacher Agreement.
Certified Staff: Any person employed at Edina Highlands School as a classroom teacher.
Non-Parent: Any person who has no children attending Edina Highlands School and is not an Edina Highlands School Staff member. Such person need not reside in the Edina Highlands attendance area.
Section 2: Expectations of Membership
HSC members are expected to attend all or most meetings.
If any HSC member is absent from two consecutive meetings or if a member is absent from 3 meetings during the school year they shall be contacted by the chair to discuss their attendance and their desire to continue serving on the HSC. Members should notify the chair or the principal in advance of any meeting they cannot attend. Members deemed to have insufficient interest or commitment to the HSC, based on their attendance, may have their membership terminated by a vote of the HSC.
Section 3: Terms of Service
The terms of the parent and non-parent representatives shall be two years on a rotating basis. Parent representatives shall not serve more than 2 consecutive HSC terms.
The length of the term of the PTO representative shall be determined by the PTO. The terms of the staff representatives shall be on a rotating basis with length of terms to be determined by the staff.
All terms, elected and appointed, shall commence at the first regularly scheduled HSC meeting of the following school year.
Section 4: Replacement of Non-Elected HSC Members
If a vacancy should occur in a staff or PTO representative position before the expiration of a regular three-year term through either resignation or termination, the HSC secretary shall request the appropriate group to select a replacement to serve the balance of the term for the vacant position.
Section 5: Replacement of Elected HSC Members
If a vacancy should occur in a parent or non-parent representative position before the expiration of a regular three-year term through either resignation or termination, the HSC members shall vote on a replacement to serve the balance of the term for the vacant position.
Section 1: Annual Elections
The annual election for the HSC parent representatives shall be conducted by the HSC during the month of March. Newly elected parent representatives shall take office at the first regularly scheduled HSC meeting of the following school year.
The HSC PTO and staff representatives shall be selected by the constituencies they represent.
The HSC non-parent representative(s) may be elected by the HSC members at the Springorganizational meeting. The addition of such members shall be announced in the school newsletter or other such method to the entire school community.
Section 2: Procedures for Parent Representative Candidates
Section 2.1: Nominations
Nomination forms shall be available in the Edina Highlands School office. Candidates for parent representative positions may self-nominate by completing a nomination form and placing it on file in the Edina Highlands School office by the deadline for filing. Completed candidate forms shall be available for review by the school community.
Section 2.2: Voting Procedures
Candidates for parent representative positions shall be voted on at the March HSC meeting by HSC members and meeting attendees who are parents or guardians of a student at Highlands. At that meeting, candidates shall be given an opportunity to make a short statement regarding their qualifications for and/or interest in serving on the HSC.
All voting procedures shall be followed even if a candidate is unopposed to allow the HSC and parents an opportunity to ratify the candidate.
Section 2.3: Public Notification
Open positions shall be publicized in the Highlands Weekly for 3 weeks prior to the deadline for filing.
An election notice including the election date and time, a list of candidates, and mention of availability of nomination forms for review shall be prepared for and published in the Highlands Weekly.
Results shall be announced in the Highlands Weekly.
2.4: Lack of Candidates
If a vacancy should occur in a parent representative position because no candidates stood for the regular March election, the HSC members shall vote on a replacement to serve the balance of the term for the vacant position.
Section 1: Organization
Officers of the HSC shall consist of a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and a secretary. The chairperson and the secretary shall be elected for a one-year term commencing at the organizational meeting of the year elected. The vice-chairperson serves as vice-chair for one year and as chairperson the following year. All members are eligible for these positions.
Section 2: Duties
Chairperson: The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the council. The chairperson may call special meetings of the council and must do so at the request of the principal or the request of four council members. He/she shall prepare the meeting agendas and represent the council before the school board, parents, and other community groups.
Vice-chairperson: The vice-chairperson shall assume the responsibilities of the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson. The vice-chair position is a two-year commitment. The vice-chairperson serves as vice-chair for one year and as chairperson the following year.
Secretary: The secretary shall certify the minutes of all council meetings. The secretary shall assist the chairperson in all communications related to the work of the HSC. The secretary shall also notify the council of excessive absences as recorded in the minutes pursuant to Article IV, Section 3and maintain a roster of past and present council members, showing area of representation and terms of office.
The annual organizational meeting of the HSC shall take place at the first regularly scheduled meeting after the March election.
The HSC shall meet as determined by the HSC but shall hold regular meetings at least monthly during the school year. Special meetings may be held at the request of the chairperson, the principal or any four voting members of the HSC.
Ad Hoc committees shall be used when deemed necessary by the HSC.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the HSC. When a quorum exists, a majority of those present may act, except in the case of amendments to the bylaws (see Article IX).
When deemed necessary by the HSC, meetings shall be conducted according to general parliamentary procedures as outlined in Robert's Rules of Order (Revised Version). In such cases a parliamentarian shall be provided to preside over the meeting.
All HSC meetings are open to the general public.
There shall be no proxy votes.
Section 1: HSC
It shall be the responsibility of the HSC to support the mission of Edina Highlands Elementary School by establishing policy and providing goal and policy direction for the school in accordance with school district policy, contractual agreements and all state and federal requirements unless specific waivers have been granted.
The HSC shall serve as the primary communications link between the school and:
(a) The Edina Highlands School community; (b) The Edina School District; and
(c) The Edina School Board.
The HSC shall provide a forum for discussion of school related issues. Parents and non-parents shall be encouraged to actively participate whenever possible in educational activities and associated with the school.
Section 2: Principal
It shall be the responsibility of the principal to direct and manage the day-to-day operation of the school as required by district policy and in accordance with the job description as written by the district, except where the HSC has specific waivers or exemptions from the district.
It shall also be the responsibility of the principal to keep the HSC informed of the status of the school's progress toward educational goals, building goals, and budget administration.
Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed at any regular council meeting. A written notice of the proposed change and the date of next regular meeting at which the proposed amendment shall be discussed shall be sent to each council member and to the principal at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the meeting. A favorable vote by two-thirds of the voting membership shall be required for approval of any amendment of the bylaws.
May 1990
Revised January 25, 1996
Revised October 11, 2001
Revised October 10, 2002
Revised October 11, 2007
Revised December 8, 2011
Revised May 10, 2012
Revised March 13, 2014