Ed. Psy. 294 Grand Round

Assignment Sheet

Grand rounds are a clinical tradition in the medical and psychological fields. The most important emphasis is on applying your knowledge of the human condition to a specific case in order to gain reliable, theoretically based insights into that person’s world. My expectation is that you will use many different theories in combination with each other in order to explain more fully who your profile really is.

Your project will be done in PAIRS to alleviate the time restrictions and promote cooperative learning. The grand round will be two-fold you will present the fictitious student to the class using “PowerPoint” and at that same time you will hand in the written report for your fictitious student. I have scheduled a workshop for you all with the Ed. Tech. people to help you learn the PowerPoint program.

Presentations will be 25 min. in length. That time limit includes a 5-10 min. question/answer session. Both partners are expected to participate equally in this assignment. Grand Rounds will start on November 5th. Your specific date of presentation will be randomly assigned. You may exchange presentation times with another pair by mutual consent just let me know at least one class period in advance.

·  Title Page

·  Fictitious Student Name

·  Assignment Title

·  Date

·  Course Title (“In partial fulfillment of…”)

·  “For Dr. Brian G. Smith”

·  Your Names

·  Behavioral Observations – (3-4 pages)

·  Fictitious Name (Keep privacy …)

·  Behaviors (Tell the Case Study)

·  Background, Age, & Interests

·  Activities, Routines, Hobbies, & Pets

·  Integrated human development theory – (5-6 pages)

·  Cognitive Development (Piaget, Vygotsky)

·  Psychosocial Development (Erikson)

·  Moral Development (Kohlberg, Gilligan)

·  Integrated learning theory – (5-6 pages)

·  Cognitive (Piaget’s Learning Model)

·  Behaviorism (Pavlov, Skinner)

·  Social Learning Theory (Bandura)

·  Processing Style

·  Constructivism (Moshman)

·  Describe this person’s motivation – (3-4 pages)

·  Extrinsic & Intrinsic Orientation

·  Goal Structures

·  Attribution System (Weiner)

·  Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow)

·  Describe the kind of learning environment you might recommend – (1-2 pages)

·  Each recommendation should be linked directly to a previously mentioned theory.