Minutes, AFA Schriever Chapter 147 Board of Directors Meeting

19 November 2014


•  Ed Peura opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


•  Ed thanked cadets Jack Robinson and Jenessa Nakagawa for attending.

Secretary's Report

•  The October Board Meeting minutes were approved without changes.

Treasurer's Report

•  Rick reported the Chapter is on track to “underspend” this year and have a good balance in the bank. He estimated the AF Ball cost per head at $170 and said we may clear $50,000. He presented a list of our philanthropic donations this year, all of which amounted to about $52,000. The motion to donate $1,500 to the USO was amended to $2,000 ($500 each for LAX, Ontario, Palm Springs, and Orange County) and passed. The motion to donate $750 for Wreaths across America was passed.

•  The financial report was approved by the board. The credit card purchases ($66,000) for the AF Ball are not included in the report.


•  Air Force Ball: Alison reported we have 51 tables. She is formalizing the final details with the hotel. The industry table assignments have gone out. Arnie has the programs and the Thomas D. White award. In the staff meeting Gen McMurry emphasized “attending the Ball or finding a substitute.”

•  Executive Reception: There are 21 sponsors. Alison is having a sign made listing the company sponsors. Only those people whose names are on the guest list will be admitted to the reception.

•  After Ball Reception: Orbital, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing are the sponsors. Brad is having cards printed to invite people to the Stardust Room after the Ball for food, drink, and cigars.


•  Mary Guyse reported that she and Nancy Insprucker are catching up on past due memberships with phone calls. She said there has been good response from the calls.

Public Affairs

•  Ed said he received some good info from CAFA, which he will forward to Steve P. National has indicated there are minimum requirements for a newsletter.

•  Rick wanted to know if Steve had plans to spend his budgeted money ($1,000) this year. Steve and Christina will have a budget for next month.

•  Christina reported there is no further word from National about our proposed Wall of Honor article in Wingman. At the Ball Ed will talk to Van Cleef and McKinley about the article.


•  Arnie said that he and Don will kick off the Salute awards in mid-December. Arnie plans to have a talk with the new command chief, CMSgt Craig Hall, about helping with the nominations.

•  Because Gil Klinger’s Fellowship award will not be presented at the AF Ball, it will be presented at the Salute Banquet if Gil can attend.

ROTC Relations

•  Cadet Jack Robinson said the LMU scholarship winners are very grateful. LMU has nine new activities/service projects, including helping with training for a week at a JROTC camp. They are also thinking of helping with the Special Olympics.

•  AAS and Silver Wings will host ARCON for Area 10 in October of 2015. They will host a dinner and were inspired by our planning for the AF Ball. They will give Nancy F. a proposal for what they need in the way of support and advice from us.


•  Chris H. reported that we added more electronic subscriptions to our previous Vision support. He asked if we plan to support Space Patriot. Ed said he would talk to Scott Van Cleef about the new program.

Base Scholarships

•  Bill Harding reported that all the base scholarship checks ($8,000) have been cashed.

Community Relations

•  Joe said not all board members have been contacted yet about becoming Community Partners and hopes that will happen soon.


•  Mark Williams reported the second round competition was completed last week. The third round will be in December, with the semi-finals in January and the finals in March in Washington, DC. There are 2175 teams for Season VII [600 more than last season]. There will be tiered competition at the state and regional levels to allow more chances for team competition. There is even a Boys & Girls Club and a Girl Scout Troup competing locally this year.

•  At the December meeting we need to decide what kind of financial support to give CyberPatriot. Mark will have a spending plan for us to consider.

Military Affairs

•  Brad Bolstad and Zack Pate hope to present a 2015 plan in December for military support.

Constitution & Bylaws

•  No report

National AFA

•  No report.


•  Martin recommended we recognize Community Partners in each newsletter. He indicated CAFA is doing well with its reporting this year.

New Business

•  SMC Industry Days: Steve Q. reported that the Staff Summary Sheet was rejected, as it did not include risks to the government. The plan is to pre-load the philanthropic donations as expenses to offset revenue. The hope was to have the event in March. However, the window for sending the package to SAF/AA is rapidly closing. The preliminary approval package must be filed 120 days prior to the event; the final approval package must be filed 60 days prior to the event. Steve will talk to Jon Bruinooge after the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:17; minutes submitted by Marcia Peura.

In Attendance: Brad Bolstad, Joe Boyle, Christina Diaz, Bill Fraser, Mary Guyse, Bill Harding, Chris Harlambakis, Velvet Hoover, Neil Kacena, Elaine Knauf, Jim Knauf, Martin Ledwitz, Bill Maikisch, Mitch Mitchell, Dave Murphy, C/Capt Jenessa Nakagawa, Alison Osterberg, Ed Peura, Marcia Peura, Steve Pluntze, Steve Quilici, Rick Reaser, C/Commander Jack Robinson, Alison Schneider, Steve Scott, Arnie Streland, Tav Taverney, Bob Wickwire, Mark Williams

Next meeting Wednesday, 11 Dec 2014 – Focus will be 2015 Strategic Plan and Budget.