Educator Evaluation
ESE Survey Pilot Project
Survey Development & Sample Items
Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, districts will start collecting confidential feedback from students and staff for use in educator evaluation. ESE is charged with recommending and supporting a feasible, sustainable, cost effective way for districts to collect and report back feedback to educators in a manner that can inform and improve educator effectiveness. To that end, ESE is developing model student and staff feedback surveys aligned to the Massachusetts Model Rubrics for teachers and school-level administrators. Model surveys will be published by July 1, 2014.
During Winter/Spring 2014, ESE is piloting student and staff feedback surveys in nine Massachusetts districts that, together, represent a cross-section of over 15,000 students and 1,500 educators.
Pilot Project Activities / ScheduleSurvey Administration #1 / February 3—February 14
Expert Reviews/Item Refinement / March 2014
Survey Administration #2 / March 31—April 11
Expert Reviews/Item Refinement / April/May 2014
Instrument and Guidance Publication / July 1, 2014
Through the pilot process, individual survey items will be assessed with regard to:
Ø Usefulness: each item should have the potential to yield information that an educator can act on to improve his/her practice
Ø Meaning: all survey takers should find meaning and relevance in each item
Ø Differentiation: each item should yield information that distinguishes between levels of educator effectiveness aligned to the performance levels in the MA Educator Evaluation framework
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Student Survey Sample Items
Pilot surveys appropriately designed for grades K-2, grades 3-5, and grades 6-12 are designed to generate feedback to teachers on observable instructional practices related to Curriculum, Planning & Assessment (Standard I) and Teaching All Students (Standard II).
Below, ESE has provided several example survey items from the Grade 6-12 pilot survey. NOTE: Items included in pilot surveys for lower grades are aligned to sample items below, with adjustments made to meet the appropriate cognitive and developmental levels of these students.
Grades 6-12 Sample Items
[*Pending item analyses from the Spring 2014 pilot administrations, some of the sample items below may change or be eliminated from the final model instruments.]
Standard I – Curriculum, Plannning & Assessment / Standard II – Teaching All StudentsA. Curriculum and Planning Indicator
· If my teacher does not know the answer to my question, he or she helps me find the answer.
· During our lessons, I am asked to apply what I know to new types of challenging problems or tasks.
· During lessons, my teacher connects what students have learned before with what students are learning now. / A. Instruction Indicator
· In this class, my teacher expects me to finish my work, even when I find the work hard.
· In this class, students are allowed to work on assignments that interest them personally.
· In this class, I get the individual attention of my teacher when I need it.
B. Assessment Indicator
· My teacher uses a variety of ways to assess our understanding.
· My teacher uses questions in class, tests, and/or projects to find out what I know.
· My teacher knows when students understand and when we do not. / B. Learning Environment Indicator
· In this class, students are encouraged to give their opinions during class discussions.
· In discussing my work, my teacher uses a positive tone even if my work needs improvement.
C. Analysis Indicator
· In this class, students review each other's work and provide each other with helpful advice on how to improve.
· My teacher regularly shares with me any steps I need to take to do better. / C. Cultural Proficiency Indicator
· When possible, my teacher uses materials that reflect the diversity (makeup) of this class.
· The teacher and students respect each other in this class.
· My teacher uses a respectful tone with all students in this class.
D. Expectations Indicator
· My teacher makes it clear what our best work looks like in this class.
· My teacher has the attitude that all students can succeed in their learning.
· My teacher uses a variety of ways to help all students learn (e.g., draw pictures; talk out loud; use slides; write on board; play games).
Staff Survey Sample Items
The pilot staff survey is designed to provide feedback to school leaders on observable administrative leadership practices related to Instructional Leadership (Standard I), Management & Operations (Standard II), and Professional Culture (Standard VI). Below, ESE has provided sample survey items from the staff survey pilot.
[*Pending item analyses from the Spring 2014 pilot administrations, some of the sample items below may change or be eliminated from the final model instruments.]
Standard I – Instructional LeadershipA. Curriculum Indicator
· I have access to high quality instructional materials to support my lessons.
· The principal encourages teams of educators to constantly look for new ways to change our lessons to improve student learning.
· The principal ensures that the staff is up-to-date on any changes to state standards and/or curricula frameworks.
B. Instruction Indicator
· Together, teachers and the principal (leadership team) discuss exemplars of students' work to ensure it is of a high standard.
· Our administration has a common set of expectations for instructional practices to meet our students' learning needs.
C. Assessment Indicator
· A variety of assessments are used in this school (e.g. student questioning, quizzes, tests, and common interim) to inform instruction.
· Our administration has an effective early identification and intervention system in place to identify students at risk of falling behind.
D. Evaluation Indicator
· There is an understanding in our school of what represents good teaching and learning.
· Best practice is shared and celebrated in our school.
E. Data Informed Decision-Making Indicator
· Based on our assessment data, the leadership and teachers work together to set targets for student learning.
· The principal systematically monitors implementation of school improvement initiatives.
· Teachers' views are included in the planning, development, and implementation of new school-wide improvement initiatives.
Standard II – Management & Operations
A. Environment Indicator
· The principal is a positive role model for students.
· The principal fosters a culture of mutual respect and tolerance among students.
· The consequences given for poor behavior are consistent.
B. Human Resources Management and Development Indicator
· If the principal identifies a weakness in my teaching practice, there are effective support systems in place to help me improve.
· Staff members have the opportunity to take leadership roles if they seek them.
C. Scheduling and Management Information Systems Indicator
· Common planning time to develop shared lessons is prioritized by the principal.
· There is enough time allocated for teachers to collaborate and learn from each other.
Standard VI – Professional Culture
A. Commitment to High Standards Indicator
· Every meeting we have has a clear, specific purpose.
· Meetings at our school are clearly related to our core purpose of teaching and learning.
· The principal is a key driving force of high expectations for student achievement.
B. Cultural Proficiency Indicator
· The curricula developed in this school meet the needs of all students regardless of their background or primary language.
· The principal encourages staff to use culturally diverse materials in their instruction.
C. Communications Indicator
· Conversations with the principal are conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
· Important messages are repeated by the principal to ensure key priorities are reinforced.
· The principal provides regular updates to staff, students and parents (e.g., newsletters, meetings, e-mails, web postings).
D. Commitment to Continuous Learning Indicator
· Teachers are encouraged to support each other so we can continuously improve our practice.
· Our school is a learning community in which ideas and suggestions for improvement are encouraged.
E. Shared Vision Indicator
· Teachers and the principal work as a team with a shared view of the school's teaching and learning goals.
· The principal has fostered a culture of confidence, mutual support, and enjoyment of teaching and learning in this school.
· The principal encourages us that together we can make a difference and achieve our school's teaching and learning goals.
F. Managing Conflict Indicator
· The principal treats staff with dignity and respect when they disagree with his or her decisions.
· The principal is a collaborative problem solver.
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