Capsule Statement
The course deals with the concepts important to the measurement and assessment in education. Discussion of types of informal and formal assessment; the purpose of assessment; the development and use of valid, reliable objective assessment instruments, including paper-and-pencil tests and performance assessment; the selection of tests, administration, scoring, grading and interpretation of test scores; and the use of assessment informationare the main topics.
Course Objectives
At the end this course the students will be able to:
1.understand the importance and place of educational assessment in teaching learning process
2.define and describe various concepts related to educational measurementandassessment
3.use various type of classroom tests in accordance with the course objectives and nature of content
4.appreciate qualities needed to determine the quality of classroom tests.
5.develop a systematic record of students assessment
6.efficiently administer classroom tests
7.utilize the techniques of objectively score and grade tests.
8.report precisely and meaningfully the progress of students to parents, administration and students.
Course Outline
- Role of measurement and assessment in teaching
- Instructional decisions requiring assessment data
- Assessment, test and measurement
- General principles of assessment
- Assessment and instructional process
- Types of assessment procedures
- Instructional goals and objectives as foundation of assessment
- Instructional objectives as learning outcomes
- Methods of stating instructional objectives
- General Instructional objectives
- Specific learning outcomes
- Qualities of a measuring instrument
- Validity
- Nature of validity
- Major consideration in assessment validation
- Content consideration
- Construct consideration
- Assessment criterion relationships
- Consideration of consequences
- Factors influencing validity
- Reliability
- Nature of reliability
- Determining reliability by correlation methods
- Standard error of measurement
- Factors influencing reliability measures
- Usability
- Ease of administration
- Time required for administration
- Ease of interpretation and application
- Availability of equivalent or comparable forms
- Cost of testing
- Techniques of item analysis
- Distracter analysis
- Difficulty index
- Discriminate index
- Analysis of subjective items
- Planning classroom assessment
- Purpose of classroom assessment
- Developing specifications for assessment
- Selecting appropriate type of items and assessment tasks
- Approaches to classroom assessment
- Portfolio
- Criteria for selection of work for portfolio
- Potential strength and weaknesses of portfolio
- Purpose of portfolio
- Guideline for portfolio entries
- Use of portfolio in instruction and communication
- Anecdotal Records
- Peer appraisal
- Self-report techniques
- Assembling administering and appraising the classroom test and assessments
- Assembling the classroom test
- Administering and scoring
- Appraising classroom test
- Scoring, and grading
- Scoring Key and marking scheme
- Functions of Grading and Reporting system
- Types of Grading and reporting systems
- Assigning letter grades
- Recording and reporting assessment results
- Record keeping
- Conducting parent teacher conferences
- Reporting results to parents
Berk, R.A. (Ed.). (1980). Criterion-referenced measurement: The state of the art.Baltimore, MD: JohnHopkinsUniversity Press.
Haladyna, T. M. (1994). Developing and validating multiple-choice test items. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Grounlund, N. E. and Linn, R. L. (1990). Measurement and evaluation.Alaska: Peacock Publishers Inc.
Lindquist, E. F. (Ed.). (1951). Educational measurement.Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education.
Linn, R. (Ed.), Educational measurement, (3rd ed.). Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education.
Thorndike, R. M. & others (1991). Measurement and evaluation in psychology and education.New York: Mcmillan Publishing Company.