Ecosystem/Biome Poster Grading Rubric Period ______
Name(s) of all group members: ______, ______, ______
Craftsmanship – 20 possible points
Advanced (20 points) / Proficient (15 points) / Basic (10 points) / Minimal (5 points)The poster is a representation of the assigned ecosystem/biome. The poster was neat and showed considerable effort in design and implementation. The poster was easy to follow and understand. All pictures are present and in color. A diagram is present and properly labeled. The student/group was creative with design and implementation. / The poster is a representation of the assigned ecosystem/biome, but is hard to decipher the information. The poster shows some neatness, but there are obvious defects in design and implementation. All pictures are present, but 1-2 have no color. A diagram is present and properly labeled. The student/group showed some creativity with design and implementation. / The poster is a representation of the assigned ecosystem/biome, but several pieces of information are missing. The poster shows some neatness, but there are obvious defects in design and implementation. All pictures are present, but have no color. A diagram is present and properly labeled. The student/group showed some creativity with design and implementation. / The project is not an accurate representation of the ecosystem/biome assigned. The student/group showed no creativity in design and implementation. The project shows no neatness and is impossible to decipher. Even though there might be some pictures present, one or more are missing. A diagram is present; however, it is either not labeled or improperly labeled.
Required Information – 60 possible points
Advanced (60 points) / Proficient (45 points) / Basic (30 points) / Minimal (15 points)All of the following are present:
- Full description of the ecosystem’s/biome’s climate.
- Full description of flora and fauna common to the assigned ecosystem/biome. This includes three examples of each – flora and fauna.
- All locations of the ecosystem/biome are identified.
- Identification of environmental threats of ecosystem/biome.
- Three pictures (1 flora, 1 fauna, 1 additional)
- One relevant diagram or chart or graph
- One of the main 6 parts is completely missing.
- 1-2 of the main 6 parts are incomplete.
- 2-3 of the main 6 parts are completely missing.
- 3-4 of the main 6 parts are incomplete.
- 4 or more of the main 6 parts are completely missing.
- 5 or more of the main 6 parts are incomplete.
Resources and Documentation – 20 possible points
Advanced (20 points) / Proficient (15 points) / Basic (10 points) / Minimal (5 points)All information is documented appropriately and correctly: in-text citations, image citations, etc. A reference section is present and correctly documents all resources used. At least twovalid resources were used to obtain information. / Most information is documented appropriately and correctly: in-text citations, image citations, etc.; no more than 2pieces of information are documented incorrectly or missing; no more than 1 image is documented incorrectly. A reference section is present and correctly documents all resources used. At least twovalid resources were used to obtain information. / Most information is documented appropriately and correctly: in-text citations, image citations, etc.; no more than 3 pieces of information are documented incorrectly or missing; no more than 2 imagesare documented incorrectly. A reference section is present; however, mistakes in the documentation are present. Onlyone valid resource was used to obtain information. / Most information is documented appropriately and correctly: in-text citations, image citations, etc.; 4 or more pieces of information are documented incorrectly or missing; 3 or more images are documented incorrectly. A reference section is present; however, mistakes in the documentation are present. Only one valid resource was used to obtain information.
Please note:
If no reference section is present and/or no information is cited or documented, the project will be classified as plagiarized. You must give credit where credit is due. If it is not your work, you must document. Yes, this includes images you retrieve and use from internet, book, magazine, etc. sources. Plagiarized work will result in a score of zero and an office referral.
You must turn this rubric in with you final project. A ten point deduction will take place if the rubric is not turned in with the final project.
Final Grade
Craftsmanship / Required Information / Resources and Documentation / Bonus Points / No Rubric Deduction / Total Points Earned