Dear Provider,
You are among a group of providers that is having longstanding issues with getting some Medicaid claims paid. NCTracks will continue to work with you to address your issues, but in the interim DHHS is issuing you a Hardship Payment Advance (HPA). In order to consider providing you an HPA, we will need a brief email including the information below. The dollar amount of the HPA will be 70% of the total billings outlined in your email. In addition, DHHS will not grant HPAs to any provider with current Program Integrity issues or investigations pending.
As your issues are resolved, DHHS will recoup any HPAs granted to providers. Please include the following information in your email:
1. Provider name and billing NPI number
2. Contact person for the provider, including direct phone number and e-mail address
3. Address for overnight delivery service
4. List of billings submitted to Medicaid for payment with denial and/or pending code for claim
5. List of billings unable to be submitted through NCTracks and the reason they are unable to be submitted
6. Percentage of business that is funded by Medicaid dollars
7. If known, the NCTracks ticket number, date ticket was submitted and name of person working with at NCTracks.
Please address your email to
Once your email is received, we will expedite the process in approving an HPA within 10 days. Once the system issues have been resolved, the full amount of the claims will be paid and the HPA amount will be recouped.