Economics and Finance Mr

Economics and Finance Mr

ROP Economics and Finance Fall 2012 Mrs. Townes

Contact Information: phone: 742-2792 email:

I am available at lunch for students needing assistance, otherwise, by appointment.

Course Description: ROP Economics and Finance is a year course. This class will focus on basic economic principles and issues related to economic problems and institutions. We will explore micro and macroeconomics as they relate to the market system. Finance covers basic accounting principles, stock market, and personal finance.

Topics: In this course students will develop the ability to identify and analyze economic systems, the market system, supply and demand, economic institutions, economic indicators, and monetary and fiscal policy.

Materials:Daily- Single-subject notebook, blue or black pen, pencil

As needed- poster board, markers, glue for projects

Text-Economics, Principles in Action and corresponding workbook

Grades: Please check Zangle to monitor posted grades.

  • Chapter tests, section quizzes and the Final –point value.
  • Homework, notes, class work – point value.
  • Projects-point value
  • Grade is based on total points. 100%-90%=A, 89%-80%=B, 79%-70=C.69%-60%=D, 59%-0=F
  • Each students starts with 100 participation points ($) in the form a paycheck.These are designed to replicate the expectations in the workplace. $/Points will be deducted for the following in increments of $10: tardiness, not working in class, class disruptions, unexcused absences, on the computer without teacher permission,other activities not conducive to the learning environment. Bonuses may be earned throughout the semester as well for exemplary work habits.

Extra Credit: Permission by teacher, determined by teacher. Extra credit is to be completed outside of class.

Attendance: Regular attendance and class participation is required! Unexcused absences and cuts will result the loss of participation points, just as you would not be paid for not showing up at the workplace. Absences should be cleared through the school in Zangle. If you miss class, please get notes from a fellow student. You may also check the whiteboard.

Tardiness: You are to be in the classroom when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy. After 3 tardies lunch detention will be assigned. See school policy for additional tardies.


  • If you miss a test or quiz, you will be required to make it up within two days of your return to school at lunch.
  • If you are absent the day before a test or quiz, you will still have to take the test with the rest of the class.

Student Behavior: Respectful, Prompt, Prepared, Positive, and Productive.

  • Students will not use cell phones or other electronic devices during class time. They will be confiscated.
  • Computers are only to be used with permission of the teacher for class assignments. Games and personal use are not allowed. Consequences are the loss of computer privileges and/or Townes Dollars.

Late Work: All late work will be reduced by 20% for everyday it is late. I will not accept work that is more than 5 days late.

Cheating/lying: It will not be tolerated! If you are caught cheating/lying you will be given aFail grade on the assignment or other actions may be taken at the discretion of the teacher.

My parents and I have read and understand the above information. We understand the policies and procedures of the course including tardiness, absences, behavior, late work, and make-ups. We understand the grading system.

