Knowing the heart of Abba Yahuweh
This is a most exciting report--not because of me, because I mess up too much--but because of what Yahuweh’s love pulled off so that His servant could accomplish the task that He gave me to do in Iceland, on the eve of the Hebrew month of Elul. I’m glad He said that He takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and the weak things of this world to confound the things that are mighty--I Corinthians 1:26-31…”so that no flesh should boast in His Presence”. So, this report is not about this weak and simple servant, but about the greatness of Abba’s love and mercy for all of the House of Ya’cob.
As I’ve said in recent updates, this is the most strategic Elul in human history – the pivot point, the turning point, towards Tishre 1, and the final things before the coming of Messiah Yahushua.
This story began last Shabbat, August 27th (2011), and ends this Shabbat (September 3, 2011) with victory. It ends with victory because of His love, mercy, and eternal purposes! The fact that He trusted me to do this is amazing. I’ve walked with Him since I was four. He’s endured my sin and wrong decisions, and yet, from the foundation of the world He knew me, and chose me to do assignments for Him in these last days, with understanding.
For weeks now, He has been showing me about this Elul and Tishre, and the extreme importance of these two turning points towards the coming of Messiah. As you’ve read in “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty Eight Hour Transition”, and others like “Pole Shift”, and “What Are the Elite Doing to Prepare Their Ark”?
We are in the last seven-year cycle before the return of Messiah – the famous “seventh week of Daniel” (Daniel 9:24-27). The 2, 730 year punishment of the House of Ephraim (Joseph/Israel), the ten not-lost-anymore tribes of Ya’cob ended September 7, 2007, and now the prodigal son, Ephraim, is freed to return and join with the “elder brother” Judah, to do final exploits before the coming of Yahushua to set up His 1,000 year Kingdom on earth--in the 7th day from creation. Much prophecy is being fulfilled very fast, and more is soon to be fulfilled, especially beginning this Fall/Autumn (2011).
The greatest passion of the heart of Abba Yahuweh, and the reason for the coming of Messiah Yahushua, is the return of the twelve tribes of Ya’cob to Abba Yahuweh. (Ezekiel 37:15-28). This is the greatest theme of the entire Bible!
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Messiah said: “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the House of Israel” (Matthew 15:24). He told His Apostles not to go to the gentiles, (heathen, barbarians) or the ½ breed Samaritans, but to only go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matthew 10:5-6)
The renewal and restoration of the covenant with Yahuweh for His people--the sons of Ya’cob (Jacob)--has been the greatest passion of His heart. Of course, He has always dealt with a small remnant that is aligned with Him in His Spirit.Thus, in the restoration of the House of Ephraim He says that He will take “one from a city and two from a clan”, “one here and one there” and bring them to Zion.
We are in the days of the fulfillment of a return of Ephraim to Israel, to join with Judah for the final “Gideon 300” army-type exploits, even in the face of the coming world ruler (Beast, anti-messiah)--Daniel 11:32. The joining of the two houses together again in His hand is the greatest theme of the Scriptures. His heart was broken, but He had to expel the northern tribes for our horrible sins, and later Judah also. But, Isaiah 11:12-14 tells us that a remnant returns to do military exploits with Judah before Messiah comes. And now is the time! There are military exploits to be done, and there are spiritual warfare exploits to be done!
For understanding of the “two houses”, and why He never calls His people “gentiles”, nor did He ever make a covenant with gentiles, go over the studies “Are You a Gentile?” and “Who Are the Ten?”
This Elul begins the fulfillment of the “time of the restoration of all things”--spiritual restoration to the covenant of Yahuweh, and natural restoration to the Land of Israel (Abraham, Yitzak and Ya’cob).
Acts 3:19-21: “Repent, therefore, and turn back, for the blotting out of your sins, in order that the times of refreshing might come from the Presence of the Master, and that He sends Yahushua Messiah, pre-appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the time of the restoration of all things, of whom Elohim spoke through the mouth of all His set-apart Prophets from of old”.
Without humility, repentance, and obedience, in the fear of Yahuweh, no one of the House of Ephraim can be used of Abba in these last days! But, as I have written, there is a phenomenon among a remnant who are “putting the ax to the root of the tree” in their own life. He is purging this tiny remnant, and preparing them for His instructions.
Now to proceed with my report:
This report has such an awesome conclusion. All praise to Abba Yahuweh! HalleluYah!
A week ago Tuesday, I needed a haircut. So, I went with my daughter
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to a lady’s house to get my hair cut. I learned that she was going to Israel for the first time. She was to arrive in Israel the late afternoon of August 31st. I felt I should take her my study entitled “We Welcome Elul and T’shuvah”, about the significance of this time-period. Elul begins the six weeks of T’shuvah, before the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), in which we are to repent of sin, and do all we can to be restored to those we’ve hurt, and to get our lives ready for the Messiah. Elul 1 marks the set-apart season of return.
The next day she called me. She had read my report and wanted to talk with me. So we set up Friday to meet for breakfast. She came with a friend who was hungry for truth. The meeting lasted for six hours. We touched base with the heart of Abba and never once was there any disagreement. This lady going to Israel had come out of the church system and was Spirit-taught. All those taught by the Spirit alone are fitted into His purposes. I did not know that beforehand, but since she is Spirit-taught, and I am Spirit-taught, we flowed together in perfect unity. I told her that Abba had shown me she was “first fruits” of the tiny remnant of Ephraim to return to Israel at this strategic time – a symbol of the return that is imminent, for war in Israel is imminent. She understood totally. She was learning to guard Torah. It was like He made us a team.
I was to go to do the intercession in Iceland, to call back the remnant of Ephraim, and she was to be representing the “first fruits remnant company”. She has a ministry of her own, so put out this information to all her friends. I look forward to her good report!
In Genesis 6:3 Yahuweh says He will give mankind 120 years. This is ancient Hebrew understanding to be 120 Jubilee years, or 6,000 years. Indeed He has given modern man 6,000 years! As of September 29, 2000, Tishre 1, Yom Teruah, Feast of Trumpets, beginning 2001 from creation, we entered the 7th millennium since Adam. Man’s history has been timed by seven-year cycles since creation. Now, we are in the final cycle before Messiah returns to set up His Kingdom in the 7th millennium, or the “third day” since He first came to redeem us. (Exodus 19; Hosea 6:1-3) Refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy”.
That Wednesday, Abba had given me more Scripture to proclaim from Iceland—more confirmation of His assignment.
On Friday afternoon after they left, I checked to see if hurricane Irene had dissipated and left the east coast of America. But, not only had Irene not left, she was going to hit New York, and then Boston full force, carrying massive amounts of water--on the very day I was to fly to Iceland out of Boston--Sunday August 28th. I sat in front of my
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computer horrified to see that my carrier to Boston had cancelled all their flights for the entire weekend.
And, because I had been following the fear-reports about hurricane Irene, even though I knew better, and allowed the news media’s fear to override the clear, direct word of Yahuweh to me, was sucked into fear and I panicked. I did not consult Him as to His plans. This is why I warn you. It is very easy for us all to let go of what He has said in times of distress, if we listen to the voice man, or devils.
I tried to call the carrier to Boston but could not get through, so I went to the prime airline, Iceland Air, who gave me two options to fly, out of Toronto, Canada. The first option was to fly on Saturday the 27th, taking Air Canada to Toronto, and then Iceland Air on to Iceland that night. The second option was to take Air Canada to Toronto on Monday the 29th, and then Iceland Air, arriving in Iceland early morning the 30th. My assignment from Abba, which He had been preparing me for weeks, was for the 30th and 31st of August.
All I could think about was salvaging the assignment. I couldn’t image arriving the 30th and doing all He had asked me to do in two days, returning September 1st. My strength-level is so low. My original trip was only for 5 days, with 3 days in Iceland. So, I told her I’d leave Saturday. When I did, I felt a knife go through my spirit. I guard Shabbat very well. The last thing I’d want to do would be to offend my Abba who gave me the assignment. With all my faults, I am an obedient servant. But, at that point, I did not know what else to do, since I could not fail in His assignment. That was all I could think of. That’s our main problem “our mind’s thinking”!!!
My mind programming, which I’ve fought since early childhood onward, in fear, terrifying trauma, anxiety, projecting the worst-case scenarios, kicked in. That’s why I warn you so much regarding this faith-destroying mental disease we’ve been inflicted with since Adam and Eve. Negative emotions block Abba’s ability to help us!
I figured I’d pack food, which I did, and since my plane ticket was paid for, I would not spend any money, or do any work on Shabbat. The flight of Iceland Air out of Toronto was at 9:10 PM.
Originally, when I went to book the flight, I had August 28th in my spirit. I did not understand it, but when I went to book that date, I felt uneasy, as if something was wrong that I could not put my finger on. It was the week of August 28th that was so strategic with Abba. Later, He began downloading so much revelation knowledge about Elul and the importance of this one, that I knew it was not about August 28th per say, but about Elul 1.
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When I went to Bolivia in March 2010, it was a 3-day trip, 7 one-way flights, with 1 day to do the intercession at the ruins of Tihuanaco. It was a hard 3 days, but one filled with His strength and help. Yet, I did not remember Bolivia in my panic.
I got to the airport Saturday morning and the flight said “on time”. Famous last words! About an hour later, the flight said “delayed until 3:20”. I figured that was OK because it still gave me 3 hours before
the flight went out to Iceland. But, about 30 minutes later, the board said “delayed until 6:20”. I knew I’d miss the Iceland Air flight. I was sick inside. I had the choice of chucking the whole thing and calling my daughter to come get me, or pressing on. That indecision kept up until I actually boarded the plane. I called my daughter to ask what she felt I should do. She hears from Abba! She asked “Did Father give you that assignment?” I said “yes”. She said, “then you have to go”. I weakly said “yes”. She said she didn’t understand all the obstacles. I told her about Rav Sha’ul and II Corinthians 4 and 6, in which he relates that he encountered all sort of obstacles, but still his assignments from Abba were completed. After talking with her, still I just wanted to go back to her house and forget it. My son-in-law was ready to come get me. I wanted to just stay in a fetal position, and wait for my trip to Israel. But, I also know that when He gives me an assignment, no matter what obstacles come in between, I have to go. I had to see it through, to see what Abba would do. I really could not, nor would not, turn back! It would be against everything in me! Remember my articles “Forward March” and “I Have Set My Face Like A Flint?”
I had been repenting all morning for choosing Shabbat to fly out. He wasn’t going to let me get by with it. Thank you Abba!!! Shabbat is very precious to me. I knew He was in control!
Between the time of the first delay announcement and the second one, while still repenting, Abba came down by His Spirit on me with such incredible peace that I was almost numb from it. I just let it happen. I knew all was well between He and I. But, when He does that, oftentimes I know something is wrong in the natural, but that He will pull it off anyway.
Well, to shorten this story, I did go, and arrived in Toronto at 9:10-- the very minute the Iceland Air (on time) left for Iceland. The next flight was Monday night, arriving Tuesday August 30th. That meant two days in a hotel in Toronto. I had a chance to cancel the ticket with Air Canada, and reschedule it for Monday, but I declined. Later on, I realized I had made the right decision. That still mind-boggles me.
While sitting in the airport, waiting for my flight, I tried to contact my on-line travel agent, but couldn’t get hold of them. I tried contacting
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Iceland Air, but their offices were closed. One of the Air Canada reps gave me a phone number to try. She didn’t know it, but it was the personal cell phone of an Iceland Air executive who was on vacation in Florida (smile) He re-scheduled my flight to go out Monday night the 29th. Later I confirmed that from Toronto with an Iceland Air representative.