MARCH 20, 2012


Township Chairman: Dennis Zeto

Township Supervisor: Don Hazeman

Township Supervisor: Ervin Blom

Township Supervisor: Mel Milender

Township Supervisor: Cory Wilson

Township Treasurer: Joyce Vold

Township Clerk: Mary Lou Milender

Visitors present: Matt Murray, Thore Thorson, Roy Lee Antle, Russ Gustafson, John Schocker, Merlin Vold and Gary Coan.

The organizational meeting was held before the regular monthly meeting. Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Ervin Blom to have Dennis Zeto remain as the Chairman, with Don Hazeman, Vice Chairman. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman to keep the Bemidji Pioneer as the official newspaper and have the posting places at the Eckles Community Center and Pete’s Place West as well as the Web Site. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Mel Milender to keep the compensation for officers and election judges the same as in 2011. Motion carried unanimously.

The fall road review will be set at a later monthly meeting.

Motion by Ervin Blom, seconded by Cory Wilson to designate the following supervisors to fill the duties as follows:

Roads: Ervin Blom and Cory Wilson

Rural Fire Association: Mel Milender

County Board Liaison: Don Hazeman

Shooting Sports Range: Dennis Zeto will give updates from the County

BATO: Mel Milender and any other member if available.

The reorganization meeting was adjourned.

The regular meeting was called to order with the pledge of allegiance being recited.

Minutes of the February 21, 2012 Town Board Meeting were read. Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Mel Milender to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried unanimously.

The Treasurers Report for the month ending February 29, 2012 was read.

Beginning Balance: $ 71,153.42 General Savings: $ 1,005.05

Receipts: $ 3,904.71 Legal Fees Savings: $ 331.21

Disbursements: $ 2,849.11 Total of CD’s $224,593.19

Ending Balance: $ 72,209.02

Cory Wilson asked if the money being receipted could be shown on the report as to where the money is coming from.

Motion by Ervin Blom, seconded by Don Hazeman, to accept the Treasurers Report. Subject to audit. Motion carried unanimously.

Bills presented: Check #4092 through #4097 and checks #4099 through #4105 in the amount of $6,552.47 were approved for payment. Motion by Ervin Blom, seconded by Mel Milender to pay the bills as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman, to pay $100.00 to the Headwaters Science Center; $100.00 to the Lakes Area Dive Team; $100.00 to the Senior Center and $200.00 to the First Responders. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Ervin Blom, seconded by Cory Wilson, to pay $600.00 to the Eckles Community Center as a donation in lieu of rent. Motion carried.

Matt Murray presented information concerning three road surveys. Coyote Road and Hollyhock Road were discussed. The Township has all easements for those projects. Matt will place stakes accordingly. Easements for Nature Road must be obtained from Mr. Larson. Matt will assist in obtaining the easements then stake the road.

Sue Safstrom, a resident from Mac Court addressed the Town Board with concerns she has about a culvert that has been smashed. The board informed her that Mac Court is a private road and the township is not responsible for its maintenance. Sue also indicated that a Mr. LeRoy Bursch has been dragging dirt away from Mac Court by driving erratically. Again, the board reminded her it is a private road and we have no responsibility.

Russ Gustafson asked the board if he could contact Dan Ewert if we should have any problems with beavers in the township and was told he could.

Merlin Vold informed the board that the Eckles Community Center needs to have a license to serve food which they obtained. The state also wants a food handler license and Merlin wanted to know if we knew anything about how we could avoid that. Motion by Ervin Blom, seconded by Don Hazeman, to have Mel Milender do some research on the food handler license and draft a resolution regarding the difficulty it causes. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Report: Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman, to authorize the road supervisors to request quotes on the three main projects we have planned for this year: Nature Road between Hwy 2 and Hwy 89 approx. cost 15,000; intersection of Radar and Coyote Rd approx. $35,000.00 and Hollyhock Road approx. cost $15,000.00. Motion carried unanimously

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Ervin Blom, that we adopt the sign policy with a March 2014 date for sign replacement as needed. Motion carried unanimously.

A letter received from Century Link was discussed and the clerk was informed to send a copy of the letters she mailed to the utility companies to MnDot. We will no longer allow utility companies to put anything in the township easements if we are allowed by IAW to do so.

John Schocker informed the board that the sign on Palomino and Balsam is missing.

Rural Fire Association Report: Mel Milender informed the board that he spoke with Kay Mack. She indicated that the reason our tax capacity had risen approximately 40% was because of the new homes in Eckles Township in 2008 and 2009 as well as the pipeline being completed. It takes about three years for the tax capacity to catch up.

Motion by Cory Wilson, seconded by Mel Milender, to approve the second resolution for the Rural Fire Association to support assessment of the establishments that are currently non-taxable. Motion carried unanimously. Clerk will complete the resolution for signatures.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Ervin Blom, to have Eckles Township pay for the cost of the spring courses plus mileage for anybody that wishes to attend. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Ervin Blom, seconded by Cory Wilson, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lou Milender Dennis Zeto

Township Clerk Chairman