Course Syllabus
ECE 572 – RF & Microwave Active Circuit Design
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
1. Course Number and Name:ECE 572 – RF & Microwave Active Circuit Design
2. Credit Units/Contact Hours:3/3
3. Course Coordinator:Matthew Radmanesh
4. Text, References & Software
Recommended Text:
Gonzales, Microwave Transistor Amplifiers, Analysis and design 2nd ed., Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1997
Additional References:
Chang, Microwave Solid-State Circuits and Applications, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1994
Liao, Microwave Circuit Analysis and Amplifier Design, Upper Saddle River, : Prentice Hall, 1987
ADS, Microwave Office, Applied wave Research, Inc.
5. Specific Course Information
a. Course Description
Basic concepts in RF and microwave electronics including loaded Q, RLC resonant circuits, L-network matching circuits, wave propagation in transmission line circuits, S-parameters, signal-flow graphs, Smith chart, design of matching circuits using stubs, stability criteria and circles, unilateral and bilateral cases for maximum gain design, noise figure circles as well as the analysis and design of microwave high-gain amplifiers (HGAs) and low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are treated in depth.
b. Prerequisite by Topic
Prerequisites: ECE370 and ECE571. Students taking this course should have senior or graduate standing in electrical engineering. Specifically students should be familiar with analysis and design techniques of basic electric circuits as well as low frequency electronic devices (particularly diodes and transistors) and related circuits. Understanding phasors and their application in AC circuits, Basic circuit elements with series and parallel configurations, circuit theorems, average power, effective and complex power, analyzing and solving linear circuits is the main prerequisite for taking this course.
c. Elective Course
6. Specific Goals for the Course
a. Specific Outcomes of Instructions – After completing this course the students should be able to:
- Solve RF/Microwave circuit problems using time-varying sources.
2. Design Microwave amplifiers, Microwave oscillators, Microwave detectors/mixers and Microwave control circuits.
3. Apply the advanced concepts in Microwaves to analyze Monolithic integrated circuits (MICs), with sinusoidal inputs.
4. Apply microwave processing techniques to complex high frequency circuits and systems
b. Relationship to Student Outcomes
This supports the achievement of the following student outcomes:
a. An ability to apply knowledge of math, science, and engineering to the analysis of electrical engineering problems.
b. An ability to design and conduct scientific and engineering experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design systems which include hardware and/or software components within
realistic constraints such as cost, manufacturability, safety and environmental concerns.
e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve electrical engineering problems.
i. A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
k. An ability to use modern engineering techniques for analysis and design.
m. An ability to analyze and design complex devices and/or systems containing hardware and/or
software components.
n. Knowledge of math including differential equations, linear algebra, complex variables and
discrete math.
7. Topics Covered/Course Outline
- Overview of Rf/Microwaves
- Wave propagation
- Transmission lines Optics
- S-Parameters
- Smith Chart
- Matching Circuits
- Stability considerations
- Gain Considerations
- High gain amplifier design
- Low-Noise Amplifier design
- Microwaves ICs
Prepared by:
Matthew Radmanesh, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, October 2011
Ali Amini, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, March 2013