(A Govt. of Karnataka Undertaking)
Regd. Office : 3rd Floor, KHB Shopping Complex,
National Games Village, Koramangala,
Phone: 25705723/25705724/25705725/ Fax: 25718365
Email : Website:
CIN No. U85110KA1947SGC001321
(Gold & Silver)
(Two Cover System)
The Hutti Gold Mines is engaged in the business of mining and production of Bullion (Gold & Silver) at Hutti, Raichur Dist. Karnataka. HGML is desirous to select individuals/firms/ companies/ others to sell its product i.e. Bullion for a period mentioned in the tender document based on competitive bidding process.
The sealed tenders are therefore invited from reputed individuals/firms/ companies/ others in two cover system. The interested bidders may participate by downloading the bid documents from the company’s website to 15.03.2017. The tender forms have to be submitted separately in sealed covers in 2 parts viz. Part-I as Technical Bid & Part-II as Price Bid on or before15.03.2017 at 17.30 hrs at the above mentioned company’s address. Both Part-I and Part-II bids are to be submitted as per the instructions contained in the bid documents together with EMD of Rs.10.00 lakhs.
A pre-bid conference so as to provide additional information, if any, required for the prospective tenderers is scheduled to be held at the office of HGML at the above address on 27.02.2017 at 11.00 hrs.
The calendar of events of this tender are as under:
1)Uploading of tender document by HGML
in its website 15.02.2017 (12.00 hrs)
2)Pre-bid conference at HGML Office, Bengaluru as above- 27.02.2017 (11.00 hrs)
3)Last date of submission of tender documents - 15.03.2017 (17.30 hrs)
4)Opening of Bids- 18.03.2017 (12.00 hrs)
For further details please contact the Executive Director (Corp. Affairs)/Administrative Officer at the above address or through phone no.080-2570 5723/4/5.
Managing Director
FY 2017-18
Uploading of tender document by - 15.02.2017
HGML in its website (12.00 hrs)
Pre-bid Conference at HGML Office - 27.02.2017
Bengaluru (11.00 hrs)
Last date for submission of tender - 15.03.2017
documents (17.30 hrs)
Opening of bids - 18.03.2017
(A Govt. of Karnataka Undertaking)
Regd. Office : No 3rd Floor, KHB Shopping Complex,
National Games Village, Koramangala,
Phone: 25705723/25705724/25705725/ Fax: 25718365
Email : , Website:
(To be submitted in a separate sealed cover only)
Name of the Tenderer.
Nature of Business.
Address of the Factory/Unit.
Whether proprietor/firm/Company/ others
In case of firms, furnish details of partners along with deed of partnership.In the case of a Company, furnish details of directors and a copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association.
In the case of others, please specify the constitution and provide related documents, in support of the same.
Contact Nos. and email id’s with website details
Are you dealing in any business with the HGML ?
Furnish the details, if any, of the relatives working as employees or officers of the HGML?
Are you related to any of the Directors of the HGML ?
Have you been black listed by the HGML anytime in the past ?
Are you willing to abide by the terms and conditions of tender ?
Any other relevant information the tenderer may desire to state.
Name and Address of the Bankers.
Income Tax PAN Number (enclose a copy).
Enclose a copy of latest Income Tax return (AY 2016-17 i.e. FY 2015-16)
The Hutti Gold Mines Co. Ltd.
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Provide Registration Numbers (VAT, CST) and enclose the photocopies of the same.Have you enclosed pay order/DD for EMD of Rs.10.00 lakhs as part of technical bid (Part-I)?. If so, please provide the details of the same. (Please refer clause 37 of the general terms and conditions of the tender in this regard).
Enclose latest audited Accounts –
FY 2013-14
FY 2014-15
FY 2015-16
Financial details ( lakhs)
a)Turnover FY 2013-14
FY 2014-15
FY 2015-16
b)Profitability FY 2013-14
FY 2014-15
FY 2015-16
(Note: As per clause 6 of the general terms and conditions of tender, the minimum annual turnover requirement is Rs.100 cr. so as to qualify for technical bid)
Are you willing to furnish Security Deposit of Rs.50.00 lakhs on being considered as successful bidder, as per clause 38, of the general terms and conditions of the tender ?
Do you agree that the tenderers who qualify in technical bids i.e. Part-I only, will be considered for opening of the financial bids i.e. Part II.
We, the undersigned, do hereby, solemnly declare that the entries made in this application are true to the best of our knowledge and belief and also that we shall be bound by the acts of duly constituted attorney who signed this application and of any other person who in future shall be appointed by us in his place to carry on business of the concern whether or not an intimation of such changes is given to the Managing Director, Hutti Gold Mines Company Limited, Bengaluru. We do hereby confirm that we have read and understood HGML’s General conditions of contract and agree to abide by the same in all respects. We also undertake to communicate promptly to the Managing Director of the Company all subsequent changes in condition or working of the firm, affecting the accuracy of the answers now given hereunder.
Date : Signature of the Proprietor/Partners/
Directors/ManagingDirector/Constituted Attorney.
Name ……………………………………………………………
(A Govt. of Karnataka Undertaking)
Regd. Office : No 3rd Floor, KHB Shopping Complex,
National Games Village, Koramangala,
Phone: 25705723/25705724/25705725/ Fax: 25718365
Email : , Website:
(To be submitted in a separate sealed cover only)
1 /
Name of the Company/Firm
2 / Head Office Address3 / Branch/Regional Office Address
4 / Contact Nos. and email id’s with website details
5 / Estimated Quantity that can be lifted in a week (in
6 / Maximum amount up to which bullion can be purchased in
a week (indicate Rupees in lakhs).
7 / Your confirmation to make advance payment in full as per
invoice before delivery
8 / Whether Bank/RTGS/TT charges shall be borne by you ?
9 / Your willingness to attend the negotiation if required on Commercial terms may be indicated.
10 / Your confirmation to buy bullion as per clause 7 of the general terms & conditions of the tender
11 / Quote/offer your discount rate in percentage (%) basis to the average price calculated as per clause 7 read with clause 8 of the general terms and conditions of the tender. The offer shall be on percentage (%) basis only and in both words and figures, so as to have uniformity in evaluation of the tender and selection of the tenderer for sale of Bullion thereon.
I/We have gone through the General Conditions of tender document & hereby undertake to abide by the same.
Signature of the proprietor/ Partners /
Managing Director
Place: ______Name: ………..…….………….
Date: ______Designation: …..………………
(A Govt. of Karnataka Undertaking)
Regd. Office : No 3rd Floor, KHB Shopping Complex,
National Games Village, Koramangala,
Phone: 25705723/25705724/25705725/ Fax: 25718365
Email : Website:
1.The Hutti Gold Mines Company Limited, is a Company registered under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The Company is a Government Company and is engaged in mining and production of Gold in Karnataka.
2.The Gold is produced in bullion form with fine gold content ranging from 890(Eight Hundred and Ninety) to 920 (Nine Hundred and Twenty) parts per 1000 (One Thousand) and 70 (Seventy) to 125 (One Hundred and Twenty Five) parts of fine silver. The purity of the bullion bars in terms of gold and silver put together varies from 98.3 (Ninety Eight point Three) per cent to 99.6 (Ninety Nine point Six) percent and most of the bars, the occurrences is plus 99 (Ninety Nine) per cent. These are only indicative specifications and shall not be construed as standard or assured specifications.
3.Presently, about 120 to 150 kilograms of Gold per month is produced at its mines, situated at Hutti, Raichur District.The annual production of gold may be in the order of 1.5 to 2.00 MT, and similar quantity may be considered for sale during the year/period of contract for sale of bullion.
4.The Company is desirous of selling bullion by tender initially for a period of one year between 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018reserving liberty/option with the company to extend the same for another period, maximum of one year. However, after the initial period of one year, option will be given to the purchaser to accept the offer of extension by the Company. However, the Company is also not under any obligation to offer extension. The Company reserves the right to go for divisible arrangement/s for sale of bullion. It also reserves it rights to reduce the period of contract any time during the currency of agreement of sale, without assigning any reasons in this regard.
5.A deed of agreement for sale of bullion will be executed by HGML with the successful bidder/s. A copy of the draft deed of agreement, annexed herewith, will form part of this tender.
6.Tenders are hereby invited only from reputed individuals/firms/companies/othershaving annual turnover of not less than Rs.100 crores in any of the previous three years between FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16.
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7.The pricingof gold portion in Bullion will be based on weekly average rate(Monday to Friday). The weekly average rate will be calculated based on the simple average of closing prices of standard gold of 999 purity as published by India Bullion and Jewellers’ Association Ltd. Mumbai (IBJA) [(earlier Bombay Bullion Association (BBA)]for sale and delivery on Saturday. Normallydelivery will be made on Saturday but in case of delay the same will be delivered on next working day.
In case of silver, only closing priceon respective Friday of IBJAwill be considered for sale/invoicing on Saturday.
The formula to arrive at the price of Gold and Silver shall be as follows:
Gold Price = Weekly simple averageof closing gold
rates(999 purity) of IBJA(Mon to Fri) x 1000 999
Silver Price = Closingsilver rate(999 purity) of
respective Friday of IBJA x 1000
The rate so arrived at is inclusive of ED but exclusive of VAT and other taxes if any imposed by Govt. from time to time. In case of introduction of GST by the Govt., the applicable rate of taxes will be charged by the Company and are payable by the party accordingly.
8.The Bullion will be considered for sale at the average price calculated as per clause 7 above and by allowing discount to the average price. The tenderer shall therefore quote/offer the discount on percentage basis to the price determined as per para 7 above and most competitive rate i.e. the lowest discount rate may be considered for evaluation purposes and selection of tenderer for sale of Bullion thereon. The discount rate offered by you shall be all inclusive including refinery losses/ other applicable charges.
9.The Managing Director, HGML reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
10.In the event of immediate non-availability of rate at IBJA, the pricing of Gold and Silver will be made based on the previous weeks average ratesfor both gold and silver + 5% additional amount thereon, which shall be payable in full before delivery of bullion. The difference if any shall be payable or refundable after the IBJA rates are made available. In the event of non-availability of rate/s at all, if any, the decision of the Managing Director, HGMLof the company shall be final and binding on the parties.
11.The bullion will be delivered at the Company’s Registered Office, which is presently situated at, 3rd Floor, KHB Shopping Complex, National Games Village, Koramangala, Bangalore -560 047 or at the designated delivery place as may be agreed upon mutually.
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12.The title to the goods will be passed on to the buyer when the delivery challan is duly executed /accepted and the liability of the HGML ceases thereafter.
13.The delivery of the goods will be made only after the full sale amount as per invoice is credited to HGML’s Bank Account, the details of which are mentioned here under at Sl. No.20.
14.The authorized person of the buyer will take possession of the goods at the Registered Office of the Company or such other place mutually agreed upon but at Bengaluru or Hutti only.
15.Transportation, insurance, security and other incidental charges will be borne by HGML up to the aforesaid designated point of delivery only. When once the delivery is made, the risk is deemed to have passed on to the buyer.
16.The title to the goods shall be deemed to have been passed on to the buyer at the point of delivery, viz., Registered Office of the Company or at the designated delivery place as agreed upon mutually.
17.Sale would be concluded in Karnataka State only.
18.The delivery will be in the form of Bars (ingots) only. Each bar will be weighing about 5 (Five) to 10 (Ten) Kilograms and in a few cases, the weight of the bar/s mayvary these limits.
19.Each bar will be embossed with a specific number for identification and delivery purposes.
20.The buyer will arrange to deposit the money with HGML, Syndicate Bank, National Games Village Branch, Koramangala,Bengaluru based as per the amount of the invoice, at least one day in advance of delivery. The Company will reserve its right to change the name of the bank for transfer of funds. The details of the bank for RTGS purpose are as under :
1 / Beneficiary’s Name / The Hutti Gold Mines Co. Ltd.2 / Bank’s Name and Branch / Syndicate Bank (Flexi Super CA)
National Games Village Branch,
Koramangala, Bengaluru - 47
3 / Beneficiary’s Account No. / 04763210000010
4 / RTGS Code of the Bank / SYNB0000476
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21.The bars will be delivered only after HGML is satisfied that the credit for the invoice amount is effected by the Banker to the HGML’s account. In the event of credit not forthcoming due to delays, the HGML shall not be responsible and the delivery shall be made only after full proceeds are credited and no part delivery shall be made. In such cases, the price prevailing on the day of delivery, if it is higher than the intended date of delivery, but not delivered for the said reasons would be applicable, the buyer is bound to pay the difference amount before taking the delivery. In the event of price found to be lower than the agreed price on the designated date of delivery, the price on the designated date of delivery shall be taken into consideration.
22.In the event of parties making advance payments for delivery, the Company is not liable to pay interest on such advances. Similarly, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, wherein delivery by HGML could not be made, the parties shall not be entitled to claim interest or loss or damages as the case may be.
23.All deliveries by the Company accompanied by way of a delivery challan indicating therein quantity of fine gold and fine silver in grams shall be duly signed by the authorized person of the buyer.
24.The sale of bullion may be effected on weekly basis in the normal course. The company reserves its rights for not to effect any sale during any week and such decision is binding on the party/s.
25.The Tender/s will be opened after verification of compliances as per tender document in the presence of the tenderers present on the day and time fixed herein.
26.The ingot(s)/bar(s) so delivered shall be weighed and assayed by the Company at its Mines at Hutti and the weighment/assay so made, shall be final, binding and conclusive on the buyer. The buyer shall sign in the copy of the delivery challan in token of acceptance of the same. However, in exceptional cases, the Managing Director, HGML may, where significant variation is reported, subject the samples for second assaying at Hutti. In such cases, intimation shall be given by the parties within 2 days of receipt of the ingot(s)/Bar(s) and the authorized representative of HGML shall be sent immediately. The authorized representative shall take the 2nd sample in the presence of the parties after duly identifying the bar number etched on the bar. The expenditure incurred on travel, accommodation and other incidentals shall be met by the buyer. Normally, such 2nd sampling will be resorted to only when the assay value discrepancy exceeds 0.4% (Zero point Four). However, HGML shall not undertake to entertain any claims or losses or damages on account such differences and the decision of the Managing Director is final and conclusive in this regard.
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27.When counter terms and conditions of business are offered by a tenderer, the Company shall not be deemed to be governed by such terms and conditions unless specific written acceptance thereof has been given by the Company.
28.No conditions and terms, notice of which has not been given in this enquiry by the tenderers submitting quotations, will be considered by the Company, if put forward in subsequent correspondence, after acceptance of orders, etc.
29.For the purpose of this Tender, the word “Company” means the Hutti Gold Mines Company Limited.
30.The agreement may be brought to an end by giving three months clear notice on either side and the parties shall discharge their obligations during the notice period as per the terms and conditions of the agreement.
31.The agreement / tender shall be concluded subject to such necessary corporate, legal and other approvals or sanctions as may be required under the various laws.
32.When an agreement is entered into by the buyer with the Company, the contents shall be kept confidential and the parties shall not disclose or produce the same to or before any other party except with the mutual consent of the parties or as may be required by any law. The parties shall not issue press releases or statements without mutual consent.
33.Discount rate quoted as per clause 8 above should be valid for acceptance of the Company for a minimum of 90 days from the last date fixed for submission of the tenderdocuments i.e. w.e.f. 15.03.2017.
34.Quotation should be free from corrections, over-writings, etc., otherwise, the same will be rejected by the Company.
35.The tender forms have to be submitted separately in sealed covers in two parts viz. Part-I as Technical bid & Part-II as Financial Bid/Price bid on or before the last day for submission of tender documents i.e. 15.03.2017 (17.30 hrs). Both the sealed bids should be put in a separate cover and sealed and superscribed as confidential cover for “Sale of Gold/Silver” and addressed to the Managing Director, HGML at Regd. Office as above.