1 Credit

Spring 2008

Instructor:Connie Zeller

Time:Friday - 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., and Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Dates:February 1st, and February 2nd, 2008

Location:HighTechCenter – Room 123

Contact Info:Office (775) 753-1222, Fax (775) 777-1601

1020 Ruby Vista Drive Suite 101

Elko, NV 89801


No textbook required. Packets of information will be provided.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:This class introduces Apprentices to the process of Apprenticeship, and gives an overview of developing a career in Early Childhood education. Students will develop skills in communication, both written and oral. Apprentices will analyze the role of ethics, professionalism, and leadership in the Early Childhood Field.


  1. The students will be able to demonstrate an awareness of defining the roles and responsibilities of the Apprentice and their Mentor.
  2. The students will be able to identify skills in communication, both written and oral, that will enhance the quality of work in the childcare field.
  3. The students will be able to identify learning and leadership styles and how these styles affect the classroom.
  4. The students will be able to define ethical issues and describe characteristics of professional behavior in Early Childhood Education.

These objectives will be met by a variety of learning experiences and provided information. This information will include reading material and handouts, class activities, lectures and discussions, as well as a video and a power point presentation.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: This class is only required for those Apprentices who are officially enrolled in the Nevada Child Care Apprenticeship Program.

The instructor reserves the right to add/delete assignments in order to fully meet the needs of the students.

  1. Attendance and Participation: Students should plan to attend and be ready to participate in class. Arriving late and/or leaving early disrupts the entire class, so please plan to arrive and leave on time. Because of the short duration of this class, full attendance will be required in order for the student to receive a passing grade.
  1. Group Activities: There will be several group activities, and participation is required in order to receive credit for this class.
  1. Assignments: Assignments are expected to be returned to the instructor by the due date given. No late assignments will be accepted unless previously authorized by the instructor due to extenuating circumstances.


DateTopic Assignments/Class Tools

February 1Review Class Syllabus

Apprenticeship Process- Complete in Class

Overall Roles and ResponsibilitiesApprentice Goals/ Action Plan

of Apprentices and MentorsApprenticeship Video and Power Point

Program HistoryPresentation


Learning Styles

Leadership Roles Group Activity

February 2Review of class schedule

Professionalism & EthicsIn Class Group Activity-

Case Studies in Ethics

Early Childhood Professional ResumeDue by February 15, 2008


This class is required to complete the Nevada Child Care Apprenticeship Program and to receive the Child Development Specialist Certification:

Action Plan 50 Points

Group Activities 100 Points

Professional Resume 100 Points

250 Points

Assignments 250Points

Attendance & Participation _50Points
300 Total Points






FBelow 60%

Assignment Descriptions

1. Hand Written Assignments: Assignments that are completed in class must be done in blue or black ink and must be legible.

2. Spelling and Grammar Count: Points will be deducted for spelling and grammatical errors. Remember to ask for help and have other peers or your mentor read your work before you hand it in. Tutors at the WritingCenter are also available to assist you with this assignment.

3. Professional Resume: The resume must be typed. Various styles of resumes will be covered in class. Students will use the information including personal skills inventory, action verbs, resume formats, and resume styles to complete a resume. It should include a heading, job objective, education, job experience, skills, and references. It should be no more than 1 page. Points will be deducted for spelling/grammatical errors as these take away from your professional image.

5. Group Activities: Each student must participant in each group activity and make sure their name is on the assignment. These assignments are to be done in class and will include feedback from each student.

6. Action Plan : This assignment is to be completed in class, and will assess and define the student’s goals as well as develop some action steps for reaching these goals.

Objectives Met Through
Course Assignments / Student Outcomes
(Outcomes are listed on page 1)
Action Plan / 1,2
Group Activities / 3,4
Professional Resume / 2,4

ADA Statement

GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.