English I Pre-AP Syllabus
Ms. Pohlman
Welcome to English I – please be sure to keep this sheet and use it to find information about our class website, contacting me, expectations for the course, and policies that we will follow for the year.
Course Description:
This is an advanced level concept-based course designed to explore writers of various genres, including, but not limited to: short stories, novels, poetry, essays and non-fiction. Composition and research are integral parts of this course.
What You Can Expect in This Class:
· This course is designed and taught in a way that will prepare you for AP Lang and AP Lit courses that you will take during your 11th and 12th grade years. As such, expect to have a work load that is beyond that of the typical English I course. The literature and assignments will be more challenging and more rigorous. There are numerous benefits to taking a Pre AP course, but just as in life, all benefits come from hard work.
Major Components
o Increased rigor
o 21st Century Skills
o Emphasis on writing
o Inclusion of numerous uses of technology
o Challenging texts
· All essays will be turned in on our electronic system called TurnItIn.com – this system checks for material that has been borrowed from other sources without proper credit given to that source. You will receive more information on this later, but please be aware that you will need access to the internet to submit papers. No paper will be accepted if it is not electronically submitted.
· EOC exams – All 9th grades English classes will be preparing for the state required EOC exam which is typically administered in March.
· Grading: Grades will consist of essays, classroom discussion, quizzes, tests, projects and other assignments. All assignments should have your name, the date and the class period clearly marked in the upper left hand corner. Essays must be typed (you will need to work out a way to utilize the writing lab if you do not have access to a computer at home). Parents may access student grades and attendance through Infinite Campus Viewer
· Grading Scale: 100-90 = A, 89-80 = B, 79-70=C, 69-60=D, 59-0 = F
· Semester Grade Components: 1st Quarter – 40%, 2nd Quarter – 40%, Final Exam = 20%
Class Expectations:
ü Keep up with the class. This will NOT be a course where you can fall behind and play catch-up.
ü To help you keep up and know what you have missed if you were absent, or to pull copies of assignments that are available electronically, access the classes Edmodo page. To access and join my Edmodo Classes, go to: http://edmodo.com/mspohlman You will be asked to enter a group code. Our code is: x065x1. From Edmodo, you may access the calendar and copies of the assignments. This code is only valid for one week – so don’t put off joining the class.
ü Late assignments – As a basic rule, your work ethic in a Pre AP class should not be one in which turning in late assignments becomes a habit, of any sort. However, in the event that the need arises and you need extended time for an assignment, please discuss it with me. As a general rule of thumb, 20% is deducted for late work unless there are unavoidable extenuating circumstances.
You can also follow me on Twitter for updates and reminders at VickiPohlman
Students and Parents –
We use technology for a lot of skill reviews, project work, and submitting essays. Please take a couple of minutes to respond to the questions below so that I have a better idea regarding your son or daughter’s access to technology. I appreciate your time with this.
Mobile Technology
1. _____ My son/daughter has a mobile device (Smartphone, iPod Touch, iPad, or other device) that can be used to access the internet or utilize free learning apps within the classroom.
2. ____ My son or daughter either does not have a device, or has a limited data plan, so I prefer it not be used within the classroom.
Home Technology
1. _____We have a home computer and internet capabilities, and my son or daughter can access this to check the class web page, complete assignments, and practice for tests.
2. _____ We have a home computer that my son or daughter can use for typing, printing, etc., but there is not internet access.
3. _____ We either do not have a home computer or internet access, but we have means of getting our son or daughter to a library or friends house to use theirs.
Students –
Do you have knowledge of: ____ iMovie or ____Movie Maker, or ____ I’d be completely lost?
Parents, please sign below to ensure that you have read and understand the classroom procedures, and have discussed these with your child.
Thank you –
Ms. Pohlman
Parent Signature ______
Student Signature ______
Any comments or questions? Please feel free to put those here: